Syrian Gives Kerry and Barry the FINGER....


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Assad was supposed to deliver his chemical weapons inventory list this weekend....not gonna happen. Kerry said "no delay would be tolerated" yet his State Dept. has already flinched and backtracked. Assad knows he won't be struck now and has zero motivation to give up anything. This is good in that we the people knew Syria was lost two years ago and an "unbelievably small" cruise-missle attack would just break a lot of plates and furniture. For once our opinion was heard...not by Obama, he couldn't care less what we think. But Congress told him he'd have legal trouble (articles of impeachment) if he bypassed them.

No weapons caches could be hit for fear of spreading their poisonous contents in the breeze. And they're now safely hidden anyway thanks to Barry's 2 week notice of his intentions. So what we didn't want to happen didn't happen but what we did want to happen didn't happen either....our comedy team president and Sec of State showed the world they have no clue about what they're doing and what they say is, and should be, totally ignored.

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So smug, so stupid, so naive, but dam what else is new, these clowns haven't a clue. Just when you thought Carter was a freaking fool you have salt and pepper. So its now Putin and Assad 1, Salt and pepper 0.
As an old coach once said "if you don't have what it takes, don't get in the game"
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So smug, so stupid, so naive, but dam what else is new, these clowns haven't a clue. Just when you thought Carter was a freaking fool you have salt and pepper. So its now Putin and Assad 1, Salt and pepper 0.
As an old coach once said "if you don't have what it takes, don't get in the game"

I had a football coach who before a road game had a player tell him he'd forgot his jock said: "TAPE IT!" :lol: Carter looks like a warmonger compared to the Kenyan and Hanoi Jane's cohort.
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Obama likes to play with lines when it comes to's all about lines.....never ending lines.... ad infinitum......

Assad was supposed to deliver his chemical weapons inventory list this weekend....not gonna happen. Kerry said "no delay would be tolerated" yet his State Dept. has already flinched and backtracked. Assad knows he won't be struck now and has zero motivation to give up anything. This is good in that we the people knew Syria was lost two years ago and an "unbelievably small" cruise-missle attack would just break a lot of plates and furniture. For once our opinion was heard...not by Obama, he couldn't care less what we think. But Congress told him he'd have legal trouble (articles of impeachment) if he bypassed them.

No weapons caches could be hit for fear of spreading their poisonous contents in the breeze. And they're now safely hidden anyway thanks to Barry's 2 week notice of his intentions. So what we didn't want to happen didn't happen but what we did want to happen didn't happen either....our comedy team president and Sec of State showed the world they have no clue about what they're doing and what they say is, and should be, totally ignored.


Would be nice if you got your facts straight. This is not about Obama it is about a factually correct statement.

"Syria has begun detailing its chemical weapons arsenal, releasing an "initial declaration" of its stockpile, a spokesman for the U.N.-backed Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday."

Syria submits 'initial disclosure' of chemical weapons stockpiles -
There was nothing else he could do. How much harm has another broken word done? Barry-o is already a laughing stock. He's like a chihuahua behind a glass door barking at the big dogs on the street.
Reports I am getting say the main weight of the disclosure involves "at least ten cans of Raid" in the storage room of a 7/11 on the corner of east 23rd and 3rd ave in Damascus....Obabble has acknowledged the Pace setting transparency of the Syrian government and also said this could well change his calculus vis a vis Assad himself.
Assad was supposed to deliver his chemical weapons inventory list this weekend....not gonna happen. Kerry said "no delay would be tolerated" yet his State Dept. has already flinched and backtracked. Assad knows he won't be struck now and has zero motivation to give up anything. This is good in that we the people knew Syria was lost two years ago and an "unbelievably small" cruise-missle attack would just break a lot of plates and furniture. For once our opinion was heard...not by Obama, he couldn't care less what we think. But Congress told him he'd have legal trouble (articles of impeachment) if he bypassed them.

