Stop Forcing Their Religion…

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'

That's the current theory, not a government position, or one based on faith in some supernatural beings. It's not something that demands worship on Sundays or has any dogma's. Take it or leave it. It will not matter.

We've established that here is no scientific basis for your several attempts at claiming 'science.'I

I have shown that atheistic Marxists masquerading as 'scientists' will say anything to force another religion out of the public arena. And you are a supporter of that oppression.

Therefore, you are a perfect witness to my thesis about militant secularists.

If the Judeo-Christian religion has no place in public school......neither does your superstition, beliefs, guesses, philosophy, either.

Your religion is simply the totalitarian attempt to silence that of other Americans.

Your off the wall accusations of Scientific, Marxist oppression fail as usual. They reek of a desperation to denigrate no matter what outlandish lie you convince yourself must be true. Public schools are an excellent place to teach children about all the different beliefs systems in the world, including Christianity. Public schools are not a place to indoctrinate children into any belief system.

Your thesis is a joke.

Drop back when there is any scientific proof of the propaganda you've imbibed.

Until then, you are simply one more boilerplate neo-Fascist who insists on silencing opposing voices.
That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

There was no light until there were stars. There was no earth when the first stars ignited.

When did the first stars form in the universe?
Prove the entire universe wasn't created ten minutes ago...everyone's memories, all the light in transit from the furthest stars, everything. Ten minutes ago.

Think you can do that?
9. “It is quite simply a lie to say that atheism is not a religious belief. It cannot be empirically documented that there is no God.
My atheism or agnosticism is not a religion. To my mind, it is obvious and empirically documented that there is no convincing evidence FOR a God or any other supernatural phenomenon.

she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.
9. “It is quite simply a lie to say that atheism is not a religious belief. It cannot be empirically documented that there is no God.
My atheism or agnosticism is not a religion. To my mind, it is obvious and empirically documented that there is no convincing evidence FOR a God or any other supernatural phenomenon.

she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

Now....are you ready to retract your lie about conservatives, and admit that it is you Fascists who are in favor of suppressing speech that doesn't conform to your views?

You wrote this lie, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"
Wales has banned parents from stopping their children learning about sex, religion and LGBT people

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?
9. “It is quite simply a lie to say that atheism is not a religious belief. It cannot be empirically documented that there is no God.
My atheism or agnosticism is not a religion. To my mind, it is obvious and empirically documented that there is no convincing evidence FOR a God or any other supernatural phenomenon.

she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs.
My atheism or agnosticism is not a religion. To my mind, it is obvious and empirically documented that there is no convincing evidence FOR a God or any other supernatural phenomenon.

she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs.

If some folks need to find another bakery without complaining and causing stir, other folks need to find another auditorium (in a foreign country) without complaining or causing a stir.
she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs.

If some folks need to find another bakery without complaining and causing stir, other folks need to find another auditorium (in a foreign country) without complaining or causing a stir.

You wrote this:
"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

BTW....I never use obscenity.

Are you ready to admit that this is a lie? "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. "

You're not moderate support the suppression of free speech, the key freedom of the first amendment.

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?
My atheism or agnosticism is not a religion. To my mind, it is obvious and empirically documented that there is no convincing evidence FOR a God or any other supernatural phenomenon.

she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.
she's insane.

she spends HOURS writing lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false accusations.....She is really good at VOLUMINOUS CONTENT of nonsense and BS.

Rational people probably shouldn't waste any time arguing with the insane.

When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.
When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.
When she writes about "religion," she only means Christianity, and then only her brand of it. She never mentions what her brand is, but she did go hysterical yesterday when some British venues declined to host frankie graham, and she titled her thread "Christianity BANNED in the UK," which I don't think either the queen or the Archbishop of Canterbury or parliament would ever allow to happen. She just has a weird hobby.

You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

"He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech"

Sans the pressure of Fascists who cannot abide any other opinions, his speaking engagements were cancelled.

Your sort did that.


What are you afraid of? Speech??????
That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

There was no light until there were stars. There was no earth when the first stars ignited.

When did the first stars form in the universe?
Prove the entire universe wasn't created ten minutes ago...everyone's memories, all the light in transit from the furthest stars, everything. Ten minutes ago.

Think you can do that?

Why would I try to do that? If you want to believe it and climb on your soap box and tell the world what you believe, I don't care. Go for it. Be free. Express yourself.
You wrote this lie yesterday, when I pointed out that your sort deprived a preacher of auditoriums that had agreed to let him speak....

I asked you for any examples of conservatives doing what you support, suppressing free of yet, you haven't provided any.

"People who refer to themselves as "conservatives" demand lock-step conformity on every subject. One cannot speak of being pro-choice or on behalf of equality of the races, sexes, religions, or sexual orientations without being subjected to a barrage of name-calling and obscenity.

Anyway, this discussion does not involve crime of any sort. This guy can speak as long as he can find a venue. Piccadilly Circus maybe?

So what if my views are moderate-to-liberal? It depends on the issue. Am I committing a "thought crime"?"

Are you ready to admit you're a Fascist?

You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.
You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere. The same has occurred here. frankie needs to find another bakery, according to your reasoning.

