Swedish Pentecostal Pastor On Trial For Anti-Gay Hate Speech

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musicman said:
Homosexuals comprise 1-3% of the population, yet they commit 20-40% of child molestations. This is truth, Horhay. This is knowledge. This should suggest to us something disturbing about homosexuality. Some may find it politically unpleasant and embarrasing, and choose to bury their heads in the sand. But that's not WISE, is it?

It should also lead to investigating if the source for creating a pedophile could also be rooted in causing homosexuality.
MissileMan said:
Noone wants to use all of the information available when making claims about homosexual pedophiles.

Here are the figures that most people agree on:

25-40% of molestation victims were attacked by a homosexual pedophile

60-75% of molestation victims were attacked by a heterosexual pedophile

Homosexual pedophiles have seven times the number of victims that heterosexual pedophiles do.

Lets use the 25%/75% ratio for this example.

Out of 28 Victims, 7 would be victims of a single homosexual pedophile and 21 would be the victims of heterosexual pedophiles.

This maintains the proper ratio of victims 25%/75% and also takes into account that the homosexual pedophile has 7 times the number of victims as heterosexual pedophiles.

This very clearly puts the ratio of homosexual pedophiles to heterosexual pedophiles at 1:21, which coincidently comes out to less than 5%

Feel free to correct the math if I'm in error.

YEA, you conveniently used the SMALLEST percentage of homosexual pedophiles and the LARGEST number of heterosexual pedophiles. A more accurate reading would have been to taken an average between the two. 25%-40%, the means would be 33%.

But anyways, even with using your LOWEST percentage, which reduces the possilbe number of homosexual pedophiles to the LOWEST it could be, 5% is still 2-3 times more than the percentage of homosexuals in society in general.

Using the 40% figure, 11 of the 28 attacks would have been homosexual, and the ratio would go to 17/2 or 8 to 1 or over 12%. Now that number is staggering considering homos are only 1-2% of the population.
musicman said:
And once - when you weren't looking - I did a cannonball.

None of this alters the fact that society faces a danger to its children from homosexuality. Whether it comes from a small handful of "super-predators" is irrelevant; the constant is THE BEHAVIOR. From the segment of the population that indulges THE BEHAVIOR, society faces a greater danger to its children. This is the plain, demonstrable truth. It is not society's obligation to agonize over the whys and wherefores. It is society's obligation to protect itself.

Not to mention, who cares if one homosexual commits 7 acts of pedophilia or 7 homosexuals commit one each for a total of 7, SEVEN BOYS were still seriously destroyed....

either way, ANYTHING that promotes homosexual behavior is bad for society.
MissileMan said:
This would be a true statement if all pedophiles were homosexual. Since that's not true, you can't show a causality between homosexuality and pedophilia. And since 95% of pedophiles are heterosexual I guess you would argue that also means we need to protect our children from homosexuals?

Is that how you do statistics? TAKE the LOWEST percentage 25%, in a range of 25-40%, and come to the resulting 5%, then PROCLAIM only 5% of pedo are homos????? Not very accurate or honest. The true number, if we accept the stats you used, is 5% to 12%. Or in other words, Your statement "5% of pedos are homos is COMPLETELY false :):):) (actually, it is only partially false, misleading, inaccurate)

You seem to delight in working the numbers, do it properly, or dont do it at all.
MissileMan said:
There have been numerous studies that have found a homosexual pedophile will molest 7 times the number of children that a heterosexual one does. It's a factor that must be taken into account because the 25%/75% ratio is about the number of victims, not the number of pedophiles.

considering how fast and loose you are showing yourself to be with stats, I would like to see those studies showing homos commit 7 times as many per pedophile. I am not willing to accept it on your word anymore.
LuvRPgrl said:
YEA, you conveniently used the SMALLEST percentage of homosexual pedophiles and the LARGEST number of heterosexual pedophiles. A more accurate reading would have been to taken an average between the two. 25%-40%, the means would be 33%.

But anyways, even with using your LOWEST percentage, which reduces the possilbe number of homosexual pedophiles to the LOWEST it could be, 5% is still 2-3 times more than the percentage of homosexuals in society in general.

Using the 40% figure, 11 of the 28 attacks would have been homosexual, and the ratio would go to 17/2 or 8 to 1 or over 12%. Now that number is staggering considering homos are only 1-2% of the population.

I've also seen figures that estimate the homosexual population at 5% which would put the numbers derived from the 25% figures in line with the general population percentages. The problem is figuring out which numbers are accurate. Those fervently opposed to homosexuals refuse to allow for the possibility that homosexuals are no more dangerous to children than heterosexuals are.
LuvRPgrl said:
Not to mention, who cares if one homosexual commits 7 acts of pedophilia or 7 homosexuals commit one each for a total of 7, SEVEN BOYS were still seriously destroyed....

either way, ANYTHING that promotes homosexual behavior is bad for society.

With 60-75% of victims being girls molested by men, I fail to see how you keep making the same argument that pedophilia is a by-product of homosexuality.
LuvRPgrl said:
considering how fast and loose you are showing yourself to be with stats, I would like to see those studies showing homos commit 7 times as many per pedophile. I am not willing to accept it on your word anymore.

From post number 130....link provided by GZ.

* The average pederast molested an average of 150 boys, and each heterosexual pedophile molested an average of 20 girls, a ratio of 7.5 to one. 12 (12. Dr. Paul Cameron, “Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil,” Psychological Reports 57
LuvRPgrl said:
Is that how you do statistics? TAKE the LOWEST percentage 25%, in a range of 25-40%, and come to the resulting 5%, then PROCLAIM only 5% of pedo are homos????? Not very accurate or honest. The true number, if we accept the stats you used, is 5% to 12%. Or in other words, Your statement "5% of pedos are homos is COMPLETELY false :):):) (actually, it is only partially false, misleading, inaccurate)

You seem to delight in working the numbers, do it properly, or dont do it at all.