No weapons caches could be hit for fear of spreading their poisonous contents in the breeze. And they're now safely hidden anyway thanks to Barry's 2 week notice of his intentions. So what we didn't want to happen didn't happen but what we did want to happen didn't happen either....our comedy team president and Sec of State showed the world they have no clue about what they're doing and what they say is, and should be, totally ignored.


Would be nice if you got your facts straight. This is not about Obama it is about a factually correct statement.

"Syria has begun detailing its chemical weapons arsenal, releasing an "initial declaration" of its stockpile, a spokesman for the U.N.-backed Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday."

Syria submits 'initial disclosure' of chemical weapons stockpiles -

My facts are's your opinion that's a load of crap. Of course this about Obama....this is all about Obama and his "style points" routine....he got his ass backed into a mousetrap and needed PUTIN to drag him out of it....what Assad has declared, if anything, isn't what was demanded by Kerry (a full disclosure) by this weekend.

Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal -
Reports I am getting say the main weight of the disclosure involves "at least ten cans of Raid" in the storage room of a 7/11 on the corner of east 23rd and 3rd ave in Damascus....Obabble has acknowledged the Pace setting transparency of the Syrian government and also said this could well change his calculus vis a vis Assad himself.

Assad was supposed to deliver his chemical weapons inventory list this weekend....not gonna happen. Kerry said "no delay would be tolerated" yet his State Dept. has already flinched and backtracked. Assad knows he won't be struck now and has zero motivation to give up anything. This is good in that we the people knew Syria was lost two years ago and an "unbelievably small" cruise-missle attack would just break a lot of plates and furniture. For once our opinion was heard...not by Obama, he couldn't care less what we think. But Congress told him he'd have legal trouble (articles of impeachment) if he bypassed them.

No weapons caches could be hit for fear of spreading their poisonous contents in the breeze. And they're now safely hidden anyway thanks to Barry's 2 week notice of his intentions. So what we didn't want to happen didn't happen but what we did want to happen didn't happen either....our comedy team president and Sec of State showed the world they have no clue about what they're doing and what they say is, and should be, totally ignored.


Would be nice if you got your facts straight. This is not about Obama it is about a factually correct statement.

"Syria has begun detailing its chemical weapons arsenal, releasing an "initial declaration" of its stockpile, a spokesman for the U.N.-backed Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday."

Syria submits 'initial disclosure' of chemical weapons stockpiles -

My facts are's your opinion that's a load of crap. Of course this about Obama....this is all about Obama and his "style points" routine....he got his ass backed into a mousetrap and needed PUTIN to drag him out of it....what Assad has declared, if anything, isn't what was demanded by Kerry (a full disclosure) by this weekend.

Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal -

Read your headline pal. It says MAY, you wanted make this about Obama, you wanted to blow smoke. I am no Obama lover, but I do want facts and what you posted is pure blather and pipe dreams.

Here are some more facts:
"Syria on Friday submitted to the world a declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile, apparently fulfilling the first requirement of a U.S.-Russian deal that staved off an American military attack.

Syria sent the details to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which comprises the 189 countries that have signed an agreement outlawing chemical warfare. The organization said through a spokesman that it had received the declaration, but it did not provide details.

Secretary of State John Kerry, at an appearance with the Dutch foreign minister, said that he had spoken with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, about the Syrian declaration.

Kerry said that he and Lavrov had also discussed “a resolution that is firm and strong within the United Nations. We will continue to work on that.”

Syria declares its chemical weapons arsenal, first step in US-Russian deal - World News
Would be nice if you got your facts straight. This is not about Obama it is about a factually correct statement.

"Syria has begun detailing its chemical weapons arsenal, releasing an "initial declaration" of its stockpile, a spokesman for the U.N.-backed Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday."

