Students Cheer As Homosexual Flag Is Cut Down

Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.

It's not "normal". It's a genetic defect at best, a psychological problem at worst. In studies of over fed and over populated managed mouse colonies, at certain points they begin displaying behavioral abnormalities and homosexuality is one of them. It's a signal that a society is out of balance somehow.

I am absolutely not implying homos should be harassed, ostracized or harmed in even the slightest way. Their lifestyles can be tolerated and it makes no difference. Under no circumstance should it be celebrated or promoted however, and these kids are demonstrating the fact they're sick and tired of their elder generation's embracing something they have every right to find repulsive.

I can see what's not normal here. ;)
God created man to be with woman sexually. He will not bless any other relationship in that way. Anything outside of His ordained design and outside of the bonds of the monogamous heterosexual marriage is sin.

God must have really been pissed off at Solomon with his 700 wives, and 300 concubines.

Solomon betrayed God, dumbass . You goofs should probably not attempt Biblical matters
There are still some normal kids out there

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I ... Don't know flags. Why was one flag covering another? What was the one shown after the one was cut away?
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.

It's not "normal". It's a genetic defect at best, a psychological problem at worst. In studies of over fed and over populated managed mouse colonies, at certain points they begin displaying behavioral abnormalities and homosexuality is one of them. It's a signal that a society is out of balance somehow.

I am absolutely not implying homos should be harassed, ostracized or harmed in even the slightest way. Their lifestyles can be tolerated and it makes no difference. Under no circumstance should it be celebrated or promoted however, and these kids are demonstrating the fact they're sick and tired of their elder generation's embracing something they have every right to find repulsive.

I can see what's not normal here. ;)
God created man to be with woman sexually. He will not bless any other relationship in that way. Anything outside of His ordained design and outside of the bonds of the monogamous heterosexual marriage is sin.

God must have really been pissed off at Solomon with his 700 wives, and 300 concubines.

Solomon betrayed God, dumbass . You goofs should probably not attempt Biblical matters
Is God ok with Trumps 3 attempts at a lasting marriage ? And fucking a pornstar while his 3rd wife was pregnant ?
How many of his kids do the Catholic Church recognise as legit ?
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.

It's not "normal". It's a genetic defect at best, a psychological problem at worst. In studies of over fed and over populated managed mouse colonies, at certain points they begin displaying behavioral abnormalities and homosexuality is one of them. It's a signal that a society is out of balance somehow.

I am absolutely not implying homos should be harassed, ostracized or harmed in even the slightest way. Their lifestyles can be tolerated and it makes no difference. Under no circumstance should it be celebrated or promoted however, and these kids are demonstrating the fact they're sick and tired of their elder generation's embracing something they have every right to find repulsive.

I can see what's not normal here. ;)
God created man to be with woman sexually. He will not bless any other relationship in that way. Anything outside of His ordained design and outside of the bonds of the monogamous heterosexual marriage is sin.

God must have really been pissed off at Solomon with his 700 wives, and 300 concubines.

Solomon betrayed God, dumbass . You goofs should probably not attempt Biblical matters
Is God ok with Trumps 3 attempts at a lasting marriage ? And fucking a pornstar while his 3rd wife was pregnant ?
How many of his kids do the Catholic Church recognise as legit ?

No and everybody sins.
Homosexuality does not represent a country and should not be displayed with the flags of nations.

Sodom was an independent city state that fully embraced homosexuality back in the day.

They loved taking it in the caboose so much, they named their city "sodom" which is short for "sodomy".

Sort of if a modern city named itself "Bumphuck"
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.

It's not "normal". It's a genetic defect at best, a psychological problem at worst. In studies of over fed and over populated managed mouse colonies, at certain points they begin displaying behavioral abnormalities and homosexuality is one of them. It's a signal that a society is out of balance somehow.

I am absolutely not implying homos should be harassed, ostracized or harmed in even the slightest way. Their lifestyles can be tolerated and it makes no difference. Under no circumstance should it be celebrated or promoted however, and these kids are demonstrating the fact they're sick and tired of their elder generation's embracing something they have every right to find repulsive.

Agreed. Real tolerance is accepting there are some things that cannot be changed but still holding to your values.

Throughout the history of this world, evolution has explored some dead ends. Homosexuality is one of those evolutionary dead ends. Nature wants to survive and sex is a survival mechanism for mammals.

The perceived abundance of homosexuality is due to the fact that we no longer are in danger of going extinct due to the failure of procreation so these blind evolutionary traits tend to survive and flourish more.
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.
The why did He invent it?
He didn't. Satan is known as the father of lies and with mankind being depraved and evil anyways, homosexuality is spawned from man's own lustfulness. This is why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
This is pretty sick. Disturbed behavior. It's probably also theft and destruction of property. There is no information here, but perhaps an attack on free speech, as well. It's a shame that these kids weren't taught basic manners.
Yah. Free speech for everyone EXCEPT Conservative Christians.

I don't know what religion these idiots are, and it makes no difference. They took down somebody else's speech and destroyed something that did not belong to them.

Conservative "Christians" have the same as everybody else does, but no more. Nobody has arrested the likes of frankie graham or the rest of them. Frankie and his ilk exercise their right to free speech. They have their own TV shows, websites, newsletters, and pulpits..
This is pretty sick. Disturbed behavior. It's probably also theft and destruction of property. There is no information here, but perhaps an attack on free speech, as well. It's a shame that these kids weren't taught basic manners.
Yah. Free speech for everyone EXCEPT Conservative Christians.

I don't know what religion these idiots are, and it makes no difference. They took down somebody else's speech and destroyed something that did not belong to them.

Conservative "Christians" have the same as everybody else does, but no more. Nobody has arrested the likes of frankie graham or the rest of them. Frankie and his ilk exercise their right to free speech. They have their own TV shows, websites, newsletters, and pulpits..
And this is exactly what the Left want to stop. Preachers preaching the Absolute Truth of the Bible.
Moonglow is butthurt right now
No I am not I have only pity for a creature like you who wants to be authoritarians and tell society what is right and what is wrong and abuse those you hate with denial of human rights and freedoms... You people do shit like make it hard for people to exist because your religion of love teaches you how to hate.
People can abuse anything. We are not at the point in human history where there is plenty for everyone. And that changes any thing towards utopia that we try to accomplish but does not exist. Resources are finite with peoples individual ways a multitude. There are costs to everything. I keep spouting about the destruction of traditional marriage because history tells us that when things go bad, it is not nice and people get blamed. So maybe we are all a bit selfish with our own self importance.
How is your marriage being destroyed ?
Them there gays walk into their bedrooms and have sex making it hard for him to have sex with a woman.

OHHH! I'm having difficulty refraining from making a certain comment. Perhaps I would just edit your comment to read "making it difficult for him to have sex with a woman," as the opposite of this comment as you wrote it might just be more the reality.

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