Suppressed: 37-year-old professional ballerina drops dead two weeks after COVID shot, No Previous Issues, Heart Attack or Aneurysm Says Siste


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Gonna try to explain this to the fact absent, emotion laden libbies
Because someone died With Covid in their body does Not mean they died From Covid.
Same assessment applies to the vaccine.
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Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Two weeks after. Not immediately after. Not hours after, not a day or two after.
So..what you're really saying is that we should wait for the autopsy results before jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation?...right? :)
Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Two weeks after. Not immediately after. Not hours after, not a day or two after.
So..what you're really saying is that we should wait for the autopsy results before jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation?...right? :)
Spread the accusation and misinformation on Page 1 and let the correction creep in 3 weeks later on page 33.
Lib 101 SOP
Gonna try to explain this to the fact absent, emotion laden libbies
Because someone died With Covid in their body does Not mean they died From Covid.
Same assessment applies to the vaccine.
The only emotion laden twists here are trump cultists.

and lying anti vaxxed freaks

Got a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot of us have "previous unknown heart issues." Hate when that happens.
Gonna try to explain this to the fact absent, emotion laden libbies
Because someone died With Covid in their body does Not mean they died From Covid.
Same assessment applies to the vaccine.
The only emotion laden twists here are trump cultists.

and lying anti vaxxed freaks

Got a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot of us have "previous unknown heart issues." Hate when that happens.
A lot of them getting the info out about being damaged or family members getting it out on how they lost a teenage child or young adult to these human worldwide experimental trials. It appears the mutated MTHR gene may be a major factor in the deaths and heart damage.
Gonna try to explain this to the fact absent, emotion laden libbies
Because someone died With Covid in their body does Not mean they died From Covid.
Same assessment applies to the vaccine.
The only emotion laden twists here are trump cultists.

and lying anti vaxxed freaks
Not one fact, just dismissive emotional blather and like LOL you emotetards think that’s a real and stinging rebuke
Jacob Clynick of Michigan a 13 year old who had no previous heart trouble died of heart failure 3 days after second pfizer covid shot.
Jacob Clynick of Michigan a 13 year old who had no previous heart trouble died of heart failure 3 days after second pfizer covid shot.
Where is the medical declaration that he died From the shot rather than libtard hopeful speculation so they can deride the vaccine and try to revive the lockdowns.
Jacob Clynick of Michigan a 13 year old who had no previous heart trouble died of heart failure 3 days after second pfizer covid shot.
Makes me wonder if the nonsensical deltoid administration should actually know wtf-up ?
It's an intramuscular... deep Gluteous maximus is ALWAYS the way to go. It's very slow in The Empire though as some kid might see an adults ass cheek
Not nearly as evil as breast feeding though.
OMG ! Nipplez !
Coming soon. Burkaz
Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Good thing COVID didn't get her.
Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Two weeks after. Not immediately after. Not hours after, not a day or two after.
So..what you're really saying is that we should wait for the autopsy results before jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation?...right? :)
No, you should be keeping track of the deaths following the innoculations---if this average is higher than a similiar control group---you should then realize the obvious.

My husband has had 2 employee die immediately after getting the shots in the last 2 months....

The government is keeping track of the deaths---but they aren't releasing any information which should be a giant warning flag...
Turtlesoup best to just ignore them as they are total bafoons and very ignorant ones at that. Besides they may like having that crap like is proven to be in vax viles flowing through their veins. They just need to realize not everyone else will or are even going to take that chance.

Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


Two weeks after. Not immediately after. Not hours after, not a day or two after.
So..what you're really saying is that we should wait for the autopsy results before jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation?...right? :)
No, you should be keeping track of the deaths following the innoculations---if this average is higher than a similiar control group---you should then realize the obvious.

My husband has had 2 employee die immediately after getting the shots in the last 2 months....

The government is keeping track of the deaths---but they aren't releasing any information which should be a giant warning flag...

Unless you can provide concrete proof those deaths were directly attributed to the vaccine, it's just wild speculation. I'm sure they are collecting and analyzing the data on this. As with any vaccine, there are going to be side effects and possibly worse for a small amount of people. But there have literally been millions vaccinated with no issues. I'm sure the same thing happened with the smallpox and polio vaccines. Still doesn't justify not getting it.
Bu bu bu if it really happened why wasn't it on CNN?

The two sisters were watching a movie together when NaTalia said, “I’m really tired.” Suddenly NaTalia sat up “with a shocked look on her face” and reached her arms out to her sister. Kandice laid NaTalia on the floor and began CPR when her sister stopped breathing. Paramedics arrived and took over. But it was too late. NaTalia Johnson, known as “Ms. Natalia” to her students, passed away minutes later.


I Will NOT Get Their Fucking 'shot'
Gonna try to explain this to the fact absent, emotion laden libbies
Because someone died With Covid in their body does Not mean they died From Covid.
Same assessment applies to the vaccine.
The only emotion laden twists here are trump cultists.

and lying anti vaxxed freaks
And yet if Trump was still president cnn would be counting these deaths daily as Trump vaccine deaths. You would be blaming the vaccine to make him look bad.

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