Syria submits 'initial disclosure' of chemical weapons stockpiles -

My facts are's your opinion that's a load of crap. Of course this about Obama....this is all about Obama and his "style points" routine....he got his ass backed into a mousetrap and needed PUTIN to drag him out of it....what Assad has declared, if anything, isn't what was demanded by Kerry (a full disclosure) by this weekend.

Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal -

Read your headline pal. It says MAY, you wanted make this about Obama, you wanted to blow smoke. I am no Obama lover, but I do want facts and what you posted is pure blather and pipe dreams.

Here are some more facts:
"Syria on Friday submitted to the world a declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile, apparently fulfilling the first requirement of a U.S.-Russian deal that staved off an American military attack.

Syria sent the details to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which comprises the 189 countries that have signed an agreement outlawing chemical warfare. The organization said through a spokesman that it had received the declaration, but it did not provide details.

Secretary of State John Kerry, at an appearance with the Dutch foreign minister, said that he had spoken with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, about the Syrian declaration.

Kerry said that he and Lavrov had also discussed “a resolution that is firm and strong within the United Nations. We will continue to work on that.”

Syria declares its chemical weapons arsenal, first step in US-Russian deal - World News

I ain't your pal and that's not my's two days ago and it belongs to the leftist's at the LATimes, listed at Drudge. I don't care what your links say, it's bullshit and CNN/NBC will run cover for Barry like they have for 5 years. Kerry is a notorious liar; Putin called him a liar last week. The russians are in control of this scenario not us. Assad will hide the majority of his weapons and Barry will ignore it. He will continue to ignore Iran until they test a weapon. I'm sure your shepherds at CNN/NBC will make you feel all warm and fuzzy about that story too with "facts" you moon-pies will swallow.
The United States has no right to get involved in Syria. Less than 1% of our citizens are Islamic and while their opinions matter, they are not the majority. Therefore, since no threat to our nation security exists, we should not be sticking our noses into a conflict between two factions with no significant relation to America.
Remember Vietnam? Remember when we forced our way into a war that did not have any relevance to our national security? At the time, like today, the people were against sending our nation’s sons overseas, but the government disagreed, and what happened? We got our asses kicked. It is time we learn from our mistakes and focus on our own problems.
Furthermore unless our national security, or the national security of our allies is threatened, we have no right to get involved in the business of another country without invitation.
So why is the U.S. considering bombing Syria? Why do we give a damn what happens between the Alawites and the Sunni? The government claims it is for humanitarian purposes, but since they have no evidence whatsoever to back this up, it cannot be true. Our government is only concerned with the gassing in Syria for one reason: oil.
Black gold has driven, shaped, and defined our country since Henry Ford first released the Model T. But this is not a history lesson, what matters is that the United States government is lying to us so that they can gain our support against Syria’s government.
The American people deserve the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. Regardless of where your opinions lie concerning Syria, you should be appalled that any government, especially that of the land of the free and the home of the brave, would lie to its own people.
Tell the truth, stay the hell out of Syria, and God bless America!
Assad was supposed to deliver his chemical weapons inventory list this weekend....not gonna happen. Kerry said "no delay would be tolerated" yet his State Dept. has already flinched and backtracked. Assad knows he won't be struck now and has zero motivation to give up anything. This is good in that we the people knew Syria was lost two years ago and an "unbelievably small" cruise-missle attack would just break a lot of plates and furniture. For once our opinion was heard...not by Obama, he couldn't care less what we think. But Congress told him he'd have legal trouble (articles of impeachment) if he bypassed them.

No weapons caches could be hit for fear of spreading their poisonous contents in the breeze. And they're now safely hidden anyway thanks to Barry's 2 week notice of his intentions. So what we didn't want to happen didn't happen but what we did want to happen didn't happen either....our comedy team president and Sec of State showed the world they have no clue about what they're doing and what they say is, and should be, totally ignored.


Syria 'submits chemical weapons data' to Hague watchdog

5 hours ago

BBC News - Syria 'submits chemical weapons data' to Hague watchdog

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