Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants

According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal.

Camarota and Zeigler report three conclusions:

First, the long-term decline in the employment for natives across age and education levels is a clear indication that there is no general labor shortage, which is a primary justification for the large increases in immigration (skilled and unskilled) in the Schumer-Rubio bill and similar House proposals.

Second, the decline in work among the native-born over the last 14 years of high immigration is consistent with research showing that immigration reduces employment for natives.

Third, the trends since 2000 challenge the argument that immigration on balance increases job opportunities for natives. Over 17 million immigrants arrived in the country in the last 14 years, yet native employment has deteriorated significantly.

Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants | National Review Online!

Our citizens are not working due to the influx of immigrants, legal and illegal. It is now beyond the crisis stage and only getting worse. Time for all to wake up.
Time for all to wake up.

The time for that was before the last election. And the one before that. Now is the time to get out and vote in the mid-terms, and hang on for dear life until the next Presidential election.
First, the long-term decline in the employment for natives across age and education levels is a clear indication that there is no general labor shortage...

Who said there was?

It is common to hear that we need immigrants to fill the jobs that Americans don't want or there just aren't enough workers to fill the needs of the employers, so we need immigrants, primarily from Mexico. We all hear it from proponents of immigration.
Time for all to wake up.

The time for that was before the last election. And the one before that. Now is the time to get out and vote in the mid-terms, and hang on for dear life until the next Presidential election.

I'll agree with you there! We needed the change in the last election! The midterms are just as important as the presidential.
First, the long-term decline in the employment for natives across age and education levels is a clear indication that there is no general labor shortage...

Who said there was?

It is common to hear that we need immigrants to fill the jobs that Americans don't want or there just aren't enough workers to fill the needs of the employers, so we need immigrants, primarily from Mexico. We all hear it from proponents of immigration.

That Americans "won't" do certain jobs is nonsense. Whether a given population of unskilled native-born Americans resides in areas that need seasonal labor is an issue for discussion. Certain high-skill fields are most certainly experiencing a shortage of qualified applicants. Simply comparing the number of unfilled positions and the number of unemployed Americans makes no sense. There is a shortage of physicians in this country and it is likely to get much worse in the coming years. Should those jobs be filled by some kid who dropped out of high school just because he is on the "unemployed" side of the ledger? Hell, do you want that kid working on the plumbing in your house if he's not trained or qualified to do so, to say nothing of the plumbing in your body? It's a bit more complicated than just comparing two numbers. Nonetheless, illegal immigration is ILLEGAL, and the government has long shirked its responsibility to stop it.

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