Susan Rice Pulls Out Of Her Running For US Secretary of State

Im glad she wont be rewarded by the administration for doing as she was told and lying to the people. I wish we could get more corrupt people out of office. Give SofS to Kerry. He wants it and gets him out of the Senate. He could do much less damage there and we could get a Senate Seat back.

In Massa-two-chitz??

Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


And the left during that time frame trashed Condeleeza Rice pretty much non stop so to feign outrage over the treatment of Susan Rice now well hypocrisy is without a doubt the right word here. Oh by the way I don't recall the President saying he was ever considering her as Secretary of State kind of funny taking your name out of consideration for a job no one was officially considering you for.

Kinda like a double blind sampling,we will put her out there,see what happens,but never really backing here so the shit can't stick to us.
Im glad she wont be rewarded by the administration for doing as she was told and lying to the people. I wish we could get more corrupt people out of office. Give SofS to Kerry. He wants it and gets him out of the Senate. He could do much less damage there and we could get a Senate Seat back.

In Massa-two-chitz??


I said we could. I didn't say it was likely. Besides we need some new blood in the Senate. Id be happy to get Kerry out.
I see they are already playing the they ran out a " WOMAN of color" card..

Cnn and Andrea Mitchel is a joke
I have just got to my computer. I get CBS news texts. I saw that Rice blinked. Oh well, shit happens.
Neither happy or sad. She pulled out to avoid the questioning she knew was coming. The secrets safe with her.

She did the right thing.
There was so much heat on her and rightfully so.
Of course the sexist and racist words were flying all over the place
on MSNBC's Al Sharpton show...

But that's to be expected from that crowd..
If you look at it from a strategic point of view this is a two for one deal. See with Rice out of the way that moves the dial to Kerry. Everyone knows Kerry ran against the republicans in 2004. All the attacks can be reused. What is the saying, "reuse, reduce, recycle"?
If you look at it from a strategic point of view this is a two for one deal. See with Rice out of the way that moves the dial to Kerry. Everyone knows Kerry ran against the republicans in 2004. All the attacks can be reused. What is the saying, "reuse, reduce, recycle"?

I think Repubs will approve Kerry as SoS, but not as defense sec. Looks like Hagel gets that. Then maybe Scott Brown can get Kerry's seat.
If you look at it from a strategic point of view this is a two for one deal. See with Rice out of the way that moves the dial to Kerry. Everyone knows Kerry ran against the republicans in 2004. All the attacks can be reused. What is the saying, "reuse, reduce, recycle"?

I think Repubs will approve Kerry as SoS, but not as defense sec. Looks like Hagel gets that. Then maybe Scott Brown can get Kerry's seat.

You don't know what state I am in, do you?
She was disgraceful and woefully underqulaified as a statesperson to adequately do the job with any degree of success.
Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

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