Supreme Court Fast Tracks OSHA/Mandate Case: Jan 7th

You’re the coward trying to get others to do something so YOU feel safe. That’s not science. That’s fear. Projecting your cowardice. Typical leftist.
You could say that about any law or regulation bitch. Seat belts, littering, speed limits, smoking restrictions… they are all set up to protect others from morons.

In this case it was a simple plan developed under Trump: maintain so social distancing and wear some PPE until a vaccination could be distributed to quell the pandemic then move on. It’s too late now. I could give a shit what you do but I won’t shy away from calling you a fucked up moron.
I never stopped going into the office. Senior executives are onsite in most companies. Rank and file workers are indeed working from home. Regardless I am not scared of a vaccine nor science. Can’t say the same of you.
Oh, what a brave boy you are....Went in to your office every day? Hmmmm....Well, as an OTR Truck driver, (although lately I've been more regional) I've not missed one day of work due to this virus, and have been in probably 15 to 20 states east of the Mississippi, and been in contact with numorus different people...

So, congradulations, you went to the same office everyday, sat in the same office everyday, and probably to this day wear your mask everywhere, even when in your car alone commuting....Ok then....
You could say that about any law or regulation bitch. Seat belts, littering, speed limits, smoking restrictions… they are all set up to protect others from morons.

In this case it was a simple plan developed under Trump: maintain so social distancing and wear some PPE until a vaccination could be distributed to quell the pandemic then move on. It’s too late now. I could give a shit what you do but I won’t shy away from calling you a fucked up moron.
Still projecting your cowardice. See coward, I don’t give one single fuck what you think. I won’t shy away from laughing at what a gullible little sheep you are.
I guess as a teacher I know the difference between Typhoid and airborne respiratory coronaviruses. But sure enough liberals do not
I would think as a teacher you might know that an asypmtomatic can spread just about any disease airborne or not.
I would think as a teacher you might know that an asypmtomatic can spread just about any disease airborne or not.

Typhoid Mary spread typhoid because it's basically salmonella and she was a cook. Salmonella is very different from an airborne respiratory virus. Since I'm a teacher I like facts, data and information and don't just go off the cuff to attack people. So here's a study--virtually no asymptomatic spread in Covid and pre-symptomatic spread limited to 6 hours before onset of symptoms and yet still rare.

Still projecting your cowardice. See coward, I don’t give one single fuck what you think. I won’t shy away from laughing at what a gullible little sheep you are.

Typhoid Mary spread typhoid because it's basically salmonella and she was a cook. Salmonella is very different from an airborne respiratory virus. Since I'm a teacher I like facts, data and information and don't just go off the cuff to attack people. So here's a study--virtually no asymptomatic spread in Covid and pre-symptomatic spread limited to 6 hours before onset of symptoms and yet still rare.

A study of 201 people that relied on them remembering everyone they were on contact with for a 24 hour period up to 5 months ago, and then relying on those people to recall if the felt sick during that same 24 hour period.

Could you name everyone you came into contact with on Sept 23 2021?

And also one study that has never been replicated by anyone else.
Says the goof trying to say people are “scared” of a needle and science while proclaiming he’s so brave because he followed the other sheep. Seems you’re all out of talking points because you can’t scare anybody here. Still laughing.

Apparently, it is cowardly to refuse to be deathly afraid of a disease that poses no credible threat to the vast majority of us; and also “cowardly” to choose to decline a dangerous experimental drug that poses more of a credible threat than the disease which from which it fraudulently is claimed to protect us.

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.
This will sound hyperbolic but I'm serious: if they don't, our nation as founded is over. If the federal govt can demand you get injected with a medication as a condition of partaking in public life or working--individual rights are dead.

This is not even a close call, especially considering that the "vaccines" do not limit transmission. We are being forced to do this because greedy hospital administrators have for decades cut personnel and beds.
I am sure you have support for such a hyperbolic statement. Right?
Testimony is over and they are going to decide. Probably 5-4 depending on Roberts against OSHA
The two puffy faced trangenderish Obama appointees are either lying or stupid misinformed or as indicated all three and buddies of Anthony Fauci working for Big Pharma.
This will sound hyperbolic but I'm serious: if they don't, our nation as founded is over. If the federal govt can demand you get injected with a medication as a condition of partaking in public life or working--individual rights are dead.

This is not even a close call, especially considering that the "vaccines" do not limit transmission. We are being forced to do this because greedy hospital administrators have for decades cut personnel and beds.
this summarizes the situation

one of their arguments is, “Covid-19 is not an occupational danger that OSHA may regulate."
apparently they need a reminder that OSHA is an acronym for health and safety.

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