Swedish Pentecostal Pastor On Trial For Anti-Gay Hate Speech

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Powerman said:
Can I ask you if there is a reason that you think that homosexuality between consenting adults is devious behavior?

is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it?
MissileMan said:
Not in those exact words, but in these you did:

Why the crawfish?

Not sure what you mean. But since you seem to have stopped with the personal attacks, looks like we can get down to business.

My stance is that homosexuality and pedophilia have the same root source, not that one comes from the other. Kinda like with evolution. Most people think that evolutionists claim man evolved FROM apes, but in fact, evolutionists claim we have a common ancestor, and DID NOT evolve from apes, but along side them.
manu1959 said:
is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it?

Is there a purpose for a woman's anus to have one in it? What about her mouth? Obviously there are more purposes to sex than just reproduction. Simplifying it to just that is cheapening it. But if you believe that the only purpose for sex is reproduction you should believe the following things.

1. Steril men and women shouldn't have sex
2. Consenting adults of the opposite sex should not engage in oral sex to completion
3. Same as 2. but with anal sex

If you're homosexual then why wouldn't you also want to engage in sex with your loved one?
Powerman said:
Can I ask you if there is a reason that you think that homosexuality between consenting adults is devious behavior?

I dont think it is, I KNOW it is.

Ok, here. You have a guy gets stranded on an island. Like the tom hanks movie.

A helicopter comes to the rescue, Halle Barry steps out in a Brazilian style bikini,,,the guy is a homo and doesnt get aroused,

If you cant see there is something malfunctioning, then, well..... ahhh, never mind, this is a family forum. hahahhaha
LuvRPgrl said:
Not sure what you mean. But since you seem to have stopped with the personal attacks, looks like we can get down to business.

My stance is that homosexuality and pedophilia have the same root source, not that one comes from the other. Kinda like with evolution. Most people think that evolutionists claim man evolved FROM apes, but in fact, evolutionists claim we have a common ancestor, and DID NOT evolve from apes, but along side them.

And what is this same root source you speak of?
LuvRPgrl said:
I dont think it is, I KNOW it is.

Ok, here. You have a guy gets stranded on an island. Like the tom hanks movie.

A helicopter comes to the rescue, Halle Barry steps out in a Brazilian style bikini,,,the guy is a homo and doesnt get aroused,

If you cant see there is something malfunctioning, then, well..... ahhh, never mind, this is a family forum. hahahhaha

OK well that's your opinion. What about bisexual men?
Powerman said:
Is there a purpose for a woman's anus to have one in it? What about her mouth? Obviously there are more purposes to sex than just reproduction. Simplifying it to just that is cheapening it. But if you believe that the only purpose for sex is reproduction you should believe the following things.

1. Steril men and women shouldn't have sex
2. Consenting adults of the opposite sex should not engage in oral sex to completion
3. Same as 2. but with anal sex

If you're homosexual then why wouldn't you also want to engage in sex with your loved one?

change the subject and don't answer the question....so...you asked if it is devious......i am sure you meant deviant.....so the question remains......is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it? and is that deviant or normal?
manu1959 said:
change the subject and don't answer the question....so...you asked if it is devious......i am sure you meant deviant.....so the question remains......is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it? and is that deviant or normal?

If you're gay I suppose it would be normal. I don't personally want a penis in my anus because I'm not gay. But if you're gay then I don't see the problem with it. Whatever turns you on. As long as it's consensual I really don't care.

Now can you explain to me the purpose of oral sex between consenting adults of the opposite sex? I'm not talking just foreplay. I'm talking ejaculating in the women's mouth.
Powerman said:
If you're gay I suppose it would be normal. I don't personally want a penis in my anus because I'm not gay. But if you're gay then I don't see the problem with it. Whatever turns you on. As long as it's consensual I really don't care.

Now can you explain to me the purpose of oral sex between consenting adults of the opposite sex? I'm not talking just foreplay. I'm talking ejaculating in the women's mouth.

changing the subject yet again....come on this isn't that difficult.....is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it?

simple yes or no?
Powerman said:
OK well that's your opinion. What about bisexual men?

