Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants
Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants (
28 Mar 2021 ~~ By The Associated Press

The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier to deport illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime.
Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion for a 5-3 conservative majority that ruled against a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and has lived in the country for 25 years.
The man, Clemente Avelino Pereida, had been charged in Nebraska with using a fraudulent Social Security card to get a job and convicted under a state law against criminal impersonation.
Illegal immigrants with criminal convictions who are facing deportation can ask the attorney general to allow them to remain in the U.S. if the conviction wasn’t for a serious crime and if they have lived in the country at least 10 years, among other criteria.
Gorsuch wrote for the court that Pereida failed to prove he was not convicted of a serious crime.
Under immigration law, “certain nonpermanent aliens seeking to cancel a lawful removal order must prove that they have not been convicted of a disqualifying crime,” Gorsuch wrote.
In a dissent for the three liberal justices, Justice Stephen Breyer wrote that the court instead should have ruled for Pereida because he was convicted under a law that includes serious offenses and less serious ones.

Have we finally received some logical sense from the SCOTUS? Seems it's been sadly lacking. they have seldom followed the Constitution and always vote in lock step, thanks to Roberts.
Will Chyna Joe refuse to follow the law? Sure he will, like his predecessor Obama, he's recreated a problem and crisis at the border to meet an agenda.
Meanwhile Illegal aliens voting in elections should also be considered a serious federal crime. At the very least, they should be deported and denied any chance of citizenship in the future. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to voting. Obviously any Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist would have their hair on fire if SCOTUS passed judgement on that issue too.....
So based on what I read illegal aliens can be deported for being covicted of committing a crime. Since they have all committed a Federal crime by crossing the border illegally, all one has to do is charge them and convict them and they can all be sent back
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..should just be able to deport anyway!!!!
..there are many stories of them using fake SSNs brother said his boss told some ''southerners'' he had to let them go because their SSNs were bad......their response:
''we can get different ones '' !!!!!!!!!
''''''''Illegal immigrants with criminal convictions who are facing deportation can ask the attorney general to allow them to remain in the U.S. if the conviction wasn’t for a serious crime'''''''

being ILLEGAL IS a serious crime --on top of the other crime they committed's also a National SECURITY issue
Identify Theft is a serious and growing criminal problem.

Why are libs so anxious to keep these creeps in the country?
they even PAY them for being-------------ILLEGAL
Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Crimi
nal Illegal Immigrants

Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants (
28 Mar 2021 ~~ By The Associated Press

The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier to deport illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime.
Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion for a 5-3 conservative majority that ruled against a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and has lived in the country for 25 years.
The man, Clemente Avelino Pereida, had been charged in Nebraska with using a fraudulent Social Security card to get a job and convicted under a state law against criminal impersonation.
Illegal immigrants with criminal convictions who are facing deportation can ask the attorney general to allow them to remain in the U.S. if the conviction wasn’t for a serious crime and if they have lived in the country at least 10 years, among other criteria.
Gorsuch wrote for the court that Pereida failed to prove he was not convicted of a serious crime.
Under immigration law, “certain nonpermanent aliens seeking to cancel a lawful removal order must prove that they have not been convicted of a disqualifying crime,” Gorsuch wrote.
In a dissent for the three liberal justices, Justice Stephen Breyer wrote that the court instead should have ruled for Pereida because he was convicted under a law that includes serious offenses and less serious ones.

Have we finally received some logical sense from the SCOTUS? Seems it's been sadly lacking. they have seldom followed the Constitution and always vote in lock step, thanks to Roberts.
Will Chyna Joe refuse to follow the law? Sure he will, like his predecessor Obama, he's recreated a problem and crisis at the border to meet an agenda.
Meanwhile Illegal aliens voting in elections should also be considered a serious federal crime. At the very least, they should be deported and denied any chance of citizenship in the future. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to voting. Obviously any Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist would have their hair on fire if SCOTUS passed judgement on that issue too.....
So based on what I read illegal aliens can be deported for being covicted of committing a crime. Since they have all committed a Federal crime by crossing the border illegally, all one has to do is charge them and convict them and they can all be sent back

Obama deported some 3 million illegals. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor.. Read the damned law instead of guessing.
Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants
Supreme Court Paves the Way for Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants (
28 Mar 2021 ~~ By The Associated Press

The Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier to deport illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime.
Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion for a 5-3 conservative majority that ruled against a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and has lived in the country for 25 years.
The man, Clemente Avelino Pereida, had been charged in Nebraska with using a fraudulent Social Security card to get a job and convicted under a state law against criminal impersonation.
Illegal immigrants with criminal convictions who are facing deportation can ask the attorney general to allow them to remain in the U.S. if the conviction wasn’t for a serious crime and if they have lived in the country at least 10 years, among other criteria.
Gorsuch wrote for the court that Pereida failed to prove he was not convicted of a serious crime.
Under immigration law, “certain nonpermanent aliens seeking to cancel a lawful removal order must prove that they have not been convicted of a disqualifying crime,” Gorsuch wrote.
In a dissent for the three liberal justices, Justice Stephen Breyer wrote that the court instead should have ruled for Pereida because he was convicted under a law that includes serious offenses and less serious ones.