You make your argument that it's possible that the percentage is 12% and I'll make mine that it's possibly 5%. BTW, the 25-40% aren't my numbers, but those supplied by someone else on your side of the argument. I would like to use stats with a lower than 15% margin of error, but there don't seem to be any available.
Powerman said:
I didn't call him a lunatic for the comparison argument. I called him a lunatic for speaking of end times prophecies. That's absolutely insane and anyone who walks around saying such should be treated as a lunatic.
Well, I believe that anyone that doesn't believe in end time prophecies is a babbling lunatic that spews hate speech and should be considered about 100 times below the kkk and hitler.
MissileMan said:
I've also seen figures that estimate the homosexual population at 5% which would put the numbers derived from the 25% figures in line with the general population percentages. The problem is figuring out which numbers are accurate. Those fervently opposed to homosexuals refuse to allow for the possibility that homosexuals are no more dangerous to children than heterosexuals are.

regardless, you showed bias by using the 25% figure, plain and simple.

I would like to see the 5% figure, as virtually all estimates now seem to be in the 1-2% range.

And using the 40% figure, 1, 2 or 5% would still show an inordinately high number of pediophilias from the homo community. Your BEST figures, the high on est of homos in the gen population, and the low on the 25-40% range is what is needed to be used to obtain YOUR DESIRED (agenda anyone?) results.
MissileMan said:
With 60-75% of victims being girls molested by men, I fail to see how you keep making the same argument that pedophilia is a by-product of homosexuality.

Since I never said it was a by product of homosexuality, no wonder you are confused.
MissileMan said:
From post number 130....link provided by GZ.

* The average pederast molested an average of 150 boys, and each heterosexual pedophile molested an average of 20 girls, a ratio of 7.5 to one. 12 (12. Dr. Paul Cameron, “Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil,” Psychological Reports 57

Yet oddly enough, you ignore the part of the post where it states that homos make up a third of pedophiles.

regarding your comment that you will use the 25% figure, and I can use the 40% figure, so sorry, I will refer to the entire range 25-40%.I used the 40% figure to merely complete your unfinished, agenda driven calculations to show that your conclusion was incomplete, midleading and biased.

I Prefer to present the entire truth when discussing things.
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LuvRPgrl said:
regardless, you showed bias by using the 25% figure, plain and simple.

I would like to see the 5% figure, as virtually all estimates now seem to be in the 1-2% range.

And using the 40% figure, 1, 2 or 5% would still show an inordinately high number of pediophilias from the homo community. Your BEST figures, the high on est of homos in the gen population, and the low on the 25-40% range is what is needed to be used to obtain YOUR DESIRED (agenda anyone?) results.

http://www.avert.org/hsexu1.htm said:
'In the last three elections, the Voter News Service exit poll registered the gay vote between 4 percent and 5 percent. While concluding that the Census 2000 undercounted the total number of gay or lesbian households, for the purposes of this study, we estimate the gay and lesbian population at 5 percent of the total U.S. population over 18 years of age, (209,128,094). This results in an estimated total gay and lesbian population of 10,456,405. A recent study of gay and lesbian voting habits conducted by Harris Interactive determined that 30 percent of gay and lesbian people are living in a committed relationship in the same residence. Using that figure, we suggest that 3,136,921 gay or lesbian people are living in the United States in committed relationships in the same residence. '4

Kinsey estimated 10% in the 40s and 50s. I think that figure is too high. I also think 1-2% is too low.

All of these numbers we've been throwing around are suspect because most have been compiled by someone with an agenda, from both sides. Take for instance the 25-40% number...if they can't pin it down any better than 15%, it suggests more research needs to be done.
LuvRPgrl said:
Since I never said it was a by product of homosexuality, no wonder you are confused.

Not in those exact words, but in these you did:

LuvRPgrl said:
FACT is , an overly ordinate amount of pedophilia is commited by homosexuals. Homosexuality itself is deviant sexual behavior, that FACT that they over represent pedophilia just supports that.

Why the crawfish?
LuvRPgrl said:
Yet oddly enough, you ignore the part of the post where it states that homos make up a third of pedophiles.
You're right, I ignored it because there isn't any evidence to support that claim.
MissileMan said:
Kinsey estimated 10% in the 40s and 50s. I think that figure is too high. I also think 1-2% is too low.

All of these numbers we've been throwing around are suspect because most have been compiled by someone with an agenda, from both sides. Take for instance the 25-40% number...if they can't pin it down any better than 15%, it suggests more research needs to be done.

Kinsey has been so thouroughly discredited, any homosexual activist knows its suicide to quote him any more.

My point is, if you are gonna use those figures to calculate, you need to supply the range, use 25-40%, dont just use the 25% figure alone.

I do like the way you analyze these things, you seem to be much quicker in being able to absorb the info than me. Although math was my strong suit, for some reason my head begins to spin sometimes on these statistical analysis thingies.

I also question any of these stats siimply because it depends on the honesty of the people being questioned. Many people are very much in self denial about alot of things.

However, these stats are not what leads me to believe homosexuality is deviant, wrong and unhealthy for anyone who practices it. I oppose ANYTHING that encourages homosexualilty behavior in any way shape or form.

Tammy Bruce stated that a vast majority of homosexuals, had their first sexual encounter, as a minor, with an adult. Is that truly consenting? Are many of these minors borderline between being homosexual or heterosexual, especially the women. If so, then these encounters should be discouraged.
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