Tawana Brawley the 1987 Rape LIAR finally starts paying what she owes.

It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton owes this man money as well. He claims he has none, that his clothes, home, cars belongs to others that let him use them. I hope this man can collect from the Sharpton Fraud.
It seems a bit much to go after her for something she did as a child. I would blame the adults around her more than her.

Yes, she instigated the whole thing by lying to start with, but frankly, I blame Sharpton and his bunch.

if I recall she was 15....now, if I recall correctly, we've been told that that 15 is old enough to understand and responsibly use abortifacient drugs, but, now a 15 yo. doesn't know what a lie is?

getdafugouttahere :rolleyes:
typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

And that makes him contemptable. And it's a tragedy that MSNBC fired the pretty sensible Cenk Ugnyer and hired this demagogue.
There's another person who should "pay up": Al Sharpton.

His appalling Race Baiting and promotion of Tawana caused enormous damage, and yet he has profited handsomely from it over past 25 years.
typical liarberal reply, "a child"..? a little lying bitch she did NOT have to go along with the made up lie, Sharpkoon knew it was a lie, but wanted to stir up more racial hate :up: blame begins at the source Tawana Bitch !

Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

^^^ This is the correct motorcycle.
Oh clever..

Racial epithet.

And no, Sharpton had no idea she was lying. He jumped the gun on this event. And he was dead wrong about it.

Sharpton learned early on that her story was bogus. He had total access to the girl and only needed to ask a few questions to figure out what was going on

Instead, Sharpton manipulated the situation for political gain and accused a man he knew was innocent of a horrid crime

^^^ This is the correct motorcycle.
As I recall, one of the accused committed suicide after he was wrongly accused by team Sharpton

A suicide Sharpton claimed proved guilt
No...but it would be fitting for Brawley. Her exact words: "False accusations of rape should be punished with crucifixion." She considers what Brawley did on the same level as a child molester or a serial killer.
the Rev. Al Sharpton, and attorneys C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox — have already paid, or are paying, their defamation debt. But Brawley, 41, had eluded punishment.

So in other words the *ssholes that pushed her into this situation made enough money to pay off the lawsuit and are doing just fine but are leaving her hanging for her portion without concern. Talk about being used, this girl got butt f*cked by her race baiters she should sue them.
Rape is the most falsely accused crime in america. A third of the "victims" are just prostitutes that didn't get paid . Another third are just gold-diggers trying to get money out of an innocent rich man.

Brawley should have been locked up for 50 years.
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The Brawley case was never more than a teenaged girl who stayed out longer than she was supposed to and made up a "I was kidnapped and raped by white men" story to cover up

After the initial week of shock, she should have faded into obscurity once her story unraveled. But Sharpton, Maddox and crew seized the story, played the media and ruined the lives of some innocent men just to make a name for themselves
No...but it would be fitting for Brawley. Her exact words: "False accusations of rape should be punished with crucifixion." She considers what Brawley did on the same level as a child molester or a serial killer.

Didn't think so. Perhaps she should try it before she goes around wishing it on other people?

What Brawley did was about as despicable and loathsome as it gets, it ruined a man's life for a time, it set back race relations, it made one particular race baiter famous, and it effected women nation wide. Still, knowing more than one victim of rape, I would wish it on no one. It is a violent, vicious crime than takes years, years, from which to recover, if ever.

Prison would have served her well, the fine is good, though I doubt it will ever be paid in full.

But rape as a punishment? No. You can keep it... And anyone who suggests such a thing.
My wife has said several times that justice would be her actually BEING raped.

That's gruesome. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. She was really young when this all happened and she did some really stupid things as kids do. Nonetheless, she should pay for the rest of her life for ruining the lives of those men and even more so for avoiding her responsibility for so long. Yeah, fuck her....but not literally.
Glad they tracked her down. Sounds like if she just admitted the truth, the guy would cut her some slack.

Lying about a rape is one of the worst things you can do in my opinion.

More evidence that the Truth will set you free.
Years after she was order to pay, and thanks to The Post who found her working under a false name, her pay checks are finally being garnished.

It's about time.

?87 rape hoaxer Tawana Brawley begins paying defamation damages 25 years later - NYPOST.com

Twenty-five years after accusing an innocent man of rape, Tawana Brawley is finally paying for her lies.

Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to ex-prosecutor Steven Pagones — the first payments Brawley has made since a court determined in 1998 that she defamed him with her vicious hoax.

A Virginia court this year ordered the money garnisheed from six months of Brawley’s wages as a nurse there.

She still owes Pagones $431,000 in damages. And she remains defiantly unapologetic.

“It’s a long time coming,” said Pagones, 52, who to this day is more interested in extracting a confession from Brawley than cash.

“Every week, she’ll think of me,” he told The Post. “And every week, she can think about how she has a way out — she can simply tell the truth.”

Brawley’s advisers in the infamous race-baiting case — the Rev. Al Sharpton, and attorneys C. Vernon Mason and Alton Maddox — have already paid, or are paying, their defamation debt. But Brawley, 41, had eluded punishment.

She’s now forced to pay Pagones $627 each month, possibly for the rest of her life. Under Virginia law, she can appeal the wage garnishment every six months.

“Finally, she’s paying something,” said Pagones’ attorney, Gary Bolnick. “Symbolically, I think it’s very important — you can’t just do this stuff without consequences.”

Pagones filed for the garnishment with the circuit court in Surry County, Va., in January, a few weeks after The Post tracked down Brawley to tiny Hopewell, Va.

Before The Post came knocking, not even her own co-workers knew she was the teen behind the spectacular 1987 case.

“I don’t want to talk to anyone about that,” Brawley growled after a Post reporter confronted her about her sordid past in December.

Employing aliases including Tawana Thompson and Tawana Gutierrez, she leads a relatively normal life by all appearances, residing in a neat brick apartment complex and working as a licensed practical nurse at The Laurels of Bon Air in Richmond.

She should be sentenced to serve a jail sentence equal to the maximum time Pagones could have been sentenced to if he had been convicted.

"Reverand" Al Sharpton should have also been sentenced that way. He should be forced to voice an admittance to the lies he told every time he opens his mouth in public

I pretty much agree except that she was a 15 year old kid when all this happened. Ever think she was coerced into this by someone? Maybe her parents? Honestly, I have no clue as to the truth, but it should make you think. Did she really come up with the idea all on her own?
derp derp derp AL SHARTPTON derpy

Sharpton believed someone who said they were raped. What kinda person does that?

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