Have we finally received some logical sense from the SCOTUS? Seems it's been sadly lacking. they have seldom followed the Constitution and always vote in lock step, thanks to Roberts.
Will Chyna Joe refuse to follow the law? Sure he will, like his predecessor Obama, he's recreated a problem and crisis at the border to meet an agenda.
Meanwhile Illegal aliens voting in elections should also be considered a serious federal crime. At the very least, they should be deported and denied any chance of citizenship in the future. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to voting. Obviously any Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist would have their hair on fire if SCOTUS passed judgement on that issue too.....
So based on what I read illegal aliens can be deported for being covicted of committing a crime. Since they have all committed a Federal crime by crossing the border illegally, all one has to do is charge them and convict them and they can all be sent back
Biden is already in criminal violation.

I was listening to a live report on the ground just now and I was so angry I was spitting nails. The guy was watching illegals being bussed in and out of a Marriot hotel that was fenced off to look like it is under repair. Biden is literally smuggling people in violation of Supreme Court order. He is committing high crimes.
Biden is already in criminal violation.

I was listening to a live report on the ground just now and I was so angry I was spitting nails. The guy was watching illegals being bussed in and out of a Marriot hotel that was fenced off to look like it is under repair. Biden is literally smuggling people in violation of Supreme Court order. He is committing high crimes.

We could solve the problem of illegals in six months without the vanity wall.
Blackburn questions ICE, DHS on spending $86.9M on hotels for migrants

EXCLUSIVE: Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn is demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tuesday over the $86.9 million the agencies are spending to house more than 1,200 migrant families in hotel rooms.

The Biden administration, earlier this month, awarded ICE an $86.9 million contract through Texas-based nonprofit Endeavors for hotel rooms near the border to provide temporary shelter and processing services for families who have been expelled from the United States but have been placed in immigration proceedings for their removal.

But Blackburn, R-Tenn., in a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and ICE acting Director Tae Johnson, is questioning the nonprofit's past financial disclosures, and how the new contract funds will be used.

Blackburn said that in 2018, Endeavors brought in "over $38 million in contributions and grants," and noted that "IRS filings show that nearly $22 million or almost half of those contributions went to salaries."

"This raises questions if half of the $86.9 million in ICE contract proceeds will likewise be allocated toward employee and executive compensation instead of migrant services or housing," Blackburn wrote.

"As the current contract stands, the cost to taxpayers for housing 1,200 migrant families for six months is about $71,000 per person," Blackburn wrote. "For a family of four, that amounts to a shocking $284,000 — enough to buy a small house."

My comment: I was listening to a live report on the ground just now and I was so angry I was spitting nails. The reporter was watching illegals being bussed in and out of a Marriot hotel that was fenced off to look like it is under repair but the fence was really there to hide the illegal activity of Biden. . Biden is literally smuggling people in violation of Supreme Court order. They are provided with packages of information, including instructions to enroll their kids in schools ASAP and to NOT go to court appointments! Biden is committing high crimes.

Biden administration awards ICE $86M contract to secure hotel rooms for illegal families​

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is securing hotel rooms to handle the growing influx of illegal families crossing into the United States.


The Biden administration has awarded ICE an $86.9 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to provide temporary shelter and processing services for families who have not been expelled from the United States but have been placed in immigration proceedings for their removal.

The contract, through Texas-based nonprofit Endeavors, provides 1,239 beds and "other necessary services." The families will receive a comprehensive health assessment, including COVID-19 testing. The announcement comes days after White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the White House planned to provide 2.5 million doses of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine to Mexico.

Endeavors president and CEO Jon Allman confirmed the contract with DHS to provide "critical services to migrant families, which is a continuation of services we have delivered to the migrant population since 2012." Allman deferred questions regarding specific details about the contract to ICE.

Other services provided by Endeavors for migrant families navigating the U.S. immigration process include victim services, therapeutic regiments, educational resources and mental health care. Endeavors also offers culturally appropirate, trauma-informed, child-centered case management, home study, and post-release services for unaccompanied children and their sponsors.

According to data released by the Customs and Border Protection, the number of migrant family members caught crossing the southwest border more than doubled between January and February.

Around 7,000 migrant families were caught in January compared to nearly 19,000 migrant families in February. Meanwhile, unaccompanied children and single minors caught crossing the southwest border increased from 5,694 in January to 9,297 in February.

ICE acting director Tae Johnson emphasized in a statement that the border is "not open."

"The majority of individuals continue to be expelled under the Centers for Disease Control’s public health authority,” Johnson added.


Free taxpayer paid for hotels for illegal law breakers while homeless Americans live in a cardboard box on the streets.

Just one more count to include in the articles of impeachment in January 2023.
Punish employers that hire them.
we do punish employers that knowingly hire them….but if you read the OP you’d know that illegals get fake SS numbers, IDs etc to get jobs and defraud the employer

so that alone won’t solve the problem

especially when you have dems promising them free healthcare and such
Every single man, woman and child illegal Biden brought into this country should be deported and the border closed up.

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