Swapping Ryan for Pelosi is "no change"

Except for the subpoena spamming that’s about to run wild

I certainly hope so.

I remember when they went after Bill The Rapist hard. When they Impeached him, it was a mistake. He was leaving Office anyway. So he turns around and actually GAINS dimocraps in the 1998 Mids. And he was not real popular at the time. Sympathy factor.

If Nazi Pelousy and Schiff and MaxiPad Waters want to run around throwing subpoenas at people like there's no tomorrow, it won't be done without notice.

They'll pay for it. And they'll pay for it in a big way.
Without the republican impeachment circus Gore would have obliterated Dubya. I’ll never forgive Bill for not keeping it in his pants, leading to the most disastrous Presidency of my lifetime with Dubya. Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job, its about rampant fraud, corruption, and likely treason.

Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job,

another one that doesn't remember history.
Except for the subpoena spamming that’s about to run wild

I certainly hope so.

I remember when they went after Bill The Rapist hard. When they Impeached him, it was a mistake. He was leaving Office anyway. So he turns around and actually GAINS dimocraps in the 1998 Mids. And he was not real popular at the time. Sympathy factor.

If Nazi Pelousy and Schiff and MaxiPad Waters want to run around throwing subpoenas at people like there's no tomorrow, it won't be done without notice.

They'll pay for it. And they'll pay for it in a big way.
Without the republican impeachment circus Gore would have obliterated Dubya. I’ll never forgive Bill for not keeping it in his pants, leading to the most disastrous Presidency of my lifetime with Dubya. Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job, its about rampant fraud, corruption, and likely treason.

And clinton, bush, and O were full of fraud and corruption. You gulped it all down.
Nonthey weren’t. If they were, your party is lazy and embarrassing as fuck for never even TRYING to investigate them. Remember, your Senate Majority Leader admitted the Benghazi farce was favricated for no other reason than to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers. He made you dance like a little bitch, and you loved it.

How many Obama officials have been indicted in the 10 years since he was elected? Versus like a dozen and counting in less than 2 years of your treasonous dotard’s reign.
Ryan was against cutting any spending.

So is Pelosi

Ryan was against the Wall.

So is Pelosi

Ryan hates Trump

So does Pelosi

Ryan is for spending/stealing to enrich those in Congress

So is Pelosi

Ryan is for letting everyone in DC get away with anything

So is Pelosi

Ryan is for pouring hundreds of millions of US taxdollars into the kleptocratic hands of Puerto Rican Dems

So is Pelosi



Why? They're worthless.

While your answer is correct and appropriate...I'm surprised at you.
You are an excellent poster and I was certain you would nail his phony

Notice his first post was about "giving the people a chance...it's not even Jan"
etc, etc.

His next post he is full bore into liberal talking points. Nail this phony to the wall.
Except for the subpoena spamming that’s about to run wild

I certainly hope so.

I remember when they went after Bill The Rapist hard. When they Impeached him, it was a mistake. He was leaving Office anyway. So he turns around and actually GAINS dimocraps in the 1998 Mids. And he was not real popular at the time. Sympathy factor.

If Nazi Pelousy and Schiff and MaxiPad Waters want to run around throwing subpoenas at people like there's no tomorrow, it won't be done without notice.

They'll pay for it. And they'll pay for it in a big way.
Without the republican impeachment circus Gore would have obliterated Dubya. I’ll never forgive Bill for not keeping it in his pants, leading to the most disastrous Presidency of my lifetime with Dubya. Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job, its about rampant fraud, corruption, and likely treason.

Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job,

another one that doesn't remember history.
Oh sorry, he “lied” about a consensual blow job. Boo hoo cue the tiny violin. And that gave us Dubya who’s crimes we’re still paying for. Congrats!
Bill Clinton used his power as President to bully a young intern into doing a sexual act in the Oval Office.

Had he been a Republican, the FemiNazis would've gone absolutely BATSHIT about it....
Dennis Miller said it best:
Paul Ryan is ostensibly a friend who can only make Trump look bad. Pelosi is an enemy who can only make Trump look good.
Except for the subpoena spamming that’s about to run wild

I certainly hope so.

I remember when they went after Bill The Rapist hard. When they Impeached him, it was a mistake. He was leaving Office anyway. So he turns around and actually GAINS dimocraps in the 1998 Mids. And he was not real popular at the time. Sympathy factor.

If Nazi Pelousy and Schiff and MaxiPad Waters want to run around throwing subpoenas at people like there's no tomorrow, it won't be done without notice.

They'll pay for it. And they'll pay for it in a big way.
Without the republican impeachment circus Gore would have obliterated Dubya. I’ll never forgive Bill for not keeping it in his pants, leading to the most disastrous Presidency of my lifetime with Dubya. Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job, its about rampant fraud, corruption, and likely treason.

Circuses work, especially when instead of a consensual blow job,

another one that doesn't remember history.
Oh sorry, he “lied” about a consensual blow job. Boo hoo cue the tiny violin. And that gave us Dubya who’s crimes we’re still paying for. Congrats!

still got it wrong.

You're thinking Monica, when the accuser was Paula, (sexual harassment).

Don't remember sexual harassment ever called consensual before.

(Maybe Weinstein can use Bills 'I don't remember' excuse to get out of it?)

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