Taking Back the University


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Taking Back the University

By Jack Cashill


Out of insecurity perhaps, Purdue's liberal arts departments have clung even more desperately to progressive orthodoxy than their hipper counterparts in places like Madison and Bloomington. Even in a conservative state like Indiana, rightists need not have applied.

Purdue trustees signaled a change in the air this summer when they chose Republican governor Mitch Daniels to become the university's next president. Responding to the change, an ambitious student named Hillary Cherry started a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Purdue.

"I have a clear vision of exactly what I need to do on my campus," said Cherry at the beginning of the semester. "Ready or not, Purdue University is about to become a conservative battleground!" It was Cherry's newly formed YAF that invited me, and Purdue's Development office that facilitated the invite.


Once up to speed, students can take on their profs in class. This should be fun. If they cannot straighten out a professor themselves, they have every right as consumers to expose the imbalance and protest it. These protests, if executed in the right spirit, will have the side effect of empowering other students who might have thought submission the only reasonable strategy.

But submission is so Obama era! Hillary Cherry has another idea. She wants to fight. She wants to make Purdue a "battleground." If she and her allies succeed, if they can turn Purdue into the Concord of a new American revolution, conservatives all across America, alums or not, will start writing checks. Boiler up, Hillary! The battle is joined.

Read more: Articles: Taking Back the University
I think that's a great idea, I mean the side with the biggest group the ones that can take over, can decide what are the real truths. And then if the other side comes back with an even bigger group the other side's real truths can be taught. Two or maybe even more sets of real truths, sounds good to me. In fact, it sounds sort of like the boards.
Hell, why stop there? Let's make every nook and cranny of the world a battleground. It seems to be the only metaphor for confronting issues anyway. Fuck reason and common ground. Let's you and me rassle instead.

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