Systemic racism?


Senior Member
Jan 22, 2021
Biden generalized from one case, the Chauvin case in Minneapolis, to "systemic racism" in America. Should we generalize from case of teacher Melissa Ann Andreini, 29, (photo) who paid $1500 for sex with an underage male student, 15, to "systemic sexual misconduct by teachers"? Of course not! A single soldier is not a battalion. In addition, not a word of trial testimony in Chauvin case referred to racism. Civil Rights Division did not enter the case. No "hate crime" was alleged. It was a policeman's wanton disregard for human life, not racism. Is Biden trying to atone for his racism in the past (1994 crime bill) by virtue-signaling his anti-racism?


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Biden, president of the United States just called his own country racist even though we have one of the most liberal LEGAL immigration systems in the world, allowing people to come here and make something out of their lives.

Now I think this is a pretty sad thing for him to do. Selling out his country for political advantage of his party and in doing so he has given our enemies like China leverage to use against us when it comes to anything human rights.

So it has been said that police shooting unarmed blacks is an epidemic but there are some things no one on the Left wants to look at. While it is true the number of unarmed black Americans shot by police is only slightly less than the number of unarmed white Americans and Blacks only make up 15% of the population, it needs to be looked at that the neighborhoods that black people live in are on AVERAGE more dangerous and have more crime that police will need to respond to, and are called on to go to.

Is it racist for me to say that? I say that because of the numbers and thinking about what those numbers mean. Black people are killed by homicide at 13 X that of white Americans... that tells me they are by the numbers living in a more dangerous environment. Thats a huge disparity and has nothing to do with police.

NYC 2018 for example had an African American population of 24% but made up 75% of shooting victims. Both of those stats are much higher than the disparity between unarmed blacks vs unarmed whites shot by police, based on population.

It seems logical to me that Cops need to patrol these areas more based on the crime going on, and then police civilian interactions are going to be much higher between Cops and blacks by percentage vs whites.

With increased interactions in a more violent environment where black people also do not trust police and are inspired to be uncooperative with them, it seems no wonder that mistakes are bound to happen or bad outcomes will happen do to a cops over reaction or a suspects over reaction.

Having said that, 15 to 20 unarmed black people shot and killed in a year is still not an epidemic considering the number of police interactions. It's anything but an epidemic. It's almost bound to happen regardless of the race of the cop.

I have to wonder if Biden bothered to look at these numbers and if he can bring himself to say, the reason black people are being buried young is because of the epidemic of systemic crime in big cities.

It also has been proven by the numbers that when police presence pulls back, crime increases and more black people die. Blaming these problems on systemic racism is one of the lowest dishonest things Biden can do. IMO

The link below is an opinion piece but the stats and numbers are not.

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