Stop being the stupid party

The enemies of the GOP are not the Dems but rather the radical reactionaries from the far right. The libertarians are no one's enemies because the rest of the 98% of America know they are dummies.

There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.
One Tough-Talking Nerd: Bobby Jindal Brands Himself as Republican Reformer -

Bobby Jindal comments from last night

"We’ve got to stop being the stupid party,” he said. “It's time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It's time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. It’s no secret we had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say, ‘We’ve had enough of that.’ ”

“The first step in getting the voters to like us is to demonstrate that we like them.”

It sure is cute how democrats are sooo concerned about the GOP. It's almost as if they need them.

Silent majority of which party?

We're just as pissed as anyone about the way the GOP leadership constantly sells us out to progressive policies and falls for the tricks Statists pull.

Jindal even said that Republicans need to have their heads examined if they want to run for president. He knows that telling the truth doesn't matter anymore. He also knows that the media is the tool the Democrats use to destroy anyone they choose. It is impossible for good people to run for office in the current climate. Anything they say can and will be taken out of context and used against them.

Wow... Good work, Muddy, you managed to hit the two best whines.

1) The mean old Media is making us look bad!

2) The GOP isn't really "conservative", and that's why it's losing elections.

Has it occurred to you that the real problem the GOP has is that the voting public, except for stupid religious people and southerners, have figured out what the GOP really stands for and has had enough of it?

When I was growing up in the 1970's, my parents used to say that Republicans brought us recessions and Democrats brought us wars.

Now Republicans bring us Recessions AND Wars, and you wonder why people are rejecting them?
One Tough-Talking Nerd: Bobby Jindal Brands Himself as Republican Reformer -

Bobby Jindal comments from last night

"We’ve got to stop being the stupid party,” he said. “It's time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It's time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. It’s no secret we had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say, ‘We’ve had enough of that.’ ”

“The first step in getting the voters to like us is to demonstrate that we like them.”

It sure is cute how democrats are sooo concerned about the GOP. It's almost as if they need them.

I don't think it's a matter of Democrats "needing" them as so much as it is that the country needs a rational voice to question our direction.

Sadly, the GOP stopped being that rational voice some time ago. Probably right after Obama got elected and the inmates took over the asylum.

Probably the point where Dick Lugar was considered "too liberal" to be a Republican.
First they have to clear the party of the perpetual children

As long as they represent the ideas of Aristotle Locke Jefferson Friedman Nosick they are infinitely superior to the Democrats who are illiterate and don't represent any idea other than buying votes and crippling people with more and more welfare entitlements.

Democrats are woefully vulnerable to glossy nonsense like "there is no red state or blue state, only United States" or "if the glove don't fit you must acquit" or "don't end it mend it".

All sound like rap or hip-hop without racial vulgar profanity.

No wonder Democrats are bewitched by them.
There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.

wtf? either women and minorities believe in a less overreaching government, personal responsibility, and are not for the taxation of others because they are greedy or it make them "fweel good". than they belong in the DEMOCRAT PARTY..
The Republican women I know don't EXPECT a party to reach out to them, they just want to know they share their values, morals and honor
And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.

wtf? either women and minorities believe in a less overreaching government, personal responsibility, and are not for the taxation of others because they are greedy or it make them "fweel good". than they belong in the DEMOCRAT PARTY..
The Republican women I know don't EXPECT a party to reach out to them, they just want to know they share their values, morals and honor

Only according to radical reactionaries who "feel" about what they want the party to be. Since you guys are dwindling in numbers, the party will change, probably much to your distaste.
And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.

wtf? either women and minorities believe in a less overreaching government, personal responsibility, and are not for the taxation of others because they are greedy or it make them "fweel good". than they belong in the DEMOCRAT PARTY..
The Republican women I know don't EXPECT a party to reach out to them, they just want to know they share their values, morals and honor

Women and minorities do, but that’s not what they’re hearing from the GOP.

Less government and personal responsibility means a woman is allowed to decide whether to have a child or not, including electing abortion, in the context of the right to privacy.

Less government and personal responsibility means same-sex couples have the right to access marriage law.

Less government and personal responsibility means that immigrants have the right to due process.

All of the above and more are aspects of less government and personal responsibility that republicans and conservatives for the most part oppose. That’s the stupid Jindal is referring to, and why women and minorities, Hispanics in particular, reject the GOP.

You and others on the right talk about “less government and personal responsibility,’ but you don’t follow through with actions in support of those values. Instead you talk about ‘legitimate rape’ in an effort to undermine privacy rights, or threaten to repeal or ‘amend’ the 14th Amendment, exhibiting your hate and ignorance by referring to American citizens as ‘anchor babies.’

Conservatives talk about “less government and personal responsibility,’ but however trite it remains true: actions speak louder than words.
There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.

Any way you cut it, current demographics do not get that 48% to 50%. Republicans are fixing it so that 48% can still win the House and possibly the Electoral College. But those advantages will dry up as the Republican tent grows smaller

It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

That is where they are losing voters
Our GOP is also losing votes by not stridently condemning the hate speech of the radicals.
It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

So in other words you expect a republican to become a democrat.

People have very different thoughts on gay rights,abortion,guns expecting them to bend to your views is unrealistic and not very inclusive,a term that the Dem's abuse daily.

Why can't a Republican support gay rights? well many do many don't its a moral subject.
same for abortion,why would someone that thinks its totally wrong to kill unborn children for convenience be expected to change their morality on the subject??

Guns well we have pelenty of laws and rules,more will do nothing constructive,on the contrary they would do more harm than good.
We expect Republicans to reach out to women and minorities, not to service only the very small radical minority's position against gays, reasonable abortion policies, and smart policies on guns.

Evangelicals will simply not be allowed to fuse their version of biblical morality with government policy.
The enemies of the GOP are not the Dems but rather the radical reactionaries from the far right. The libertarians are no one's enemies because the rest of the 98% of America know they are dummies.

There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

Gwennie, you are not a conservative, simply a radical reactionary. I am not a liberal. We GOP cannot win the presidency again until we stop being the part of stupid, warring against women and minorities. The demographics will not change.

Wise up.

No, not a radical reactionary.....just calling it as I see it. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm a radical anything. I agree that if the GOP doesn't stop agreeing with it's more extreme elements in the party with regard to women/minorities/immigration, then they are headed for even more problems.....candidates need to stop pandering to that group. BUT this occurs just as often and just as badly on the far left.....but no one on the left wants to admit to that simple fact, and when the pubs bring it up the liberals begin their deny/distract/distort nonsense in an attempt to shut down any communication.

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