Tapeworms found in brain of US man who ate undercooked bacon

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Firstly undercooked bacon just sounds like a disease waiting to happen.

Secondly, washing your hands after having a shit is just good hygeine practice.

Anti vaxxers hate being told what to do but this is just good science. Just wash your hands FFS.
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Firatly undercooked bacon just sounds like a disease waiting to happen.

Secondly, washing your hands after having a shit is just good hygeine practice.

Anti vaxxers hate being told what to do but this is just good science. Just wash your hands FFS.

From your link, you racist fuck:

Although the disease occurs globally, its highest rates of infection are found in areas of Latin America, Asia and Africa that have poor sanitation and free-ranging pigs with access to human feces, the CDC reports.

Firatly undercooked bacon just sounds like a disease waiting to happen.

Secondly, washing your hands after having a shit is just good hygeine practice.

Anti vaxxers hate being told what to do but this is just good science. Just wash your hands FFS.

"Firatly"? I really want to know what "firatly" means.

Other than that, your post is acceptably paranoid. The subject has NOTHING to do with vaccines.



I think I might remember correctly----I saw a case long ago (when I was
young)-----cystercerc can be contracted just by walking barefoot in
contaminated places and swimming in contaminated water----you don't have to eat raw pork
There are a lot of could, possibly, and May’s in that article for it to be taken seriously.
The WEF is sending out their shills and bots to make threads like this to prep Americans for their coming private livestock ownership bans.

America, get ready to turn in your livestock to the WEF/Democrats.

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