Summer vacation Obama style versus George Bush

I guess the whole point is that he's being uppity?

NO he's making fools of you! And he told you he would because he is so smarter then you!
Remember Obama told us in 1995, he was going to lie to us. Going to FOOL us. Using "tricks"..."tactics".
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

You are satisfied! You are revealed for the idiots and fools that you are!

Nobody believes you/cared about it the first 8,000 times you posted it. Get a life.
Typical FFO response! You don't realize how much Obama despises fools like you!
I guess the whole point is that he's being uppity?

NO he's making fools of you! And he told you he would because he is so smarter then you!
Remember Obama told us in 1995, he was going to lie to us. Going to FOOL us. Using "tricks"..."tactics".
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

You are satisfied! You are revealed for the idiots and fools that you are!

Nobody believes you/cared about it the first 8,000 times you posted it. Get a life.
Typical FFO response! You don't realize how much Obama despises fools like you!

It's always enjoyable watching healthmyths, losing it.:popcorn:
yes it is.
So you are so shrift in information and knowledge you get your entertainment in this way?
Once again... you are proving the character of a typical FFO!

I'm watching TV and watching you melt down at the same time. Life is good. :popcorn:


Once again... your response is showing why people have such low regard for FFOs!
Security-wise, the small island of Martha's Vineyard makes the Secret Service very happy. The isolation of it cuts costs a lot, being fewer security staff is required.

The anti-blue state bigotry here also interesting. Apparently, Texas is RealAmerica, but Massachusetts and Hawaii aren't. And it's okay for conservatives to make that kind of slur openly, but they'd be squealing in outrage if anyone dared say Texas wasn't RealAmerica. Almost all the righties hold that double standard.

And Bush's "home" was so precious to him, he dumped it the instant he left office and moved to Dallas. After all, the photo ops of his manly brush clearing were no longer necessary.
Security-wise, the small island of Martha's Vineyard makes the Secret Service very happy. The isolation of it cuts costs a lot, being fewer security staff is required.

The anti-blue state bigotry here also interesting. Apparently, Texas is RealAmerica, but Massachusetts and Hawaii aren't. And it's okay for conservatives to make that kind of slur openly, but they'd be squealing in outrage if anyone dared say Texas wasn't RealAmerica. Almost all the righties hold that double standard.

And Bush's "home" was so precious to him, he dumped it the instant he left office and moved to Dallas. After all, the photo ops of his manly brush clearing were no longer necessary.

Wow... so it was "security" that had Obama go to this $12 million facility! That's good.
Of course the same could be said with Chicago. His home.
I mean surely the streets around Obama's home could be Chicago... his home and with his former chief of staff Emmanuel the mayor my goodness!
Finally if moving to Dallas was a "security" response my goodness why couldn't the same be said for Obama and his home?
But where will Obama live???

Will the Obamas return to Chicago and live in their Hyde Park mansion? I would be very surprised.

The post-presidency life of Barack and Michelle Obama is already a matter of much media speculation. Will the presidential library be in Chicago, where the Obamas made their professional lives and where the University of Chicago has made a bid to host it? Or will it be in Honolulu, the president’s home town, where a state-owned plot of beach-front land is said to be available for that use. The National Enquirer has reported that Obama plans to spend winters in Hawaii with his close childhood friend and golfing buddy Bobby Titcomb. Some speculate that Hawaii and Chicago will each host an Obama presidency facility, with a tourist-friendly location in Chicago for large numbers of visitors, and a research-oriented facility in Hawaii that could also house the ex-president’s offices during the winter months.

Read more: Blog The Obamas Hyde Park mansion after 2016
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It's always enjoyable watching healthmyths, losing it.:popcorn:
yes it is.
So you are so shrift in information and knowledge you get your entertainment in this way?
Once again... you are proving the character of a typical FFO!

No healthmyths, you go way overboard. You post with a lot of anger and in the end, it's quite funny. You certainly have anger issues, which are bad for you psychologically and physically, that's a fact..
Maybe America's Kenyan Emperor DID learn something from Ted (the swimmer) Kennedy's romps on The Vineyard.

Moochelle, if He wants to take you on a moonlight ride you might want to think it through.
It's always enjoyable watching healthmyths, losing it.:popcorn:
yes it is.
So you are so shrift in information and knowledge you get your entertainment in this way?
Once again... you are proving the character of a typical FFO!

No healthmyths, you go way overboard. You post with a lot of anger and in the end, it's quite funny. You certainly have anger issues, which are bad for you psychologically and physically, that's a fact..

I'm a person that deals with reality....not fantasy.
I'm NOT an angry person which again you as a FFO make the assumption purely out of ignorance.
Having a degree in psychology and 50 years of experience I find your layperson's perceptions just laughable.
I have neither the experience or the facts to make any assumptions about people like you psychological status, i.e. "anger issues"....But I do know that
by your constant attack on people like me while defending Obama it really exhibits your lack of information.
It seems that simple concept like..."If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck," geez maybe it is a duck.
But when YOU and your fellow FFOs totally ignore what Obama was telling you when he wrote in his book..
"Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

It proves to me you are a FFO. He tells you he is fooling you but you don't understand.
So what other then your continuation of belief that Obama is the Messiah and you defend his pompous posturing as a for the little person while he plays
golf on a $170 a round golf even while his brother lives in a Hut that costs ten times less then his golf round!
But FFOs like you instead attack people like me... calling me with anger issues????
What is really sad is you are caught. You can't agree with me about the above and your defense of Obama because to do so will destroy your belief structure.
I know this as I've several friends that are like you. Totally committed to being a FFO because if you like them ever question...the whole belief structure collapses
and you will be devastated. So much for my layperson's efforts to discuss equivalent "anger issues"...
Healthmyths, why do you keep saying Obama is the Messiah?

