Stop being the stupid party

There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

Gwennie, you are not a conservative, simply a radical reactionary. I am not a liberal. We GOP cannot win the presidency again until we stop being the part of stupid, warring against women and minorities. The demographics will not change.

Wise up.

No, not a radical reactionary.....just calling it as I see it. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm a radical anything. I agree that if the GOP doesn't stop agreeing with it's more extreme elements in the party with regard to women/minorities/immigration, then they are headed for even more problems.....candidates need to stop pandering to that group. BUT this occurs just as often and just as badly on the far left.....but no one on the left wants to admit to that simple fact, and when the pubs bring it up the liberals begin their deny/distract/distort nonsense in an attempt to shut down any communication.

If you oppose women and minorities' legitimate concerns and needs, yes, you are a radical who panders to the reactionaries and radicals.
“The first step in getting the voters to like us is to demonstrate that we like them.”

You know you've fucked up when these words even need to be spoken.

But many of them don't even know it. Still. Somehow. They'll deny it.



Actually, I have to say, I think if anyone is being disingenous here, it's Piyush.

Yes, what Akin and Murdoch said was pretty stupid. But they were standing on a principle. If you think life really does begin at conception, then even the babies of rapists deserve protection.

Piyush just thinks they need to replace this...


with this...


without changing the contents.

A real change would be to say, "We think abortion is wrong, but we recognize it is the law of the land, and we aren't going to try to change it. We are instead going to dedicate ourselves to promoting policies that reduce the need for abortion, such as improved sex education, stronger supports for poor working families, universal health care and paid family and medical leave."

THAT would be really changing things.

Well Said!!
The enemies of the GOP are not the Dems but rather the radical reactionaries from the far right. The libertarians are no one's enemies because the rest of the 98% of America know they are dummies.

There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

Don't count on it.......
It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

So in other words you expect a republican to become a democrat.

People have very different thoughts on gay rights,abortion,guns expecting them to bend to your views is unrealistic and not very inclusive,a term that the Dem's abuse daily.

Why can't a Republican support gay rights? well many do many don't its a moral subject.
same for abortion,why would someone that thinks its totally wrong to kill unborn children for convenience be expected to change their morality on the subject??

Guns well we have pelenty of laws and rules,more will do nothing constructive,on the contrary they would do more harm than good.

Those things do not make you a Democrat. They make you a free thinking American. There is nothing remotely Democrat or Republican about global warming. You either accept scientific research or you dont

Gays can be born into Democratic or Republican households. There is nothing intrinsically Republican or Democrat in supporting gay rights.
There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

Don't count on it.......

The numbers are not there for Republicans. Hispanics, gays, young people, single women, blacks, teachers, union members.....

It just gets worse for Republicans
It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

So in other words you expect a republican to become a democrat.

People have very different thoughts on gay rights,abortion,guns expecting them to bend to your views is unrealistic and not very inclusive,a term that the Dem's abuse daily.

Why can't a Republican support gay rights? well many do many don't its a moral subject.
same for abortion,why would someone that thinks its totally wrong to kill unborn children for convenience be expected to change their morality on the subject??

Guns well we have pelenty of laws and rules,more will do nothing constructive,on the contrary they would do more harm than good.

Those things do not make you a Democrat. They make you a free thinking American. There is nothing remotely Democrat or Republican about global warming. You either accept scientific research or you dont

Gays can be born into Democratic or Republican households. There is nothing intrinsically Republican or Democrat in supporting gay rights.

When it comes to Global Warming the rhetoric doesn't fit the science. This is why Obama and friends don't call it Global Warming but have switched to "Climate Change". That way they can't be pinned down to anything. Nobody can control the climate. Regardless what temperature is they attempt to say that it's because of man.

When it comes to Gay rights as with any issue the Dems take up, it's designed to attack segments of the GOP base, better known as the Christian Right. Democrats haven't done anything to improve the situation. All they've done is cause divisions. Why can I say this? Because you can't breed good will for an issue when you're constantly attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you.
It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

So in other words you expect a republican to become a democrat.

People have very different thoughts on gay rights,abortion,guns expecting them to bend to your views is unrealistic and not very inclusive,a term that the Dem's abuse daily.

Why can't a Republican support gay rights? well many do many don't its a moral subject.
same for abortion,why would someone that thinks its totally wrong to kill unborn children for convenience be expected to change their morality on the subject??

Guns well we have pelenty of laws and rules,more will do nothing constructive,on the contrary they would do more harm than good.

Those things do not make you a Democrat. They make you a free thinking American. There is nothing remotely Democrat or Republican about global warming. You either accept scientific research or you dont

Gays can be born into Democratic or Republican households. There is nothing intrinsically Republican or Democrat in supporting gay rights.

When it comes to Global Warming the rhetoric doesn't fit the science. This is why Obama and friends don't call it Global Warming but have switched to "Climate Change". That way they can't be pinned down to anything. Nobody can control the climate. Regardless what temperature is they attempt to say that it's because of man.

When it comes to Gay rights as with any issue the Dems take up, it's designed to attack segments of the GOP base, better known as the Christian Right. Democrats haven't done anything to improve the situation. All they've done is cause divisions. Why can I say this? Because you can't breed good will for an issue when you're constantly attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you.

A few decades ago that would have been it's an outright lie.

