Stop Forcing Their Religion…

Here is the answer to those militant secularists, neo-Fascists:

"My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith. We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!"
Trump, SOTU 2020
Is there a Constitutional right not to have to pray in public schools?
huh? in english
Really? Then how do you interpret this is a quote from your very own post:
Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

You wrote “Let there be light” was ‘The Big Bang’. Please explain.

That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

Read carefully:

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

No light had yet appeared on earth because in earth’s earliest period, the earth’s atmosphere was opaque, either from clouds or cosmological dust and debris, or both. In the words of former MIT physicist and member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Gerald Schroeder: “There was light, but no sources of light were visible from the earth due to the cloud cover over the still-warm earth. Warm earth = high vapor pressure = clouds.”

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.
Interesting but don't tell PoliticalChic, just another fact to twist and she's been very busy lately.
Here is the answer to those militant secularists, neo-Fascists:

"My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith. We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!"
Trump, SOTU 2020
Is there a Constitutional right not to have to pray in public schools?
huh? in english
Just checking into the Constitutional rights of atheists, Trump didn't seem to mention them at all.
Really? Then how do you interpret this is a quote from your very own post:
Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

You wrote “Let there be light” was ‘The Big Bang’. Please explain.

That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

Read carefully:

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

No light had yet appeared on earth because in earth’s earliest period, the earth’s atmosphere was opaque, either from clouds or cosmological dust and debris, or both. In the words of former MIT physicist and member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Gerald Schroeder: “There was light, but no sources of light were visible from the earth due to the cloud cover over the still-warm earth. Warm earth = high vapor pressure = clouds.”

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?
Here is the answer to those militant secularists, neo-Fascists:

"My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith. We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!"
Trump, SOTU 2020
Is there a Constitutional right not to have to pray in public schools?
huh? in english
Just checking into the Constitutional rights of atheists, Trump didn't seem to mention them at all.

But you are no longer lying about any mandated to pray, huh?

Here is the answer to those militant secularists, neo-Fascists:

"My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith. We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!"
Trump, SOTU 2020
Is there a Constitutional right not to have to pray in public schools?
huh? in english
Just checking into the Constitutional rights of atheists, Trump didn't seem to mention them at all.
why do you think you lost rights?
Really? Then how do you interpret this is a quote from your very own post:
Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

You wrote “Let there be light” was ‘The Big Bang’. Please explain.

That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

Read carefully:

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

No light had yet appeared on earth because in earth’s earliest period, the earth’s atmosphere was opaque, either from clouds or cosmological dust and debris, or both. In the words of former MIT physicist and member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Gerald Schroeder: “There was light, but no sources of light were visible from the earth due to the cloud cover over the still-warm earth. Warm earth = high vapor pressure = clouds.”

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.
why would you be sure there was or wasn't? it's immaterial. you weren't there. If I may be so blunt.
That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

Read carefully:

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

No light had yet appeared on earth because in earth’s earliest period, the earth’s atmosphere was opaque, either from clouds or cosmological dust and debris, or both. In the words of former MIT physicist and member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Gerald Schroeder: “There was light, but no sources of light were visible from the earth due to the cloud cover over the still-warm earth. Warm earth = high vapor pressure = clouds.”

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"
That is the Big Boom, you dunce.

God created that out of nothing.....

Light was there at the moment of the Big Boom.....but could not be seen from Earth.....

Read carefully:

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

No light had yet appeared on earth because in earth’s earliest period, the earth’s atmosphere was opaque, either from clouds or cosmological dust and debris, or both. In the words of former MIT physicist and member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Gerald Schroeder: “There was light, but no sources of light were visible from the earth due to the cloud cover over the still-warm earth. Warm earth = high vapor pressure = clouds.”

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.
why would you be sure there was or wasn't? it's immaterial. you weren't there. If I may be so blunt.

Whether there was a flash at big bang point or when the first photons of light were able to escape?

But that does raise the age old question if a tree fall in the forest.........good call!
What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.
I love it when you just make stuff up. Big Boom???

Big Boom:
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom
I got my bowl full of Froot Loops
I'm just lookin' for a clean spoon
I got my girl in the other room
Big dynamite, big boom​

What a vapid post.....typical for you.

My post quoted two scientists.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.
why would you be sure there was or wasn't? it's immaterial. you weren't there. If I may be so blunt.

