Stop Letting Environmental Groups Funded By Russia Dictate America’s Energy Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And Biden is aiding and abetting Russia with his energy policies.

In aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one thing has become abundantly clear to the American people: energy security is national security. But after decades of indoctrination by environmental groups who have pushed a climate change agenda completely detached from reality, today America is left with neither.

Since the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden has capitulated to America’s most powerful, well-funded, dark money environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network, whose agenda is to shut down fossil fuels and restructure our entire economy around a socialist-style Green New Deal.

Politically beholden to these groups, and fearing the shame and public harassment tactics that they are known for, President Biden began his presidency by unleashing a war on American oil and gas to satisfy the environmental left. Many people don’t know that for years, Russia has funded the anti-fracking propaganda that many environmental groups have picked up.

In 2017, congressional investigators found that a money trail linked Russia to millions of dollars funding U.S. nonprofits to work against U.S. shale gas in order to influence the U.S. energy market. Specifically, investigators found that NRDC, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network were all found to have received millions of dollars of funding in grants from a shady San Francisco-based company called “Sea Change” that a money trail linked back to the Russians. Indeed, it is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades, as environmental groups funded the campaigns of Democrats and pressured them to ban fossil fuels.

These same environmental groups relentlessly attacked President Trump and his appointees (I was one) as “anti-science,” “enemies of the EPA,” and “climate change deniers,” pulling out all the stops to frame President Trump’s pro-American energy agenda as harmful to the environment. President Trump knew then what we are all seeing now: Energy independence is crucial to our security, and we don’t have to shut down industry with duplicative and costly regulations to protect our environment.

After spending millions to elect Biden, the environmental left got its wish: Biden canceled America’s Keystone XL pipeline, blocking the safe transport of oil from one of our closest allies and killing thousands of jobs. At the same time, Biden removed President Trump’s sanctions on the Russian NordStream2 pipeline, giving Putin the green light to move forward.

Biden canceled oil and gas leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal on and off-shore lands, effectively crushing American energy supplies. He unleashed his federal regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and more to hamper energy exploration, production, and transportation with new regulations. Finally, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Biden’s regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission took one more step to embolden Russian oil by clamping down on pipeline permits and LNG-export terminals, which could have helped supply American gas to the rest of the world.


And Biden is aiding and abetting Russia with his energy policies.

In aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one thing has become abundantly clear to the American people: energy security is national security. But after decades of indoctrination by environmental groups who have pushed a climate change agenda completely detached from reality, today America is left with neither.
Since the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden has capitulated to America’s most powerful, well-funded, dark money environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network, whose agenda is to shut down fossil fuels and restructure our entire economy around a socialist-style Green New Deal.
Politically beholden to these groups, and fearing the shame and public harassment tactics that they are known for, President Biden began his presidency by unleashing a war on American oil and gas to satisfy the environmental left. Many people don’t know that for years, Russia has funded the anti-fracking propaganda that many environmental groups have picked up.
In 2017, congressional investigators found that a money trail linked Russia to millions of dollars funding U.S. nonprofits to work against U.S. shale gas in order to influence the U.S. energy market. Specifically, investigators found that NRDC, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network were all found to have received millions of dollars of funding in grants from a shady San Francisco-based company called “Sea Change” that a money trail linked back to the Russians. Indeed, it is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades, as environmental groups funded the campaigns of Democrats and pressured them to ban fossil fuels.
These same environmental groups relentlessly attacked President Trump and his appointees (I was one) as “anti-science,” “enemies of the EPA,” and “climate change deniers,” pulling out all the stops to frame President Trump’s pro-American energy agenda as harmful to the environment. President Trump knew then what we are all seeing now: Energy independence is crucial to our security, and we don’t have to shut down industry with duplicative and costly regulations to protect our environment.
After spending millions to elect Biden, the environmental left got its wish: Biden canceled America’s Keystone XL pipeline, blocking the safe transport of oil from one of our closest allies and killing thousands of jobs. At the same time, Biden removed President Trump’s sanctions on the Russian NordStream2 pipeline, giving Putin the green light to move forward.
Biden canceled oil and gas leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal on and off-shore lands, effectively crushing American energy supplies. He unleashed his federal regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and more to hamper energy exploration, production, and transportation with new regulations. Finally, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Biden’s regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission took one more step to embolden Russian oil by clamping down on pipeline permits and LNG-export terminals, which could have helped supply American gas to the rest of the world.

I thought Russia just funded NRA and Trump campaigns.
And Biden is aiding and abetting Russia with his energy policies.

In aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one thing has become abundantly clear to the American people: energy security is national security. But after decades of indoctrination by environmental groups who have pushed a climate change agenda completely detached from reality, today America is left with neither.
Since the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden has capitulated to America’s most powerful, well-funded, dark money environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network, whose agenda is to shut down fossil fuels and restructure our entire economy around a socialist-style Green New Deal.
Politically beholden to these groups, and fearing the shame and public harassment tactics that they are known for, President Biden began his presidency by unleashing a war on American oil and gas to satisfy the environmental left. Many people don’t know that for years, Russia has funded the anti-fracking propaganda that many environmental groups have picked up.
In 2017, congressional investigators found that a money trail linked Russia to millions of dollars funding U.S. nonprofits to work against U.S. shale gas in order to influence the U.S. energy market. Specifically, investigators found that NRDC, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network were all found to have received millions of dollars of funding in grants from a shady San Francisco-based company called “Sea Change” that a money trail linked back to the Russians. Indeed, it is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades, as environmental groups funded the campaigns of Democrats and pressured them to ban fossil fuels.
These same environmental groups relentlessly attacked President Trump and his appointees (I was one) as “anti-science,” “enemies of the EPA,” and “climate change deniers,” pulling out all the stops to frame President Trump’s pro-American energy agenda as harmful to the environment. President Trump knew then what we are all seeing now: Energy independence is crucial to our security, and we don’t have to shut down industry with duplicative and costly regulations to protect our environment.
After spending millions to elect Biden, the environmental left got its wish: Biden canceled America’s Keystone XL pipeline, blocking the safe transport of oil from one of our closest allies and killing thousands of jobs. At the same time, Biden removed President Trump’s sanctions on the Russian NordStream2 pipeline, giving Putin the green light to move forward.
Biden canceled oil and gas leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal on and off-shore lands, effectively crushing American energy supplies. He unleashed his federal regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and more to hamper energy exploration, production, and transportation with new regulations. Finally, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Biden’s regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission took one more step to embolden Russian oil by clamping down on pipeline permits and LNG-export terminals, which could have helped supply American gas to the rest of the world.

isn’t joey xiden and the demafasict an environmental group funded by Putin?
The die is cast till 2024.

Not that they will have the will to do it but in the meantime a gop House could withhold funding from many of the key agencies involved in this travesty next year and put them on notice that future funding won't be coming their way till they change their ways.....Money talks.
If I had to do it again, knowing what I know about trump, I would do it again.
Evidently you don't know enough about Biden. He is a traitor who is playing right into the hands of Russia and our enemies with his climate change agenda. We'll be lucky to remain the preeminent superpower in the world during his term.
Evidently you don't know enough about Biden. He is a traitor who is playing right into the hands of Russia and our enemies with his climate change agenda. We'll be lucky to remain the preeminent superpower in the world during his term.
I really don't think that climate change will wash, as a reason for Putin's attack on Ukraine. How did you get this lost in cause and effect. The rest of the country thinks the sanctions are to punish Putin and that Biden united NATA, Europe, most of the free world and all normal Americans against Putin, enemy of freedom and self determination and tyrant invading his peaceful neighbor, just like Russian leaders have always done.
I thought Russia just funded NRA and Trump campaigns.
You would be wrong. Just ask the Russians why the wife of the Mayor of Moscow gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars.

While you are at it ask President Potatohead why he selling out the security and economic well being of the United States to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos. Is he stupid or what?
I really don't think that climate change will wash, as a reason for Putin's attack on Ukraine. How did you get this lost in cause and effect. The rest of the country thinks the sanctions are to punish Putin and that Biden united NATA, Europe, most of the free world and all normal Americans against Putin, enemy of freedom and self determination and tyrant invading his peaceful neighbor, just like Russian leaders have always done.
I didn't say it was the reason for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Russia has been pushing for green energy policies by the West to increase his profits for fossil fuels. Germany fell for it but recently had an Awakening of sorts. We still have Biden and his administration (Kerry) pushing for green energy policies that will only further enrich Russia and China. There are just enough naive Americans and Europeans to fall for it. It is straight out of one of the Disney Cars movies. People are very dumb and naive in general and Putin has taken full advantage.
You would be wrong. Just ask the Russians why the wife of the Mayor of Moscow gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars.

While you are at it ask President Potatohead why he selling out the security and economic well being of the United States to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos. Is he stupid or what?

Sadly, these folks aren't able to think that far ahead. Putin played the voters in the US like a fiddle to get Biden in office.
You would be wrong. Just ask the Russians why the wife of the Mayor of Moscow gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars.

