Sweden swinging hard right!

the PLANNERS of these invasions do not have Good intentions .
There are no planners. A combination of droughts, war, and regional instability have led to the largest number of displaced people and migrstions around the world. Who are the planners? You. Climate change, wars of choice...good job dude.
Horse shit if you think it’s just that simple, and innocent. These 3rd world pieces of garbage have an entire planet, full of nations to which they could flee, and no access to. Yet they specifically are flooding into western/white nations. And only western/white nations.
You sound like...well...what the said in the 1930's...I will leave it at that.

The only major genocides going on in the 1930's were by the Soviet Union, the Holodomor 1933 - 1934, Dekulakization 1929 - 1932, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre 1937 - 1938, the Kharbin Operation 1937, the German Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, the Greek Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1939.

I didn't say genocide in the 1930's. Genocide requires years of lead up rhetoric in order to demonize and dehumanize the scapegoats. Makes it easier to kill them.

Why would people kill, what they can otherwise revoke citizenship of?
well , just more force on the subjects for now i guess but it is the governments , the elites and other elite entities that are destroying Sweden and Europe because of their PLANS . Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff .
the PLANNERS of these invasions do not have Good intentions .
There are no planners. A combination of droughts, war, and regional instability have led to the largest number of displaced people and migrstions around the world. Who are the planners? You. Climate change, wars of choice...good job dude.
Horse shit if you think it’s just that simple, and innocent. These 3rd world pieces of garbage have an entire planet, full of nations to which they could flee, and no access to. Yet they specifically are flooding into western/white nations. And only western/white nations.
You sound like...well...what the said in the 1930's...I will leave it at that.

The only major genocides going on in the 1930's were by the Soviet Union, the Holodomor 1933 - 1934, Dekulakization 1929 - 1932, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre 1937 - 1938, the Kharbin Operation 1937, the German Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, the Greek Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1939.

I didn't say genocide in the 1930's. Genocide requires years of lead up rhetoric in order to demonize and dehumanize the scapegoats. Makes it easier to kill them.

"Genocide requires years of lead up rhetoric in order to demonize and dehumanize the scapegoats"

And that's precisely what is going on today in America against white hetero Chritian patriotic males.
silly comment concerning REVOKING . Yeah , revoke their citizenship , [chuckle] , yeah , that'll work [chuckle] ---------- aw boneheads , what can be done ?? Comment concerning REVOKING of citizenship and that is all Sob .
silly comment concerning REVOKING . Yeah , revoke their citizenship , [chuckle] , yeah , that'll work [chuckle] ---------- aw boneheads , what can be done ?? Comment concerning REVOKING of citizenship and that is all .

Without citizenship in a proper society, they can't get any aid, and could be arrested without papers, otherwise crack down on those who hire them.

Of course the Capitalists don't want that option, they're raking in the money hand over fist, by hiring the immigrants for less, in the first place.
They murdered a lot of innocent people Lucy.

"They murdered a lot of innocent people Lucy."

So did the British murder a lot of innocents in DRESDEN.

So did the Americans murder a lot of innocents in HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI.

But YOU support this yes? So again I comment Franco was a Hero he killed Communists and save Spain from Communism. They were NOT innocents they were Communists ALL of.

DRESDEN = Murder of the innocents.

HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI = Murder of the innocents.
well , just more force on the subjects for now i guess but it is the governments , the elites and other elite entities that are destroying Sweden and Europe because of their PLANS . Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff .

"Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff ."

Not just big cities I read that Obama was Importing and Airdropping Muslim and Sub-Saharan Africans into also Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho etc
So did the British murder a lot of innocents in DRESDEN.

So did the Americans murder a lot of innocents in HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI.
Don't forget Eisenhower's "Disarmed Enemy Forces"

Eisenhower_murdering German POWs.jpg
The native culture will decide the future of these countries. As it should be. PC noise wont matter for shit. The intellectuals always sit on the sidelines as these disputes heat up....they become rather irrelevant. Talk becomes cheap. One way or another, somebody is going to end up emigrating the fuck right out of the country. Might take a few decades and a whole lot of spilled blood s0ns.....cause that's how it works.
well , just more force on the subjects for now i guess but it is the governments , the elites and other elite entities that are destroying Sweden and Europe because of their PLANS . Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff .

"Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff ."

Not just big cities I read that Obama was Importing and Airdropping Muslim and Sub-Saharan Africans into also Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho etc
well , just more force on the subjects for now i guess but it is the governments , the elites and other elite entities that are destroying Sweden and Europe because of their PLANS . Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff .

"Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff ."

Not just big cities I read that Obama was Importing and Airdropping Muslim and Sub-Saharan Africans into also Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho etc
True. He was cramming negros, and sand devils into the whitest enclaves he could find, in an attempt to force miscegenation, and multiculturalism, upon whites. Many of whom lived where they did specifically to avoid these kinds of people.
well , just more force on the subjects for now i guess but it is the governments , the elites and other elite entities that are destroying Sweden and Europe because of their PLANS . Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff .

"Same for USA but USA is huge and the invaders pretty much stick to the big cities for the Free Stuff ."

Not just big cities I read that Obama was Importing and Airdropping Muslim and Sub-Saharan Africans into also Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho etc
------------------------------------------- that is true , they have some of those cities in Maine or Vermpnt or Upstate New York USA I think . Government gives tax payer money to the imported third worlders and then they spend that money in the local area towns and those merchants and building owners get rich off of other Americans tax money , And its not just 'mrobama; it was probably also 'gwb' , bush familia and other so called Americans Lucy .
so yeah , there are 'government' PLANNERS with evil intent but the libs love them Lucy .
check out 'lewiston maine' somali muslims . See 'islamberg' in upstate 'new york' , there are PLANNERS witha plan and its not a good plan for Americans , Check it out and make yourown conclusion . See 'muslim' somalis in Minnesota that send young somali to the war zone overseas to fight with 'isis' and who want muslim 'shariah' law in the USA Lucy .
dem/lib/fruticake/anti-white HuffPost called them neo-nazis!!!!!!!!!
real smart

Malmo is now 25% Muslim...........Grenade attacks..........schools getting shut down due to violence......and teenage girls should stay home in their own country.....

And people post on how great this policy is..............Anyone who challenges the STUPIDITY is a Nazi........and promotes genocide........BUT LOOK THE OTHER WAY when the shit hits the fan based on their policies...............

Why does anyone listen to these fruit loops at all..............Time to say it like it is............this is BS.......and the allowing the flood of refugees was and still is BS.

This shit goes on and the authorities threaten any who dare to speak out about it.........lose their jobs.......go to jail........for saying you assholes let in refugees that the people didn't want here...........and when the citizens get hurt.........you hide it or go OH WELL........IT'S ALL FOR THE BETTER.....

Shit's gonna get real in Europe........people are getting royally pissed off..........The page will turn.........as it always has.

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