Whether there was a flash at big bang point or when the first photons of light were able to escape?

But that does raise the age old question if a tree fall in the forest.........good call!
always, it's what I do.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'
Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'
well actually, how does he know god didn't start it all?
All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'
well actually, how does he know that god didn't start it all?

"well actually, how does he know that god didn't start it all?"

Exactly....and here's why:

Government schooling and his innate fear of confronting or even questioning his masters.

These secularists need to grow a pair.
Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'

That's the current theory, not a government position, or one based on faith in some supernatural beings. It's not something that demands worship on Sundays or has any dogma's. Take it or leave it. It will not matter.
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.
It was called big bang big bang big bang climate change..
Hey, you brought up the Big Boom, not me. I hope you didn't hurt yourself dancing around what you had written. I love when you work backwards from a religious or political truth and distort the facts to fit it.

‘The Big Bang’ lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds. From it everything in the universe was formed. The BB was an instantaneous event, a flash of light that was gone before the earth could have formed. How could that be the light of Verse 3? Don't hurt yourself.

Not sure there was even a flash.

When was the first light in the universe?

Because the universe has the conditions of the core of a star, it had the temperature and pressure to actually fuse hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements. Based on the ratio of those elements we see in the universe today: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% miscellaneous, we know how long the universe was in this "whole universe is a star" condition.

It lasted about 17 minutes. From 3 minutes after the Big Bang until about 20 minutes after the Big Bang. In those few, short moments, clowns gathered all the helium they would ever need to haunt us with a lifetime of balloon animals.

The fusion process generates photons of gamma radiation. In the core of our sun, these photons bounce from atom to atom, eventually making their way out of the core, through the sun's radiative zone, and eventually out into space. This process can take tens of thousands of years. But in the early universe, there was nowhere for these primordial photons of gamma radiation to go. Everywhere was more hot, dense universe.

The universe was continuing to expand, and finally, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the universe was finally cool enough for these atoms of hydrogen and helium to attract free electrons, turning them into neutral atoms.

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque, to transparent.

All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.
God's pretty good huh?
All of that is totally made up....for simpletons who believe it is science.

Who was there?

Where is any experimental data for creation from nothing?

Why are you so easily manipulated?

It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'

That's the current theory, not a government position, or one based on faith in some supernatural beings. It's not something that demands worship on Sundays or has any dogma's. Take it or leave it. It will not matter.

We've established that here is no scientific basis for your several attempts at claiming 'science.'I

I have shown that atheistic Marxists masquerading as 'scientists' will say anything to force another religion out of the public arena. And you are a supporter of that oppression.

Therefore, you are a perfect witness to my thesis about militant secularists.

If the Judeo-Christian religion has no place in public school......neither does your superstition, beliefs, guesses, philosophy, either.

Your religion is simply the totalitarian attempt to silence that of other Americans.
It's not made up. My proof? The Hydrogen Bomb.

Nobody said it was created from nothing. It is a hypothesis developed after the discovery that the universe is expanding exponentially. My theory is that the big bang is still exploding at the center of the Universe and that explosion is what is driving the exponential expansion.

The material of the bomb existed prior to the bomb, you dunce.

This is where you say "duuuhhhhhh......"

The materials that make up all the atoms in the universe exited prior to the big bang and expansion.

Of course not.

Unless, of have proof of that 'religious view.'

As A.G. Barr wrote...

“The secularists that Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.

….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'

That's the current theory, not a government position, or one based on faith in some supernatural beings. It's not something that demands worship on Sundays or has any dogma's. Take it or leave it. It will not matter.

We've established that here is no scientific basis for your several attempts at claiming 'science.'I

I have shown that atheistic Marxists masquerading as 'scientists' will say anything to force another religion out of the public arena. And you are a supporter of that oppression.

Therefore, you are a perfect witness to my thesis about militant secularists.

If the Judeo-Christian religion has no place in public school......neither does your superstition, beliefs, guesses, philosophy, either.

Your religion is simply the totalitarian attempt to silence that of other Americans.

Your off the wall accusations of Scientific, Marxist oppression fail as usual. They reek of a desperation to denigrate no matter what outlandish lie you convince yourself must be true. Public schools are an excellent place to teach children about all the different beliefs systems in the world, including Christianity. Public schools are not a place to indoctrinate children into any belief system.

Your thesis is a joke.

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