Exactly when did you start believing Obama was the Messiah?

Do you understand that it's not rational to worship Obama? Probably not, seeing how your posts here obsess over him in a cultlike fashion. We'll have to keep working on you. Repetition is the key. Try to understand that Obama is not the Messiah. He's just a man.
Healthmyths, why do you keep saying Obama is the Messiah?

Exactly when did you start believing Obama was the Messiah?

Do you understand that it's not rational to worship Obama? Probably not, seeing how your posts worship the guy. We'll have to keep working on you. Repetition is the key. Try to understand that Obama is not the Messiah. He's just a man.

He's no messiah, he's just a mess
I guess the whole point is that he's being uppity?

NO he's making fools of you! And he told you he would because he is so smarter then you!
Remember Obama told us in 1995, he was going to lie to us. Going to FOOL us. Using "tricks"..."tactics".
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

You are satisfied! You are revealed for the idiots and fools that you are!

I asked if you thought Obama was being uppity because I just can't see any other reason for such silliness concerning vacation destinations. GWB through his daddy's wealth had his Kennebunkport summers, why is Obama less deserving? What's the big deal if the place he stays at costs $12 million? I bet the cost of the last Motel 6 you stayed in was somewhere around $2-$3 million.
I guess the whole point is that he's being uppity?

NO he's making fools of you! And he told you he would because he is so smarter then you!
Remember Obama told us in 1995, he was going to lie to us. Going to FOOL us. Using "tricks"..."tactics".
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

You are satisfied! You are revealed for the idiots and fools that you are!

I asked if you thought Obama was being uppity because I just can't see any other reason for such silliness concerning vacation destinations. GWB through his daddy's wealth had his Kennebunkport summers, why is Obama less deserving? What's the big deal if the place he stays at costs $12 million? I bet the cost of the last Motel 6 you stayed in was somewhere around $2-$3 million.

The difference is Obama keeps telling us he is his "brother's keeper" yet his brother lives in a $12/year hut.
He keeps attacking the wealthy for not paying enough taxes... yet he paid 19% when the rate for his adjusted income is 39%
He attacked Bush as wealthy 1% yet Bush paid 30.8% and donated 23% Obama..less then 14.8%.
Then he goes to a $12 million home for a vacation...Bush spent most of his vacations at a very less pompous Bush's HOME! Saved a lot of money.
Yes Obama is trying to be like the little people YET he is living like a 1%!

Phony hypocritical behavior is what I disagree with Obama. Just what a nouveau riche déclassé person does. Ostentatious conspicuous consumption at a time
when 46 million on food stamps, 93 million want jobs. And Obama blames the rich...yet he is emulating the very people he despises and attacks.

This is the optics that we have :

While Emperor Obama plays golf and laughs..........

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 3.26.57 PM.png


Healthmyths, why do you keep saying Obama is the Messiah?

Exactly when did you start believing Obama was the Messiah?

Do you understand that it's not rational to worship Obama? Probably not, seeing how your posts here obsess over him in a cultlike fashion. We'll have to keep working on you. Repetition is the key. Try to understand that Obama is not the Messiah. He's just a man.

Where did I ever say I believed Obama was the "Messiah"?
Reading comprehension includes the ability to understand the simple words like "sarcasm" which is what I was using to describe obviously FFOs like you
that do believe Obama is the Messiah...just as these people do which I'm very sure you agree with them!
Check out this web site for like minded people like you....Is Barack Obama the Messiah

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

-- Dinesh Sharma

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."

-- Chicago] Sun-Times

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"

-- Mark Morford

"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"

-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.
The guys' got the toughest job in the world with very little pay for it and the petty assholes on the right are begrudging him a decent vacation.

Begrudge a vacation at a $12 million estate???
How f...king decent you are!
I really wish he'd spend more time on vacation and less time f...king up our country!
This idiot has more people who want jobs as well as more people on welfare... what a record and then he has the gall
to laugh at you idiots that support him by playing a round of golf of $170 i.e. 14 times his brother's annual rent!
How can people like you accept this phony hypocrite?

I just enjoy watching all of your faux outrage.

Of course you do as all fools do... you have NO idea of how much Obama loathes people like you...fools."

Because of course- Obama shares these discussions with you.......LOL....

It is clear how much you loath Obama.

And that is what this thread is all about.
All of you FFOs keep defending this phony president and he knows it! He constantly is making fun of you. Laughing at you FFOs because he KNOWS you are so stupid he can in spite of the "optics" thumb his nose, give you the finger in everything he does!
He's laughing at you dummies that continual defend a guy who is destroying the USA economy with his stupid actions.
Really this guy spending his "vacation" in a place that just reeks of wealthy 1%ers and HE makes it sound like he is one of you FFOs...i.e. playing golf at $170 a round at a $12m vacation?

I am pretty certain he is laughing at you.

As we all are.

Tell us again about how terrible Obama is for taking 1/3 as many vacation days as Bush.....

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