Suddenly, some Repubs are sounding a lot like Bernie.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.
I guess you can't tell the difference between promising free stuff for those who don't need it....and helping suffering people out during a national emergency.

No wonder you vote're a fucking idiot.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.

Republicans have always been cozy with this stuff; they just lie to their voters about it.
I guess you can't tell the difference between promising free stuff for those who don't need it
I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see you fall back on mindless talking points based on a flawed analysis of some of Sander's proposals.
Nor did I expect you'd actually address the hypocrisy of Repub's new found love for deficit spending.........when a Repub sits in the Oval Office.
I find another Borg idiot post, imagine that.
One GOP member wants something and he tries to make it into many.
I have no doubt he probably has a few followers that agree with him. Compared to how many followers that agreed with Bernie?
He is talking about during an emergency versus normal times.
But hey it might make you feel better to be dishonest, fine.
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.

Another Rino and a punk 40 year old kid at that

Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, has emerged as a surprising Republican voice on those issues. The youngest working lawmaker in the Senate, Hawley has taken a lead on the ongoing investigations into Facebook, joining with Sens. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in February for a letter probing the company’s teen data collection practices, and penning legislation with Democrats that would extend more rigorous privacy protections for children. He’s also been outspoken in calling for changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, often seen as the central legal protection for online platforms.

GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.

*sigh* What is it you rubes don't understand about the difference between a temporary emergency - and in the case of the economic shutdown, one CAUSED by the government - and long-term standard operating procedure?

When Republicans start suggesting that the federal government pay 80% of people's salaries in perpetuity, THEN you can come whinging at us about how they're "socialist just like Bernie".
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.
Who has implied that Republican's are Conservative ?
I guess you can't tell the difference between promising free stuff for those who don't need it
I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see you fall back on mindless talking points based on a flawed analysis of some of Sander's proposals.
Nor did I expect you'd actually address the hypocrisy of Repub's new found love for deficit spending.........when a Repub sits in the Oval Office.

I just heard, "I don't want to hear what you're saying, so I'll just dismiss it and pretend it's something else."

Republicans don't "love" deficit spending any more now than they ever did. You're just too pathetically simpleminded to understand the concept of "no good choices". Which means you shouldn't be allowed to throw around the word "hypocrisy" without adult supervision, since it's also clearly outside your limited scope.
and helping suffering people out during a national emergency.
Helping them with free stuff

No, more like paying them for what the government was forced to take away. I get why you wouldn't understand the difference between giving money to people who were working until the government killed their jobs, and giving money to people who do jack shit of value with their lives, since you fall into the latter category.
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.
Only difference is back in 2009 NOT ONE republican senator voted for the obama stimulus bill not one lousy senator. And now the republicans know that every economist says Obama’s bill saved the country.
They say it’s now known it could have been bigger.
I wonder what those senators who voted no, say today in there defense.
and helping suffering people out during a national emergency.
Helping them with free stuff

No, more like paying them for what the government was forced to take away. I get why you wouldn't understand the difference between giving money to people who were working until the government killed their jobs, and giving money to people who do jack shit of value with their lives, since you fall into the latter category.

You’re prejudice is showing. So is your ignorance.
I find another Borg idiot post, imagine that.
One GOP member wants something and he tries to make it into many.
I have no doubt he probably has a few followers that agree with him. Compared to how many followers that agreed with Bernie?
He is talking about during an emergency versus normal times.
But hey it might make you feel better to be dishonest, fine.
I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see you fall back on mindless talking points based on a flawed analysis of some of Sander's proposals.
Nor did I expect you'd actually address the hypocrisy of Repub's new found love for deficit spending.........when a Repub sits in the Oval Office.
Only difference is back in 2009 NOT ONE republican senator voted for the obama stimulus bill not one lousy senator. And now the republicans know that every economist says Obama’s bill saved the country.
They say it’s now known it could have been bigger.
I wonder what those senators who voted no, say today in there defense.
Not only is there a consensus among economists that the stimulus package staved off a deeper recession or a depression, there is general agreement the stimulus should have been bigger.

Repubs were happy to actively participate in sabotaging the recovery for political purposes and thus cause economic hardship on millions of Americans...............because of their ruthless pursuit of power.
I find another Borg idiot post, imagine that.
One GOP member wants something and he tries to make it into many.
I have no doubt he probably has a few followers that agree with him. Compared to how many followers that agreed with Bernie?
He is talking about during an emergency versus normal times.
But hey it might make you feel better to be dishonest, fine.
I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see you fall back on mindless talking points based on a flawed analysis of some of Sander's proposals.
Nor did I expect you'd actually address the hypocrisy of Repub's new found love for deficit spending.........when a Repub sits in the Oval Office.
Funny that you are so brain dead.
You are trying to conflate one into many.
So sorry you don't even understand simple concepts of how wrong that is.
Funny you want talk about deficits. The democrats wanted even more spending.
GOP senator's coronavirus plan: Get federal government to cover 80 percent of wages.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wants the United States to follow Europe’s lead. That’s not something conservatives like him normally say, but he believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

The rising star on the right proposes that the federal government replicate what’s been working in the United Kingdom to keep layoffs limited and immediately begin covering 80 percent of worker wages at all private businesses, up to the national median wage, until the emergency caused by the novel coronavirus is over. He also advocates paying financial bonuses for businesses to rehire workers laid off over the past month.
The magnitude of the impact to the economy from fighting the virus is truly unprecedented. The rationale for throwing the kitchen sink at preventing what would be a depression without government intervention is ultimately it is cheaper to prevent one than try to recover from one.
What I find telling is how quickly Repubs (who make claims to fiscal responsibility when a Dem is in the WH) propose what can fairly be described as socialist remedies under Repub admins. No amount of government debt is too much for a Repub when his party is at risk of being held accountable for a massive economic downturn.
When Shrub was prez, facing the start of a deep recession, Dems cooperated in passing TARP. When Obama took office and the Bush recession was in full swing, no Repub supported the stimulus package. Using the pretense it was too costly. How times have changed.
Only difference is back in 2009 NOT ONE republican senator voted for the obama stimulus bill not one lousy senator. And now the republicans know that every economist says Obama’s bill saved the country.
They say it’s now known it could have been bigger.
I wonder what those senators who voted no, say today in there defense.

Pretty sure they say what I'm about to say: You need to put down that bottle of Ripple and step away.

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