Supreme Court: OK for California to ban singing in churches and limit worship capacity


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Even Trump's Amy girl voted to keep the singing ban and worshiper limit.
I agree with this ruling. Churches should be able to worship. But states should be able to set rules curbing the spread of Trump's virus in churches.
The Supreme Court is telling California that it can’t bar indoor church services because of the coronavirus pandemic, but it can keep for now a ban on singing and chanting indoors.
Even Trump's Amy girl voted to keep the singing ban and worshiper limit.
I agree with this ruling. Churches should be able to worship. But states should be able to set rules curbing the spread of Trump's virus in churches.
The Supreme Court is telling California that it can’t bar indoor church services because of the coronavirus pandemic, but it can keep for now a ban on singing and chanting indoors.
sure, MORE proof you people act like nazis
no singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????? if this isn't nazi crap, nothing is
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Since tramp ignored the virus, its now his.
You mean when Pelosi was telling people to go visit Chinatown because staying at home to be safe from the virus was “racist”?

Since tramp ignored the virus, its now his.
You mean when Pelosi was telling people to go visit Chinatown because staying at home to be safe from the virus was “racist”?

Thats because the tramp lied about it.
I think we all found out that this Court is not going to protect our Liberty after they decided to chickenshit out when the Democrats stole the election.

Our Founding Fathers knew that the Legislative, Executive and Judical branches of government were going to fail the American people sooner or later. That is why we have the Second Amendment.
Even Trump's Amy girl voted to keep the singing ban and worshiper limit.
I agree with this ruling. Churches should be able to worship. But states should be able to set rules curbing the spread of Trump's virus in churches.
The Supreme Court is telling California that it can’t bar indoor church services because of the coronavirus pandemic, but it can keep for now a ban on singing and chanting indoors.

Maybe read the Article before commenting

"Barrett, the court’s newest justice, disagreed. Writing for herself and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, she said it wasn’t clear at this point whether the singing ban was being applied “across the board.”

She wrote that “if a chorister can sing in a Hollywood studio but not in her church, California’s regulations cannot be viewed as neutral,” triggering a stricter review by courts. "

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