'Surprised' Obama Calls for Investigation of CENTCOM; EX-DIA Chief Says Investigate WH / OBAMA


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"General Mike Flynn, then director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, warned Congress about the rise of ISIS in late 2013, warnings which prompted Obama to respond attempting to minimalize ISIS by calling them a 'JV Team'.

Flynn’s DIA had warned the White House about ISIS even earlier than that, in an August 2012 memo issued shortly after Flynn assumed command of DIA and chair of the Military Intelligence Board. Now Obama expresses surprise over the rapid rise of ISIS and wants an investigation into CENTCOM and the alleged cooking of the evidence, but Flynn tells Megyn Kelly that the probe should start at the top — and that Obama got plenty of warnings!"
LINK: Former Obama DIA chief: Intel probe should focus on White House


OF COURSE Obama got all the warnings in the world he needed to know about ISIS, how they were a terrorist group, how dangerous they were, how they were growing. OF COURSE HE KNEW! Now the 'BLAME-SHIFTER and Chief' is once again trying to blame someone, anyone, else!

WE KNOW HE LIED in 2012 when he declared 'Al Qaeida Is On the Run'.
WE KNOW HE LIED in 2012 when he declared 'The War on Terror' is Over!'

We NOW KNOW that not only was terrorism NOT dead, NOT defeated, HE WAS GROWING IT, FEEDING IT, HELPING ISIS GET STRONGER.
-- After / Since Obama's disastrous 'Red Line' fiasco in front of the whole world Obama has been OBSESSED with Assad and getting retribution. (Forget the fact that Obama accused Assad of using chemical weapons and evidence suggested it was the rebels he was fighting - not Assad - who did so...).
-- Obama became SO obsessed with Assad that he made the worst decision he could have made - he decided Assad was 'worse' than ISIS and 'made a deal with the devil'. ONCE AGAIN Obama joined forces with terrorists!

WE KNOW Obama supplied weapons to ISIS from Benghazi to fight Assad.
WE KNOW Obama spent millions of US tax dollars to FUND, SUPPLY, ARM, AND EVEN TRAIN ISIS SOLDIERS.

Despite being warned by the DIA and others, Obama ignored the warnings because he was 'in bed' with ISIS. As long as they swore to take on Assad he was ok with them. SO MUCH SO that he ignored their invasion into Iraq, taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost, SO MUCH SO that he ignored them slaughtering, beheading, and burning alive thousands of Christians/ men, women, and children, SO MUCH SO that he ignored the black market oil dealings, funding 50% of ISIS's operations, between NATO ally Turkey and ISIS!

Obama has been PROTECTING ISIS' black market oil operation, refusing to allow anyone to strike their oil facilities and oil tanker trucks. it was only after the Paris attacks that France had had enough, that they and Russia began striking the until then off-limit critical ISIS targets, destroying over 1,000 tanker trucks in 3 days and striking oil facilities and headquarters.

Russia EXPOSED Turkey's partnership-for-oil with ISIS last week. Yesterday, fearful Russia may be targeting ISIS trucks in Turkey, Turkish warplanes shot down Russian aircraft several miles from the Turkish border after a brief moment of Russian aircraft crossing into Turkish airspace before entering back into Syria. The event could initiate an already tense conflict, as Russia expresses outrage at a NATO country attacking them when they are all SUPPOSED to be fighting ISIS.

While the NATO commander demanded to know why Turkey did not simply escort the Russian jet out of it's airspace, President Obama MORONICALLY poured fuel on the proverbial fire by chastising President Putin, declaring the shoot-down of his aircraft was his own fault for HIS faulty foreign policy of taking on the rebels / ISIS rather than joining him (Obama) in trying to oust Assad instead!


Several have said since yesterday that Obama seems to be willing to risk 'WWIII', dragging NATO into a war with Russia, in order to protect / ignore ISIS and instead oust President Assad from Syria, which is protected by and allied with both Russia and Iran now.

Barry has lost his damn mind! He has continuously sided with and aided terrorists throughout his entire administration, but siding with, growing, and facilitating ISIS attacks and slaughter of innocents in Iraq and Paris - which HE is directly partly responsible for - just to get Assad out of power to redeem himself for his embarrassing foreign policy 'Red Line' disaster is WAY over the top! I would not be completely surprised if some called for his arrest and trial before the U.N. for 'War Crimes' as a result.

Obama would make history....the 1st Nobel Peace Prize Winner to be Charged With WAR CRIMES!

--------------------BONUS MATERIAL--------------

Barry 'surprised' by the rise of ISIS? Hardly:

"Obama has had accurate intelligence about ISIS since BEFORE the 2012 election, says administration insider..

A national security staffer in the Obama administration said the president has been seeing 'highly accurate predictions' about the rise of the ISIS terror army since 'before the 2012 election'
  • Obama insisted in his campaign speeches that year that America was safe and al-Qaeda was 'on the run'
  • The president said during Sunday's '60 Minutes' program that his Director of National Intelligence had conceded he underestimated ISIS
  • But the administration aide insisted that Obama's advisers gave him actionable information that sat and gathered dust for more than a year
  • 'He knew what was at stake,' the aide said of the president, and 'he knew where all the moving pieces were'
  • Obama takes daily intelligence briefings in writing, he explained, because no one will be able to testify about warning the president in person about threats that the White House doesn't act on"

'Unless someone very senior has been shredding the president's daily briefings and telling him that the dog ate them, highly accurate predictions about ISIL have been showing up in the Oval Office since before the 2012 election,' said a national security staffer in the Obama administration who is familiar with the content of intelligence briefings."
LINK: Insider: Obama has had accurate ISIS intel since BEFORE 2012 election

Where did Obama say he was surprised?

Obama has ordered ISIL oil to be destroyed and just yesterday or the day before, ordered bombing of a couple of hundred ISIL oil tanks. Please show how Obama's killing of ISIL and other terrorists is "siding" with them. Seriously, that is just a really stupid lie.

The moonbat messiah could ass rape and strangle a small boy on the WH lawn and the media would blame the boy for getting the meat muppet aroused, and the mindless zealots who voted for him would threaten to riot if any attempt was made to prosecute him.

Nothing will come of this, democrooks will not be held accountable by the media or their voters.

I've often wondered if their obsession with taking out Assad has to with the possibility that Iraq's wmd might be discovered, and Bush proven right, if they don't get it done now, or the possibility of their use by Assad.
Where did Obama say he was surprised?

Ya bother reading the article? Do you keep up with the news? WHY do you think Obama blamed US Intel for his being 'blindsided' by the explosive growth of ISIS/ Why do you think he called for the Investigation into CENTCOM?

Is it logical to say Obama was NOT surprised but called for the investigation of CENTCOM anyway? If he wasn't surprised why would he call for the investigation?

REASONING is not your 'strong suit', is it?
Where did Obama say he was surprised?

Obama has ordered ISIL oil to be destroyed and just yesterday or the day before, ordered bombing of a couple of hundred ISIL oil tanks. Please show how Obama's killing of ISIL and other terrorists is "siding" with them. Seriously, that is just a really stupid lie.


What does Reagan have to do with Obama protecting ISIS and Al Qaeda?

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