Tax the educated!

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

Getting tired of the people who think they're special just because they have a sheepskin.

Oh! I have a PhD and I'm on the city council. Like the recent video someone just posted about the woman who's Thanksgiving was going to be ruined because her child and friends were stopped by the police and how those kids were PhD's.

If that higher education is so special feel free to pay a higher tax since you want special privileges.

How about 5% more for a Bachelors, 15% more for a Masters, and 30% more for a Doctorate at the local, state, and federal, level?

Want to be special???

Just check that new box on your tax form about what kind of sheepskin you have.

^^^That's special^^^



What's the matter??? Ya' all don't like progressive tax reform?

Those making more money because they're better educated and "special" should have to pay more.

Isn't that what the progressives claim should happen to businessmen with wealth?


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I could certainly imagine plenty of Trumpsters getting behind this one.
Actually it should be the opposite. You should get a tax break by becoming better educated. Since by doing so, you are less likely to be unemployed, and more likely to make more money, and through that pay higher taxes.

The better educated are least likely to use social services like welfare or medicaid, thus not be a burden upon society during their lifetime. With the cost of higher education, they should get a break to offset the cost.

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