Scientists at the poles have drilled out core ice which formed as far back as tens of thousands of years ago. They have proven beyond any doubt that when the industrial revolution started carbon levels began to increase in the atmosphere and they've grown in percentage ever since. It's called science.

You people sound exactly like the Republican pro life ignoramous who boldly declared that a woman's ovaries shut down if she's being "Legitimately" raped. You live in a bubble with Fox News. Scientists aren't allowed there.
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There are reactionaries on both sides of the isle. In case you forgot, 48% of the country voted AGAINST obama. Are you and other liberals calling that 48% who voted against obama dummies???? Wow...and to think that the liberals were screaming about Romney making a comment about the 47%. The liberals are their insane hypocrisy at it's best!!

And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

Don't count on it.......

Count on it if (1) the hate continues and (2) we fail to reach out to minorities and women. Count on our GOP being a minority party for election cycles to come.
Just like the liberals rule now in the obama adminstration. Don't you people get it??? There are cycles in presidential elections.....the republicans rule, then the dems rule, then the repubs rules, then the dems....with one side always saying the other will win out and destroying the other. Right now the dems are pushing their agenda.....not long from now, the conservatives will be pushing theirs. Right now the idiot liberals think that their shit don't stink and they now own the will be a rude awakening when their tyranny ends.

yes there are cycles. but cycles have to be broken by internal changes.

you have huge demographic problems... you turn off pretty much anyone who isn't while male and over 50...

I agree and I really do not think the Republicans will rebound for a really really long time. 2016 is totally out of the question. dems will win easily no matter who they throw in ring

i don't know. i never underestimate the ability of the american public to become amnesiacs. i also never assume victory.

i remain cautiously optimistic.
And therein lies the problem.....48% is not 50%

That 48% seems a lot more likely to get smaller than get larger

If we do not remove the radical reactionary fascist right and replace it with a 21st century reach out to minorities and women.

Any way you cut it, current demographics do not get that 48% to 50%. Republicans are fixing it so that 48% can still win the House and possibly the Electoral College. But those advantages will dry up as the Republican tent grows smaller

It all comes down to redefining what a Republican is. At the core, Republicans push for less spending, lower taxes and smaller Government. That can be a winning formula
But why can't a Republican be opposed to manmade global warming?
Why can't a Republican support gay rights?
Why can't a Republican support SOME restrictions on guns?
Why must a Repblican oppose ALL Abortion?

That is where they are losing voters

When you ask why can't republicans support gay rights, that is a straw man. What rights does the GOP want to take away?

As far as gun rights, the public sides with GOP

When you say why must a republican oppose all abortion, that's another straw man. Tell me how many republicans oppose all abortion?

Everytime the democrats win an election, democrats always say republicans are done. They were saying the same exact thing after Obama won his first presidential election, then the GOP picked up a historic amount of seats in the mid term elections. You're too busy gloating, you don't realize Obama's poll numbers have been down since the election, which is a sign thar the pendulum is starting swing other way, like it always does.
when you poll republicans on the Gun laws suggested they are for them.

when they poll republicans about do you like Obamas gun law suggestions they hate them.

That is how stupid the republicans are

when you ask an ass like your boyfriend LaKota if he is for Gun Rights.....he says he is......but then his posts are all stupid Liberals are....
Its not the labels its the ideas



you are a rabid partisan democrat, you have no ideas of your own.

same with the rabid ideas of their own.

again, i apologize to you personally for the state of our public schools.

If it truly was "ideas not labels" to you once in awhile you would approve of something some republican somewhere did, might even vote for a candidate thats not got a 'd' after their name.

don't see that happening
there you have it.....
Scientists at the poles have drilled out core ice which formed as far back as tens of thousands of years ago. They have proven beyond any doubt that when the industrial revolution started carbon levels began to increase in the atmosphere and they've grown in percentage ever since. It's called science.

true enough that carbon levels are up but its also true that temperatures started warming about when George Washington crossed the icy Delaware River at the end of the Little Ice Age.

Its also true that we are long past Al Gore's "tipping point" which never contemplated that China and India would be putting on as many new cars as we do or the they would open 2 new coal plants a week or introduce as much new carbon in a week and England does from all sources in a year.

Its also true that world hurricane activity is way down to a 50 year low.

Its also true the paying little black girls per illigitimate child as libturds do is not evolutionary or scientific.
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Stop being the stupid party by entertaining input from Liberal Democrats and Media on what the Republican Party should like like the Democrat Party.

So what does it say when a rising star in your own party says what Jindal said?




You act like he was speaking from the heart. It's all politics. Jindal wants to run for president, so he's trying to make himself look like he's above the Republican party. And ofcourse you liberals are trying to rub it in our faces, like the little children you are.

Mac is about as Liberal as i am.....meaning we think both parties suck.....and have said so.....
Its not the labels its the ideas



you are a rabid partisan democrat, you have no ideas of your own.

same with the rabid ideas of their own.

again, i apologize to you personally for the state of our public schools.

If it truly was "ideas not labels" to you once in awhile you would approve of something some republican somewhere did, might even vote for a candidate thats not got a 'd' after their name.

don't see that happening

Change of Subject: New abortion polling gives little cheer to foes

the republican party is OUT of its mind.

so are you
he aint out of his mind what he said about you......he is absolutely right....

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