First off, truly bi sexual man is very rare.

My illustration shows that something has gone wrong in the wiring. Plain and simple. A bisexual man obviously has some wiring gone wrong, but not as much as the straight queer guy, pun intended.
manu1959 said:
changing the subject yet again....come on this isn't that difficult.....is the purpose of a man's anus to have a penis in it?

simple yes or no?

It's a stupid trick question. Of course the purpose isn't for it to have a penis in it. But if that's what you find sexually stimulating then why is it wrong.

Now maybe you can answer my question. If the purpose of a woman's mouth to have a penis in it?
Powerman said:
If you're gay I suppose it would be normal. .
Thats some pretty obvious circular reasoning.

Powerman said:
I don't personally want a penis in my anus because I'm not gay. But if you're gay then I don't see the problem with it. Whatever turns you on. As long as it's consensual I really don't care.

Now can you explain to me the purpose of oral sex between consenting adults of the opposite sex? I'm not talking just foreplay. I'm talking ejaculating in the women's mouth.

Anal sex is extremely unhealthy. Its one of the reasons homosexuals, per capita, have much more health problems than heterosexuals.

The method of realizing copulation is not what makes homosexual or heterosexual sex wrong. Its the DESIRE to be with someone of the same sex that is wrong.

Biologically speaking, it makes no sense. Religously speaking, it makes no sense. Spiritually speaking, it makes no sense. You do realize that monogamous life long homosexual mens relationships is extremely rare. Men are naturally polygamous. Women arent. Those are just facts.
Powerman said:
It's a stupid trick question. Of course the purpose isn't for it to have a penis in it. But if that's what you find sexually stimulating then why is it wrong.

Now maybe you can answer my question. If the purpose of a woman's mouth to have a penis in it?

you didn't use the word wrong....you used (devious) deviant.....
" Men are naturally polygamous. Women arent. Those are just facts."

That's really ignorant. Women cheat just as much as men and are just as promiscuous. If this does not apply to you then I can respect that. But you are not living in reality if you believe that all women have halos on their heads and don't sleep around.

Also did you ever think that maybe legalizing gay marriage might promote monogomy in the gay community?
LuvRPgrl said:
Not sure what you mean. But since you seem to have stopped with the personal attacks, looks like we can get down to business.

My stance is that homosexuality and pedophilia have the same root source, not that one comes from the other. Kinda like with evolution. Most people think that evolutionists claim man evolved FROM apes, but in fact, evolutionists claim we have a common ancestor, and DID NOT evolve from apes, but along side them.

If it's not your contention that homosexuality is dangerous because it leads to pedophilia, exactly what is ?
Powerman said:
" Men are naturally polygamous. Women arent. Those are just facts."

That's really ignorant. Women cheat just as much as men and are just as promiscuous. If this does not apply to you then I can respect that. But you are not living in reality if you believe that all women have halos on their heads and don't sleep around.

Also did you ever think that maybe legalizing gay marriage might promote monogomy in the gay community?

Women do not instinctively cheat or think about cheating seriously as much as men do. I will provide information to prove it later. And to jump to the conclusion that I think all women have halos is not even remotely logical.
MissileMan said:
If it's not your contention that homosexuality is dangerous because it leads to pedophilia, exactly what is ?

Actually, I have twisted and turned on these subjects for quite some time. I actually "feel" for pedos. They have no where to turn. If they seek psychiatric help, the psychiatrist is required by law to report them. Doesnt make sense to me, on the other hand, if a pedo is caught, I say execute them.

Nobody, NOBODY wants to be a pedo. How that urge comes into existence, is a great question. I thank God every day it didnt happen to me, as I think it is just the luck or lack of, the draw.

However, after some contemplation on the topic, I came to realize, IF I had gotten unlucky, and was a pedo, I would have employed every possible means medically speaking, to eliminate my sexual urges. Even if it means making me sexually neutered.
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