Take a peek who is running for highest office right now, in real terms


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Trump: Most accomplished POTUS since at least FDR.
Biden: Come-on man! No notable accomplishments.

Trump: Tells you how he feels.
Biden: Tells you what he thinks his base wants to hear & political jargon.

Trump: Sharp & shrewd, has lots of energy, doesn't even drink.
Biden: Ah come-on man! Look, 500 billion people have COVID, 50 million deaths and Trump kept it a secret.

Trump: Built an empire producing many jobs.
Biden: Ah come-on man! I'm a seasoned career politician and here's the truth.

Trump: Supposed to be racist
Biden: Ah come-on man! you aint black if you don't vote Democrat.

Trump: Original & cares about our country.
Biden: Ah come-on man! everyone plagiarizes.

Trump: Said grab a pussy.
Creepy-Joe : Believes because he's a big-shot he's entitled to paw, sniff and stroke women & young girls.

Trump: Had a Chinese bank account aimed at an overseas venture that never took off.
Biden: Democrat administrations opened trade with China. The Biden boys use the Biden name & influence for shady ventures in China, Russia & Ukraine.

Trump: Wants the country to open with few constraints Vs a illness with under a 1% mortality rate, while the antidote is just around the corner.
Biden: He'll do what Trump already has, and mandate business owners install oil-less plexi-glass on their establishments he'd shut down. He'd also mandate we wear masks all the time. Exception being Biden, when he says he wants to mandate we wear masks all the time.

Pence: Good man and very sharp. He schooled Kamala quite easily, which comes easy when righteousness is in battle with a shady deep-state appointment to be POTUS.
Harris: Slept her way to the top, was even rejected by her own party. She's black & the right gender, but not even black people are impressed.

Trump & Pence: Campaigning while running the country, attracting huge crowds and enthusiasm.
Biden & Harris: Hide in basements. There's so much enthusiasm they attract near 30 people to their events.
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Trump: Most accomplished POTUS since at least FDR.
Biden: Come-on man! No notable accomplishments.

Trump: Tells you how he feels.
Biden: Tells you what he thinks his base wants to hear & political jargon.

Trump: Sharp & shrewd, has lots of energy, doesn't even drink.
Biden: Ah come-on man! Look, 500 billion people have COVID, 50 million deaths and Trump kept it a secret.

Trump: Built an empire producing many jobs.
Biden: Ah come-on man! I'm a seasoned career politician and here's the truth.

Trump: Supposed to be racist
Biden: Ah come-on man! you aint black if you don't vote Democrat.

Trump: Original & cares about our country.
Biden: Ah come-on man! everyone plagiarizes.

Trump: Said grab a pussy.
Creepy-Joe : Believes because he's a big-shot he's entitled to paw, sniff and stroke women & young girls.

Trump: Had a Chinese bank account aimed at an overseas venture that never took off.
Biden: Democrat administrations opened trade with China. The Biden boys use the Biden name & influence for shady ventures in China, Russia & Ukraine.

Trump: Wants the country to open with few constraints Vs a illness with under a 1% mortality rate, while the antidote is just around the corner.
Biden: He'll do what Trump already has, and mandate business owners install plexi-glass on their establishments he'd shut down. He'd also mandate we wear masks all the time. Exception being Biden, when he says he wants to mandate we wear masks all the time.

Pence: Good man and very sharp. He schooled Kamala quite easily, which comes easy when righteousness is in battle with a shady deep-state appointment to be POTUS.
Harris: Slept her way to the top, was even rejected by her own party. She's black & the right gender, but not even black people are impressed.

Trump & Pence: Campaigning while running the country, attracting huge crowds and enthusiasm.
Biden & Harris: Hide in basements. There's so much enthusiasm they attract near 30 people to their events.

But according to the polls, the American people in their "wisdom" are set to elect him as President.
Surely PROGS can defend their choice. They're good honest people, which makes it easy to safeguard their opinions because they're virtuous.
Who else is alarmed the left has instigated ALL the madness this year, from impeachment to COVID to riots, to crime, suicides, drug abuse, and tearing away at our core. Yet those who support Biden suggest Trump is the problem and Biden is our savior? That's not even remotely coherent, it's mass hysteria and demonstrates a severe dumbing down.
The contrast is indeed so clearly obvious. How anyone could even consider voting for Sleepy Joe is incomprehensible. There are just really stupid people out there apparently.
The contrast is indeed so clearly obvious. How anyone could even consider voting for Sleepy Joe is incomprehensible. There are just really stupid people out there apparently.

Yep, and in addition to that many accept their roles as deviants. Blame gadgets, and 24/7 misinformation aimed to soften and dumb us down. Meanwhile humans still feel we're a superior species :abgg2q.jpg:

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