Taliban Wake 'Woke' Biden and His Generals To The Fact Global Warming & White Supremacy Are NOT Their Biggest Threats


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dear President Biden, Gen Milley, Secretary of Defense Austin , and Democrats, THIS is your Wake-Up Call from your 'Woke' state of slumber - Global Warming and White Supremacy are NOT your 'Biggest Threats'!

After this humiliating defeat at the hands of the Taliban who drove the US military out of Afghanistan, in the middle of the night, and so fast that they left behind some 40,000 US citizens stranded and at the 'mercy' of the terrorists....

'In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense would resign. We have heard for too long their careerist boasts about assigning climate change as their chief challenge. For too long they have virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials to Congress. For too long they have bragged about rooting out alleged white supremacists from their ranks. For too long they have sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials.

In other words, they sermonized on anything and everything — except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies.'

In bi-partisan unity that none could comprehend just weeks ago both Republicans and Democrats are calling on Joe Biden to resign after the 'humiliating' failed attempted exit from Afghanistan. Even liberal media like CNN is brutally criticizing President Biden's 'historic', 'epic' failure many are calling 'Saigon 2.0'. Even our closest ally, Britain, today held President Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament' for his 'disastrous' execution of the pull-out of Afghanistan that has left thousands stranded.

The American-nurtured Afghan military of the last 20 years that had suffered thousands of prior casualties evaporated in a few hours in the encirclement of Kabul.

Enlistees apparently calculated that their own meager chances with the premodern Taliban were still better than fighting as a dependency of the postmodern United States — despite its powerful diversity training programs.

Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon and politically weaponized intelligence communities.

Why not, when President Joe Biden trashes both American frackers and the Saudis — only to beg the Kingdom to rush to export more of its hated oil before the U.S. midterms?

Why not, when Biden asks Russia’s Vladimir Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less rowdy in their selection of U.S. targets?

And why not, when our own military jousts with the windmills of “white supremacy” as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly racist nation?

For people who claimed to be 'woke', Democrats - Biden, Milley, Austin, Democrats - were caught sleep-walking through some Marxist dream-state by the Taliban who seized on the opportunity to pounce on an already-proven weak President and administration, dictating the events and conditions of what was going on in Afghanistan.

Biden, Milley, and Austin were focused on their perceived Top Threats of Global Warming, White Supremacy, & CRT...and when they looked up they found the US military presence in Afghanistan, as dictated by the Taliban was the airport in Kabul where thousands of US citizens (approximately a third still in Afghanistan) who had been left behind when the military pulled out were crying out for help to get out. They awoke to the reality that the Taliban had been far greater, more immediate threats to the US than Global Warming, White Supremacy, & CRT....a threat they had ignored until it was too late.

I disagree.

I think that the political opponents of the DNC are a far greater threat to their power than the Taliban.

Sure, the Taliban may create another 9/11, or worse, but they will still be in power so they don't care.
How many Americans are more concerned about white supremacists more than the Taliban? Democrats and their media will definitely fan the fires to keep up the perception.
I do not feel threatened by the Taliban in the slightest.

I don’t know why anyone would.

Pure ignorance. Fat and happy Democrats in the US will be our downfall. If you are black, do you feel threatened by white supremacists? If you are white? It is amazing what the American public will fall for.
Pure ignorance. Fat and happy Democrats in the US will be our downfall. If you are black, do you feel threatened by white supremacists? If you are white? It is amazing what the American public will fall for.
You realize that the Taliban is in Afghanistan and that's like a whole 'nother country?

Lot more white supremacists in this country than Taliban.
You realize that the Taliban is in Afghanistan and that's like a whole 'nother country?

Lot more white supremacists in this country than Taliban.

Actually, you may be surprised. There are not very many white supremacist's in this country and an even smaller amount that are dangerous. The Taliban likely already has plenty of folks in this country who are willing to martyr themselves. Many more likely to come over claiming to be Afghan refugees, others could just mosey on over the Southern border as they please thanks to Democrat's idiocy. You are foolish to think otherwise and even more foolish to believe that white supremacists represent any real threat to the US. It is astonishing that people actually believe that political drivel.
Pure ignorance. Fat and happy Democrats in the US will be our downfall. If you are black, do you feel threatened by white supremacists? If you are white? It is amazing what the American public will fall for.

No, the Taliban are probably the single least corrupt government in the world.
They actually do not lie, cheat, or steal, which makes them vastly superior to all other world governments.

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