Sturgis Helps Prove That Democrats Are Faking The Pandemic


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Sturgis went ahead and held their annual bike rally. What they discovered was pretty revealing:

5f4fefca95d2cShutterstock-Sturgis Rally.jpg

"Left-wing Democrats and their fear pushers in the media bemoaned the fact that the town of Sturgis, S.D., decided to go ahead with its annual motorcycle rally this year in spite of the pandemic. Never mind that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a Republican, never shut down the state, to begin with, and never mind that the state has never been a coronavirus “hot spot.”

Like a predictable broken record, they all said that the rally would become a “super-spreader event,” leading to death and suffering and pestilence on a Biblical (or a “Walking Dead”) scale.

Once again, the fear pimps in the Democrat Party were wrong, as PJ Media’s Stacy Lennox noted Wednesday:

The 80th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally took place from August 7-16 in South Dakota. Attendance at the rally was slightly down, at 462,000, a 7.5% decrease from 2019. No doubt COVID-19 fears played a part in the attendance reduction. Perhaps those with pre-existing health conditions declined to attend.

COVID-19 panic certainly preceded the rally. Indeed, it was predicted that it would be a mass superspreader event that would result in significant illness and death. Or not. The numbers are in for the City of Sturgis, and they are quite laughable. More people died from fatal crashes during the rally than from the virus.

"The City of Sturgis conducted mass COVID testing for its citizens after welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors for the 80th annual Motorcycle Rally. Now, the city is announcing the results," officials said.

"A total of 650 people took advantage of the free testing, with 26 people testing positive for COVID-19. All of them were asymptomatic at the time of testing."

Two takeaways, at least for Americans who have long accepted the reality that COVID-19, while certainly no ‘hoax,’ is also not the end of the world as we know it:

1) Once again, we see that the virus is virtually harmless in healthy, younger individuals who don't have underlying health problems;

2) The disease is so mild in the vast majority of cases people don't even know they've got it."

What they have discovered, and the media is hiding from us, is that only a total of just over 6,000 people have died in America of COVID-19 and not had any other illnesses. That's a huge difference from the over 180,000 reported deaths in the media. 180,000 of the reported cases died because of pre-existing conditions. COVID-19 just gave them that last push over the edge.

Also...testing positive doesn't mean what they claim it does:

A positive test means simply that there are viral particles in a person’s respiratory tract. They have been infected months ago and the sensitive PCR test detected dead viral fragments. A positive test does not mean a person is sick or contagious. And more testing means more positive cases, leading to so-called “surges” that were anything but.

Days ago, in of all places, the New York Times, the second pillar of the COVID Con crumbled, as they reported,

The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus.
Most of these people are not likely to be contagious and identifying them may contribute to bottlenecks that prevent those who are contagious from being found in time.

Sensitivity of the PCR tests has to do with amplification of genetic material from the virus. The fewer cycles required, the higher the viral load and greater likelihood of being contagious. By setting the threshold of amplification cycles too high, the test is overly sensitive.

Imagine a home security alarm so sensitive that it is triggered by a wind gust or leaf hitting a window. The homeowner will certainly be alerted if an intruder is attempting to break in, but the alarm will be going off constantly with false, or in the case of the virus, non-clinically significant positives. Or as the NY Times put it,

Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left.

33 amplification cycles may be the upper limit for detecting live virus, according to the CDC, but many commercial labs are using 40 cycles as a positive test, in essence sounding the burglar alarm when a bird lands on the back deck.

1 dead 250 traced mudd how many do you need to die or test for it do you need?

and do you still think this will go away after elections.....and what bout the 182 k dead....suicides for the hoax?
1 dead 250 traced mudd how many do you need to die or test for it do you need?

and do you still think this will go away after elections.....and what bout the 182 k dead....suicides for the hoax?
The statistics are being artificially inflated for political purposes.
Try reading my posts before you comment next time.

I really question the judgement of people that will believe a corrupt media and a political party that is responsible for the massive death and destruction in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Atlanta, etc.....and at the same time wants to defund the police.
How can you trust these people????????
Sturgis went ahead and held their annual bike rally. What they discovered was pretty revealing:

View attachment 383963

"Left-wing Democrats and their fear pushers in the media bemoaned the fact that the town of Sturgis, S.D., decided to go ahead with its annual motorcycle rally this year in spite of the pandemic. Never mind that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a Republican, never shut down the state, to begin with, and never mind that the state has never been a coronavirus “hot spot.”

Like a predictable broken record, they all said that the rally would become a “super-spreader event,” leading to death and suffering and pestilence on a Biblical (or a “Walking Dead”) scale.

Once again, the fear pimps in the Democrat Party were wrong, as PJ Media’s Stacy Lennox noted Wednesday:

The 80th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally took place from August 7-16 in South Dakota. Attendance at the rally was slightly down, at 462,000, a 7.5% decrease from 2019. No doubt COVID-19 fears played a part in the attendance reduction. Perhaps those with pre-existing health conditions declined to attend.

COVID-19 panic certainly preceded the rally. Indeed, it was predicted that it would be a mass superspreader event that would result in significant illness and death. Or not. The numbers are in for the City of Sturgis, and they are quite laughable. More people died from fatal crashes during the rally than from the virus.

"The City of Sturgis conducted mass COVID testing for its citizens after welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors for the 80th annual Motorcycle Rally. Now, the city is announcing the results," officials said.

"A total of 650 people took advantage of the free testing, with 26 people testing positive for COVID-19. All of them were asymptomatic at the time of testing."

Two takeaways, at least for Americans who have long accepted the reality that COVID-19, while certainly no ‘hoax,’ is also not the end of the world as we know it:

1) Once again, we see that the virus is virtually harmless in healthy, younger individuals who don't have underlying health problems;

2) The disease is so mild in the vast majority of cases people don't even know they've got it."

There's no way to contact trace that many people so you may never know how many people contracted it. The rally ended on August 16th. The virus incubation period is 3-14 days. That puts the next week to two weeks in the crosshairs for hospitalizations and deaths.
Turns out the OP was we all knew it would be:

Oooh dozens!!?

If it's so horrible why hasn't Sturgis been decimated?

Didn't read your own link did ya?

The deaths and cases were predictable. Blob supporters are just plain dumb.
Turns out the OP was we all knew it would be:

Oooh dozens!!?

If it's so horrible why hasn't Sturgis been decimated?

Didn't read your own link did ya?

The deaths and cases were predictable. Blob supporters are just plain dumb.
Dozens...out of half a million.


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