While you are at it ask President Potatohead why he selling out the security and economic well being of the United States to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos. Is he stupid or what?
I don't hang out with the wife of the Mayor of Moscow. Ask her yourself.
And Biden is aiding and abetting Russia with his energy policies.

In aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one thing has become abundantly clear to the American people: energy security is national security. But after decades of indoctrination by environmental groups who have pushed a climate change agenda completely detached from reality, today America is left with neither.
Since the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden has capitulated to America’s most powerful, well-funded, dark money environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network, whose agenda is to shut down fossil fuels and restructure our entire economy around a socialist-style Green New Deal.
Politically beholden to these groups, and fearing the shame and public harassment tactics that they are known for, President Biden began his presidency by unleashing a war on American oil and gas to satisfy the environmental left. Many people don’t know that for years, Russia has funded the anti-fracking propaganda that many environmental groups have picked up.
In 2017, congressional investigators found that a money trail linked Russia to millions of dollars funding U.S. nonprofits to work against U.S. shale gas in order to influence the U.S. energy market. Specifically, investigators found that NRDC, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network were all found to have received millions of dollars of funding in grants from a shady San Francisco-based company called “Sea Change” that a money trail linked back to the Russians. Indeed, it is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades, as environmental groups funded the campaigns of Democrats and pressured them to ban fossil fuels.
These same environmental groups relentlessly attacked President Trump and his appointees (I was one) as “anti-science,” “enemies of the EPA,” and “climate change deniers,” pulling out all the stops to frame President Trump’s pro-American energy agenda as harmful to the environment. President Trump knew then what we are all seeing now: Energy independence is crucial to our security, and we don’t have to shut down industry with duplicative and costly regulations to protect our environment.
After spending millions to elect Biden, the environmental left got its wish: Biden canceled America’s Keystone XL pipeline, blocking the safe transport of oil from one of our closest allies and killing thousands of jobs. At the same time, Biden removed President Trump’s sanctions on the Russian NordStream2 pipeline, giving Putin the green light to move forward.
Biden canceled oil and gas leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal on and off-shore lands, effectively crushing American energy supplies. He unleashed his federal regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and more to hamper energy exploration, production, and transportation with new regulations. Finally, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Biden’s regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission took one more step to embolden Russian oil by clamping down on pipeline permits and LNG-export terminals, which could have helped supply American gas to the rest of the world.

I see you are really Pro-Putin, Pro-Russia.
of course you would ! people like you are to arrogant to admit to making a mistake ...
The choice at the time was him or trump. I had seen trump.
and now we have run away inflation ,chaos at the border , skyrocketing violent crime, soaring fuel prices , and a major war in Europe ! but no more mean tweets ....
I'll take the inflation, but get to keep free elections decided by the people. Once you give that up for your short term goals of illegally keeping the guy you want in power, you never get it back. Inflation can go down. I have seen high inflation before. I have never lived where the winner of an election was decided by who stormed the capital to save the loser's bacon. I wouldn't like that. It is more important to keep the constitution, rule of law and elections that count.
I'll take the inflation, but get to keep free elections decided by the people. Once you give that up for your short term goals of illegally keeping the guy you want in power, you never get it back. Inflation can go down. I have seen high inflation before. I have never lived where the winner of an election was decided by who stormed the capital to save the loser's bacon. I wouldn't like that. It is more important to keep the constitution, rule of law and elections that count.
I really don't think that climate change will wash, as a reason for Putin's attack on Ukraine. How did you get this lost in cause and effect. The rest of the country thinks the sanctions are to punish Putin and that Biden united NATA, Europe, most of the free world and all normal Americans against Putin, enemy of freedom and self determination and tyrant invading his peaceful neighbor, just like Russian leaders have always done.
i've noticed that dems fall back on jan 6th [the day Trump told supporters to peacefully protest ] as the biggest reason they dont support Trump .... are we to surmise that if it werent for jan 6th that you would have voted for Trump over Biden ?
I'll take the inflation, but get to keep free elections decided by the people. Once you give that up for your short term goals of illegally keeping the guy you want in power, you never get it back. Inflation can go down. I have seen high inflation before. I have never lived where the winner of an election was decided by who stormed the capital to save the loser's bacon. I wouldn't like that. It is more important to keep the constitution, rule of law and elections that count.
From your side….

- The Constitution is invalid because it was written by white male slaveowners.
- the rule of law hurts minorities
- Elections can be stolen and illegitimate.

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