Study finds 4C increase will put 1/3rd of all Antarctic shelves at risk of collapse


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

Bill Gates wants to use Mr. Burns' system to reduce global warming. Maybe he can get Sleepy Joe onboard.

Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

They do so for good reason. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation which leads to drastic changes in temperatures never before seen. Having polar regions with different CO2 thresholds for extensive continental glaciation has only existed for the last 3 million years of the planet's history.

transition to icehouse.png
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

Bill Gates wants to use Mr. Burns' system to reduce global warming. Maybe he can get Sleepy Joe onboard.

Fossil fuels are going the way of the horse and buggy. The only question is will it be quickly enough.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

But it's NOT acting up and there is no indication that its about to. On the other hand we KNOW that humans have run CO2 levels up from 280 to 420 ppm and that has warmed the planet well over 1C in the last century
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

Bill Gates wants to use Mr. Burns' system to reduce global warming. Maybe he can get Sleepy Joe onboard.

Fossil fuels are going the way of the horse and buggy. The only question is will it be quickly enough.

Given that the goal is to replace current electrical generation from fossil fuels with renewables by 2050 and that they would need to double electrical generation and transmission capabilities to replace ICE with EV's, it doesn't seem likely they will meet that target.

So before that happens the fraud of man made global warming will likely be exposed for what it is.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

But it's NOT acting up and there is no indication that its about to. On the other hand we KNOW that humans have run CO2 levels up from 280 to 420 ppm and that has warmed the planet well over 1C in the last century

Oh yes there is.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

But it's NOT acting up and there is no indication that its about to. On the other hand we KNOW that humans have run CO2 levels up from 280 to 420 ppm and that has warmed the planet well over 1C in the last century

Oh yes there is.

Let's see the data.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

But it's NOT acting up and there is no indication that its about to. On the other hand we KNOW that humans have run CO2 levels up from 280 to 420 ppm and that has warmed the planet well over 1C in the last century

Oh yes there is.

Let's see the data.

If you don’t know the sun could cause dramatic species extinction events on earth, you haven’t been paying attention. You’ll have to get to work studying. Start here: Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon
Great. This should fix the drought in California.


What makes you think that?

Lemon - lemonade approach. What I find funny is that the article you posted stresses climate and a temperature rise to 4C as having catastrophic effect on antarctic ice but makes no real mention of growing volcanic and seismic activity in Antarctica.

"A 2017 study claimed to have found 138 volcanoes, of which 91 were previously unknown."

And massive seismic activity in 2020:

"More than 30,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August, according to the University of Chile, a spike in seismic activity that has intrigued researchers who study the remote, snowbound continent."

Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

KEWL ! Lets get some gear and start a Jootoob channel !
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

The paper is garbage because it doesn't mention the Volcano at all, and lying since there is an active VOLCANO under the Pine Island glacier, that is a significant cause of its melting, posted about this in another thread at POST 5

"There is one for Pine Island Glacier too:

National Science Foundation

Previously unsuspected volcanic activity confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier


June 27, 2018

This material is available primarily for archival purposes. Telephone numbers or other contact information may be out of date; please see current contact information at media contacts.

Tracing a chemical signature of helium in seawater, an international team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United Kingdom's (U.K.) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has discovered a previously unknown volcanic hotspot beneath the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).



You were shown the existence of Volcanoes over a year ago, you have memory problems?

You got mislead once again.
Larsen C, Shackleton, Pine Island and Wilkins ice shelves at greatest risk

A 4C increase would be impressive. Too bad an 8C decrease is more likely.
Yeah we just might be headed for an ice age. Many experts claim the melting ice caps leads to an ice age. At any rate many experts ignore the impact of the sun. It’s where the action is and it’s not friendly. Should it act up big time, we might be sent back to the Stone Age.

But it's NOT acting up and there is no indication that its about to. On the other hand we KNOW that humans have run CO2 levels up from 280 to 420 ppm and that has warmed the planet well over 1C in the last century

Oh yes there is.

Let's see the data.

If you don’t know the sun could cause dramatic species extinction events on earth, you haven’t been paying attention. You’ll have to get to work studying. Start here: Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon

You suggested that evidence indicated some likelihood to a short order change in Solar behavior. That is NOT what these links point to.
Great. This should fix the drought in California.


What makes you think that?

Lemon - lemonade approach. What I find funny is that the article you posted stresses climate and a temperature rise to 4C as having catastrophic effect on antarctic ice but makes no real mention of growing volcanic and seismic activity in Antarctica.

"A 2017 study claimed to have found 138 volcanoes, of which 91 were previously unknown."

And massive seismic activity in 2020:

"More than 30,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August, according to the University of Chile, a spike in seismic activity that has intrigued researchers who study the remote, snowbound continent."


From your last link
“There’s no evidence that this kind of seismic activity ... has significant effects on the stability of polar ice caps,” Cordero told Reuters.
Great. This should fix the drought in California.


What makes you think that?

Lemon - lemonade approach. What I find funny is that the article you posted stresses climate and a temperature rise to 4C as having catastrophic effect on antarctic ice but makes no real mention of growing volcanic and seismic activity in Antarctica.

"A 2017 study claimed to have found 138 volcanoes, of which 91 were previously unknown."

And massive seismic activity in 2020:

"More than 30,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August, according to the University of Chile, a spike in seismic activity that has intrigued researchers who study the remote, snowbound continent."


From your last link
“There’s no evidence that this kind of seismic activity ... has significant effects on the stability of polar ice caps,” Cordero told Reuters.

In recent years, some have speculated that volcanic activity could be playing a role in the present-day loss of ice mass from Earth’s polar ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. But does the science support that idea?
In short, the answer is a definitive “no,” though recent studies have shed important new light on the matter. For example, a 2017 NASA-led study by geophysicists Erik Ivins and Helene Seroussi of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory added evidence to bolster a longstanding hypothesis that a heat source called a mantle plume lies deep below Antarctica's Marie Byrd Land, explaining some of the melting that creates lakes and rivers under the ice sheet. While the study may help explain why the ice sheet collapsed rapidly in an earlier era of rapid climate change and why it’s so unstable today, the researchers emphasized that the heat source isn't a new or increasing threat to the West Antarctic ice sheet, but rather has been going on over geologic timescales, and therefore represents a background contribution to the melting of the ice sheet.

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