Study proves unvaccinated children are healthier

Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
Vaccinations are important to the whole population's health, not just to individual children, but if they are causing problems, that should be explored. It seems to me the comparisons show there may be a higher incidence of NDD among vaccinated kids. It doesn't mean you should NOT vaccinate your kids, but perhaps the thing should be explored.
The problem is in too many vaccines. The combination of that with desiccated food adds to the degraded health. The mothers are lacking nutrients, this passes on to the children and the generations to follow have more health issues as degradation escalates with each generation that passes.

CDC Says MMR And Pertussis Vaccines Can Cause Permanent Brain Damage | The Refusers

Doctors speak out: Vaccines don't work, but do cause brain damage and death

Can measles vaccine cause injury and death - National Vaccine Information Center
CDC Admits Flu Shots Are Effective Half the Time As Doctors Lobby For More Flu Shots - NVIC Newsletter
1 CDC. 2009-2010 Flu Season. Seasonal and H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Coverage. May 13, 2011.
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14 Magalhaes I, Eriksson M, Linde C et al. Difference in immune response in vaccinated and unvaccinated Swedish individuals after the 2009 influenza pandemic. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014; 14: 319.
15 Ibid.
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25 Fiore AE, Bridges CB, Cox NJ. Seasonal influenza vaccines. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009; 333: 43-82.
26 McLean HQ, Thompson MG, Sundaram ME et al. Effectiveness in the United States During 2012-2013: Variable Protection by Age and Virus Type. J Infect Dis 2015; 211(10): 1529-1540.
27 CDC. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness: How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? Dec. 21, 2015.
28 CDC. Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness 2005-2015. Dec. 18, 2015.
29 CDC. Early Estimates of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness – United States, January 2015. MMWR Jan. 16, 2015; 64(01): 10-15.
30 CDC. Flu Vaccine Nearly 60 percent effective. CDC Press Release Feb. 24, 2016.
31 Hannoun C. The Evolving History of Influenza Viruses and Influenza Vaccines: Circulation of Influenza Viruses and Selection of Vaccine Strains. Expert Rev Vaccines 2013; 12(9): 1085-1094.
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33 Jefferson T, DiPietrantonj C et al. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev July 7, 2010.
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36 Fisher BL. Women, Vaccines and Bodily Integrity. NVIC Newsletter Jan. 24, 2013.
37 Immunization Action Coalition (IAC). First Do No Harm: Mandatory Influenza Vaccination Policies for Healthcare Personnel Help Protect Patients. 2014.
38 Wrangham T. Vaccine Injury Claims Expected to Increase in 2016: Federal Advisory Committee Update. NVIC Newsletter Feb. 22, 2016.
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47 Bonduelle O, Carrat F, Luyt CE et al. Characterization of pandemic influenza immune memory signature after vaccination or infection. J Clin Investigation 2014; 124(7): 3129-3136.
48 Combadiere B, Swendlow DL, Borse RH et al. Keeping the memory of influenza viruses. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2010;58(2).
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52 NVIC. National Vaccine Information Center Says Proposed 21st Century Cures Act Will Endanger the Public Health by Lowering FDA Licensing Standards. Businesswire July 22, 2015.
53 Fisher BL. Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents. NVIC Newsletter Nov. 2, 2015
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...


LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................

You have any information about this from a trustworthy source?
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................

You have any information about this from a trustworthy source?

What for so that no matter what source I give you, and you can deny it, won't waste my time there is enough already on here to answer your question.

Sorry I don't play GOPHER to those who get off on thinking someone will bend over run around like a dog chasing their tail all so you can kick it all down over and over................ Follow the links already here.
This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...
Or maybe their religion......oooopppps
Had nothing to do with their religion. Prior to being targeted by the anti-vaxers, the Somalian community had a higher vaccination rate than did the surrounding communities. Something like 93%. Then they became convinced that the vaccines were causing autism and the result i a measles epidemic among them.

I was born in '43, and have known many people that were crippled up with polio. Anyone that doubts the worth of vaccines should read about the polio epidemic of 1952. And look then at how many people here in America contract polio now.

This news is very comforting, especially with the ever expanding measles outbreak in Minnesota. But, then again, I don't imagine too many care about this potential epidemic since it has pretty much remained within the state's large Somali-American community. A lot of parents in the Somali-American community refused the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine because they were convinced by some ignorant voices causes autism.

Oh well, what's a few Black immigrant lives more or less...

View attachment 125186

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................the MSM and BILL GATES etc LIE ................because billions get lost if ppl stand up against them, Imagine that one if the number of people who woke up went against these big pharmaceuticals use logic.

LEARN that MEASLES are given to kids who are NOT vaccinated because those who ARE Vaccinated SHED A LIVE VIRUS.................

You have any information about this from a trustworthy source?

View attachment 125193

The Mag
Parental rights should be terminated if the adults refuse intelligent vaxing for their children.
People who propose that they have the right over and above the parent should be banished.
Not yet you haven't seen the "tough" part yet we are just testing the waters with our tippy toes as you 'corn babies' have your whine on.

It will be interesting when people are forced to take these, in order to get a job, hell they got kids by the balls already and tech. it's not even a law to do so, but public schools use their authority to scare people into the doing of it.

But the way vaccines are now watch how of these doubters see the lights go out in their kid or grand kid.... it's happening over and over and over.


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