OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
According to the 6th Circuit of Appeals, the OSHA mandate is back on. A stay has already been filed with the Supreme Court, however.

A Biden administration rule that requires workers at companies with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated against Covid or undergo weekly testing is back on.

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a stay on the rule Friday evening. The rule was blocked on Nov. 6, just one day after it was formally issued by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

In dozens of lawsuits around the country, Republican-led states, businesses, religious groups and some individuals charged the Biden administration with overreach. Among their arguments: OSHA does not have the legal authority to issue a rule regarding a society-wide health concern that goes far beyond the workplace. Even if reducing the risk of Covid is compelling, it is not necessarily a "grave danger," as OSHA has declared it to be, they said. In addition, they argued that complying with the rule would be costly and could lead to worker shortages.

A three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit found these injuries asserted by the petitioners to be "entirely speculative," and the costs of delaying implementation of the rule to be comparatively high.

So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).

& all them thar 'prolifers' who don't care one wit about the precious 'unborn' & their forced to be incubator mamas getting a virus than can kill 'em.

oh well - i guess THAT's 'god's will '
According to the 6th Circuit of Appeals, the OSHA mandate is back on. A stay has already been filed with the Supreme Court, however.

A Biden administration rule that requires workers at companies with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated against Covid or undergo weekly testing is back on.

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a stay on the rule Friday evening. The rule was blocked on Nov. 6, just one day after it was formally issued by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

In dozens of lawsuits around the country, Republican-led states, businesses, religious groups and some individuals charged the Biden administration with overreach. Among their arguments: OSHA does not have the legal authority to issue a rule regarding a society-wide health concern that goes far beyond the workplace. Even if reducing the risk of Covid is compelling, it is not necessarily a "grave danger," as OSHA has declared it to be, they said. In addition, they argued that complying with the rule would be costly and could lead to worker shortages.

A three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit found these injuries asserted by the petitioners to be "entirely speculative," and the costs of delaying implementation of the rule to be comparatively high.

IT is good that it is getting there quickly, it needs to be settled once and for all.
IT is good that it is getting there quickly, it needs to be settled once and for all.

Honestly, I don't know where this nation goes if the SC rules that the president can make an executive order through his OSHA minions that workers can be injected with a medication that might stay with them forever as a condition of employment

If that happens, as far as I'm concerned, the USA is done.
Honestly, I don't know where this nation goes if the SC rules that the president can make an executive order through his OSHA minions that workers can be injected with a medication that might stay with them forever as a condition of employment

If that happens, as far as I'm concerned, the USA is done.

While a tad more dramatic than I would have put it, I do agree.

Though I am pretty convinced the USA is already done. With each passing month the wife and are taking the idea of retiring outside of the US far more seriously.
Honestly, I don't know where this nation goes if the SC rules that the president can make an executive order through his OSHA minions that workers can be injected with a medication that might stay with them forever as a condition of employment

If that happens, as far as I'm concerned, the USA is done.

but if the SC rules that a female must gestate & give birth, or risk punishment or worse - death ... then all's good.

So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).
You murder and destroy yourselves at incredible levels compared to Non Progs. Go away. Live in the cities and stop interfering with the outside areas. Stop changing things that will make those areas you hate into you. For they will act like you. Can you imagine producers of food and comforts with attitude? Like teamsters and corrupted unions and anything else? The truth is we live in a society if we use the same rules you want that the one pound of beef we currently get would/may be one ounce by city slicker ways of corrupted unions. You don't think those subways were built by modern post WW2 individuals do you?
While a tad more dramatic than I would have put it, I do agree.

Though I am pretty convinced the USA is already done. With each passing month the wife and are taking the idea of retiring outside of the US far more seriously.

For me it hinges on individual rights. Despite what pro-choicers think about pro-lifers, I really do NOT want to dictate "what happens to a woman's body". It's her body. It doesn't get more individual rights than that. The conflict comes because inside her body is ANOTHER body. But I don't want to derail this with abortion (really). Just making a point that to me, our founding documents depend on the primacy of individual rights. If that is gone--if the gov has the right to tell you what medications you MUST take, no exceptions--we are in a post-founding document era. There is nothing more to hold onto, really.
While a tad more dramatic than I would have put it, I do agree.

Though I am pretty convinced the USA is already done. With each passing month the wife and are taking the idea of retiring outside of the US far more seriously.

As an aside, I have run into some people who are avidly pro-vaccine yet anti-mandate.

Fair enough. You do you, let me do me. Completely American.
For me it hinges on individual rights. Despite what pro-choicers think about pro-lifers, I really do NOT want to dictate "what happens to a woman's body". It's her body. It doesn't get more individual rights than that. The conflict comes because inside her body is ANOTHER body. But I don't want to derail this with abortion (really). Just making a point that to me, our founding documents depend on the primacy of individual rights. If that is gone--if the gov has the right to tell you what medications you MUST take, no exceptions--we are in a post-founding document era. There is nothing more to hold onto, really.

I hear ya and do not really disagree.

The other thing for me is that we have gotten to the point where our "leaders" just suck, there is no other word for it. We are given shitty choices and told to be happy with them. We are so divided that elections are no longer about the best choice they are about the least worst. No country can survive this. We have become so tribal that every single issue becomes torn down the middle so each side can attack the other side.

If I did not have adult children I would not even think twice about leaving when we retire, and even now I am not sure that will be enough to keep us here. My sister recently moved to Slovenia and she is might literally be the happiest she has been in her life.
As an aside, I have run into some people who are avidly pro-vaccine yet anti-mandate.

Fair enough. You do you, let me do me. Completely American.

I think most people are that way. I would not call myself pro-vaccine but I have gotten my two doses. I am 100% anti-mandate (unless you are getting a pay check from the Fed Govt), it is just not a power the Fed Govt should have.
So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).

The regulation in question has nothing to do with anyone's racial identity.

Those who don't believe in the vax should starve to death for your satisfaction? Remember, the vax doesn't stop the spread and only theoretically provides protection to the recipient, who is still free to get it if they want.
I get that a lot of your do not really care about liberty or freedom, but we have a Constitution for a reason and you cannot ignore it out of fear and dread.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Honestly, I don't know where this nation goes if the SC rules that the president can make an executive order through his OSHA minions that workers can be injected with a medication that might stay with them forever as a condition of employment

If that happens, as far as I'm concerned, the USA is done.

Hysterics aside, Islamophobic Twat, we've been requiring vaccinations of children to go to school for years. The military has required vaccinations as a condition of service for years.

The question is, how many people need to die before you all just admit Trump fucked this up?

The other thing for me is that we have gotten to the point where our "leaders" just suck, there is no other word for it. We are given shitty choices and told to be happy with them. We are so divided that elections are no longer about the best choice they are about the least worst. No country can survive this. We have become so tribal that every single issue becomes torn down the middle so each side can attack the other side.

Oh, Please....

We spend 24/7 dissecting these guys, every aspect of their lives, ever person who ever knew them,

The thing is, most of us would look awful if we got the same level of scrutiny and bias that presidential candidates are exposed to, to the point where we take some fairly accomplished men and women who have dedicated their lives to public service and we demean them. And a lot of guys who might make good candidates take a pass because they wouldn't want to expose their family to that kind of nonsense.

So when a truly awful one like Trump comes along, he can shake it all off like decent men can't. So of course, the GOP voters reject 10 guys who probably would have made okay Presidents to pick the one guy who is openly awful.

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