"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.
"You are the one who has maintained that people who are declined services because the values and beliefs of the service providers disagree on values should be quiet and go elsewhere."

then she DEFENDS the right of conservative christians to DENY SERVICES because of their values and beliefs. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.

So they changed their minds, probably when they found out what this guy was actually about, and refused to enable him. The people who let the bookings go through probably didn't even know who he was. I don't see this as any suppression of free speech. It's simply a refusal to enable. Your psycho imam just has to find a new venue. He just has to find another bakery that is willing to bake his cake. You like this stuff when it happens in the U.S. are also in favor of the suppression of free speech?

Who'd a guessed.

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.

So they changed their minds, probably when they found out what this guy was actually about, and refused to enable him. The people who let the bookings go through probably didn't even know who he was. I don't see this as any suppression of free speech. It's simply a refusal to enable. Your psycho imam just has to find a new venue. He just has to find another bakery that is willing to bake his cake. You like this stuff when it happens in the U.S.

And yet another lie.

You Liberals sure have plenty of 'em.

"So they changed their minds" [about giving the preacher the venue promised.].

No, they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

Why can't your dear boy find another venue? He was merely denied service because of his conduct and speech were in opposition to the values and beliefs of the venue owners. You have liked this sort of stuff in the past.

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.

So they changed their minds, probably when they found out what this guy was actually about, and refused to enable him. The people who let the bookings go through probably didn't even know who he was. I don't see this as any suppression of free speech. It's simply a refusal to enable. Your psycho imam just has to find a new venue. He just has to find another bakery that is willing to bake his cake. You like this stuff when it happens in the U.S.

And yet another lie.

You Liberals sure have plenty of 'em.

"So they changed their minds" [about giving the preacher the venue promised.].

No, they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

You forget that no one is required to be an enabler. The people of these cities that canceled these bookings were entirely within their rights to protect their populations from someone who is abusive and offensive toward their citizens and just wants to come there to cause trouble.
Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.

So they changed their minds, probably when they found out what this guy was actually about, and refused to enable him. The people who let the bookings go through probably didn't even know who he was. I don't see this as any suppression of free speech. It's simply a refusal to enable. Your psycho imam just has to find a new venue. He just has to find another bakery that is willing to bake his cake. You like this stuff when it happens in the U.S.

And yet another lie.

You Liberals sure have plenty of 'em.

"So they changed their minds" [about giving the preacher the venue promised.].

No, they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

You forget that no one is required to be an enabler. The people of these cities that canceled these bookings were entirely within their rights to protect their populations from someone who is abusive and offensive toward their citizens and just wants to come there to cause trouble.

"You forget that no one is required to be an enabler. "

That's the same lie as the last post.....I expect more effort from you lying Liberals.

No, they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

Why do you want to suppress his views?
OK...OK....stop begging: I'll provide the ethical upbringing that you seem to have missed out on.

If you disagree with what the preacher was saying, there are two acceptable responses from those who believe in the first amendment, liberty, and rectitude.

1. Simply ignore the preacher: don't attend his venue.

2. Speak, write, publish, support, the dissemination of your view. Dispute and/or rebut his.

Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks will do whatever necessary to silence opposing voices, and ideas/

This is largely because, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

And one result is that violence becomes the Liberals, Progressives, Nazis, Fascists, Democrats, Antifa, the KKK, Bolsheviks, method of discourse.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Now....look in the mirror, and recognize what you have become.
And admit it.

I will admit that you are absolutely nuts. Your psycho-imam can speak and pursue his hobby of complaining about other people wherever folks are willing to have him in the UK. There is no rule that anyone has to enable the bitch or have anything to do with him at all.

Wow....I see you are deeply ashamed of your admission that you wish to suppress the free speech of those with whom you don't agree.

You did try to justify your sort, Fascists, who found a way to get auditoriums that had booked the preacher, to rescind same.

It's that deep-seated fear you Leftists have of free speech.

You lies when you claimed conservatives do the same....but when challenged, can't find a single example.

And now, you lie again, here: "There is no rule that anyone has to enable the b***h...."

....when the truth is that no one has asked that he be given any venues, simply that he not be prevented from some that have agreed to have him speak.

Explaining this complex situation to you, again, would be like putting an elevator in an out-house.

So they changed their minds, probably when they found out what this guy was actually about, and refused to enable him. The people who let the bookings go through probably didn't even know who he was. I don't see this as any suppression of free speech. It's simply a refusal to enable. Your psycho imam just has to find a new venue. He just has to find another bakery that is willing to bake his cake. You like this stuff when it happens in the U.S.

And yet another lie.

You Liberals sure have plenty of 'em.

"So they changed their minds" [about giving the preacher the venue promised.].

No, they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

You forget that no one is required to be an enabler. The people of these cities that canceled these bookings were entirely within their rights to protect their populations from someone who is abusive and offensive toward their citizens and just wants to come there to cause trouble.

"The people of these cities that canceled these bookings were entirely within their rights "

No one said otherwise.

What I said was they were pressured by your sort of Fascist, and, as everyone has seen, when Leftists find that any they disagree with get to speak.....

You must be very embarrassed to be exposed as an opponent of freedom, or you wouldn't keep posting attempts to change the subject from you being a Fascist, huh?
I guess that what you mean by "pressured" is that the people in charge of these venues received complaints from citizens in their communities and they chose not to enable this guy.

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