OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Bob, you are such a little sociopath. Have you considered professional help?

That is hilarious, you presuming to call anyone else a sociopath. You may be the single most sociopathic creature on this entire forum. Off the top of my head, I can think of only one other that comes anywhere close, that might be as sociopathic as you, and possibly even a bit more.
It already is a person, albeit in a very immature form. From conception to natural death, nothing happens which causes an organism to exist that did not exist the moment before. All that happens is that the same organism develops and grown into a more mature form. That's science. Not the twisted, bizarre mockery of “science” to which you adhere, but genuine science.

Except if you let nature take its course, 10% of women would die from pregnancy related complications and half of children wouldn't survive to to five years old. We use "science" to intervene.

The problem with your 'zygotes are people" mentality is that you would give that fetus more rights than the woman it is inside. That means making rape victims have their rapists' babies, it means investigating miscarriages as potential homicides. It reduces a woman to being nothing more than a baby making machine.
That is hilarious, you presuming to call anyone else a sociopath. You may be the single most sociopathic creature on this entire forum. Off the top of my head, I can think of only one other that comes anywhere close, that might be as sociopathic as you, and possibly even a bit more.

I don't call for murdering people I don't like. Not even Mormons. (Sending you all for Cult Deprogramming, though, has an appeal).
The problem with your 'zygotes are people" mentality is that you would give that fetus more rights than the woman it is inside

That's kwanzaaa of course. The only right I am demanding for the unborn child is the right not to be brutally murdered in cold blood—a right that I equally support on the part of women, and of all human beings in general.

You support a “right” to commit cold-blooded murder against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, while condemning me for supporting the proper treatment of subhuman criminal shit such as yourself. I certainly understand your motive, given what you very clearly are; but there's no reason why any actual human being should ever agree with you on such matters.
I don't call for murdering people I don't like.


You openly support the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. Delusionally, you imagine that you can excuse this by denying that they are human. This is especially ironic when juxtaposed with your insistence that criminals are human, or that they are anything that is in any way equivalent or comparable to actual human beings.
Actually destroy any of those and no tree will grow, no chickens will be hatched, no silk will be produced and no babies will be born to raise the chickens, Harvest the trees and build the homes, spin the silk to make the dresses. Or be on here to read your Satanic so called wisdom.
Best response I have ever seen. Thank you.



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To engage in such absurd levels of hyperbole, in order to undermine the rule of law and common sense, is far more silly than what you are trying to claim my position to me.

It is the violations which you demand that will kill people, and in the process, destroy the lives of those that it does not kill outright.

Not that anyone believes that you give a shit about human life. You've made it absolutely clear that you are quite willi9nbg to see as many humans die or suffer as possible, so long as it supports the depraved agenda that you seek. You only claim to care about human life when you think that doping so supports your agenda.

It's your side that created this hoax, for no other purpose than to exploit it for malevolent cultural and political purposes. Your side only ever argues that it should not “have become a political issue or a cultural one” as an attempt to discredit those who push back against it and the abuses that have been perpetrated against us in the name thereof.
They lied from the very beginning:

Two weeks to flatten the curve

75% of deaths occurred to people with 4 Comorbidities so they DID NOT DIE FROM COVID.

Another 24% Died from 3 Comorbidities so THE DID NOT DIE FROM COVID

Then even SCOTUS SCUM SOTOMYWHORE claimed 100,000 children hospitalized from COVID. It was 3,700. She should be removed from the bench.
These agencies making all these impermissible edicts is nauseating.
When the Corrupt SCOTUS folds on this they will place dog collars and leashes on every American who once was a free citizen in the form of Mandatory COVID IDs, and COVID Surveillance Tracking.

Then they will eventually put a chip in you.

The DemNazi Party seeks to turn a human into human capital, a thing to be owned.
Perhaps this is why The Fanatical Left is pushing Gene altering Gene Therapy shots they are calling vaccines.

A New Study reveals that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve and not evolved from monkeys.

A vaccine is not a immunization. If it were a immunization I might have gotten one.

But you're right. mRNA stands for messenger ribonucleic acid. So while it isn't DNA it is related to it.

An immunization programs your immune system against a virus to key it in so it can kill the virus. A immunization would inject mostly dead covid cells into your body which your body will easily kill and thus learn covid and after a full exposure would already recognize it and be able to defeat it. The mRNA vaccine does not kill it or train your immune system to defeat it.
A vaccine is not a immunization. If it were a immunization I might have gotten one.

But you're right. mRNA stands for messenger ribonucleic acid. So while it isn't DNA it is related to it.

An immunization programs your immune system against a virus to key it in so it can kill the virus. A immunization would inject mostly dead covid cells into your body which your body will easily kill and thus learn covid and after a full exposure would already recognize it and be able to defeat it. The mRNA vaccine does not kill it or train your immune system to defeat it.
Exactly so it begs the question, is it doing what they said it is supposed to do?

Why is it even called a vaccine? It's not a vaccine. It is a gene therapy which modifies your genes.

As far as I read, the only real vaccine in the J&J vaccine.
That's kwanzaaa of course. The only right I am demanding for the unborn child is the right not to be brutally murdered in cold blood—a right that I equally support on the part of women, and of all human beings in general.

You support a “right” to commit cold-blooded murder against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, while condemning me for supporting the proper treatment of subhuman criminal shit such as yourself. I certainly understand your motive, given what you very clearly are; but there's no reason why any actual human being should ever agree with you on such matters.

Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't recognize them as people for purposes of being counted in the Census. (In fact, the Census bureau has very specific rules as to when a person can be counted in the Census. ) Other than idiotic Fetal Homicide Laws, a fetus can be terminated and no one gets charged with murder. Even the BIBLE didn't consider the death of a fetus to be murder.

You openly support the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. Delusionally, you imagine that you can excuse this by denying that they are human. This is especially ironic when juxtaposed with your insistence that criminals are human, or that they are anything that is in any way equivalent or comparable to actual human beings.

Actually, I don't have to "deny" anything. All I have to do is follow the laws as they are written.

Given that we can do chemical abortions now, I'm really not even sure how you can

On the other hand, those convicted of crimes ARE human, as they have rights protected under the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th Amendments. Number of Amendments covering Fetuses - Zero.

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