Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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We’ve been hearing for a long time they there was no insurrection because no one has been charged with it.

Well, here’s the founder of the Oath Keepers who was just arrested and charged with (among other things) seditious conspiracy.

I guess it’s time to retire that talking point.
B.S. with sour grapes on top.Merrick Garland was pressured to do something
since No Insurrection charges have been leveled for a year was all the buzz.
So Being the Punked little New Dictator in America seems to tickle his fancy,
like making up all kinds of wild and reckless claims about Domestic Terrorism
must be fought.Going so far as to claim Parents are the new possible class of
Domestic Terrorists.So the pathetic little New Dictator jumped the shark and
decided to charge 11 { some never entered the Capitol Bldg.} with Sedition.
A quite difficult to prove offense.I think more an effort to quell the Radicals
who pull his strings.No wonder all the hubub over his not getting a Supreme Court
Nomination.The left knew he was a total sell out.A shill.A front man for the
What violent protesters?

I saw the police leading them in. I saw a black cop shoot an unarmed white woman in cold blood.
More importantly was the other day at a Congressional hearing.
At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled - The Domestic Terrorism Threat
One Year After January 6th -.
Ted Cruz asked a question 3 different ways to Senior FBI Official { Jill Sanborn }
and got the same reply.
The Question first asked was " How many FBI Agents or confidential informants
participated in the January 6th event " ?
The reply from Sanborn ... She couldn't " discuss the specifics and sources of
the methods,:
So Cruz restates the question ... " If any FBI agents or confidential Informants
actively participated in the riot. "?
Sanborn stating ... : Sir I can't answer that "
So on the 3rd attempt by Cruz to further broaden the same question
" if any agents or confidential informants committed crimes of violence
on Janusry 6th " ?
Same Reply from Sanborn ... " Sir I can't answer that "
Then the final question " If any agents or confidential informants actively
encouraged crimes of violence on January 6th."
Same numbed reply ... " Sir I can't answer that "
Same replies when questioned about Ray Epps.
Then Asst. National Security Division Attorney {Matthew Olsen } acted dumb when
questioned about Ray Epps.
Why? You just did. Hell, write any old crap and just stick quotes around it. What's stopping you, honesty? Apparently not so much!

Nothing is apparently stopping you from GUESSING what they brought or whether it was RECENTLY bought. My honesty PREVENTS me from doing so..

The evidence is a picture with ONE rifle bag on a luggage cart. Is that "an arsenal" to you? Did it have a "date of sale" tag showing on it or something?
Except she doesn't have that power, but it's an interesting thought.
No Bubba.You got it wrong.President Trump did not have the power
to authorize calling out the National Guard.So he offered his advice
to have either Pelosi or the D.C. Mayor call out use of the National Guard.
Trump submit his request in a letter a couple days prior and Hannity showed
the letter earlier in the week with the Signature of Muriel Bowser Declining
the Request.Hannity had on a guest who was part of the Trump team
that wrote the formal request which came back signed by the D.C. Mayor
and declining for both her and Pelosi.
Doubtful. But it may have been a rat brained Democrat plan to incite the crowd.

Even in the FBI report they list several "unnamed" people who played key roles in INCITING folks to storm the Capitol. Even once INSIDE. There's a video showing "Viking man" urging people to "BE PEACEFUL" and then being escorted to the Senate chambers by a Cap Hill security guard. JUST THE 2 of them. And on the floor in front of the speaker's desk is a guy wired to the hilt with comm equipment and one of ONLY THREE "protestors" that were already there in the Chambers. He's NOT been indicted or arrested or charged.
No Bubba.You got it wrong.President Trump did not have the power
to authorize calling out the National Guard.
I never mentioned Trump.

So he offered his advice
to have either Pelosi or the D.C. Mayor call out use of the National Guard.
Trump submit his request in a letter a couple days prior and Hannity showed
the letter earlier in the week with the Signature of Muriel Bowser Declining
the Request.Hannity had on a guest who was part of the Trump team
that wrote the formal request which came back signed by the D.C. Mayor
and declining for both her and Pelosi.

Here is who has the power to authorize the National Guard to act:

The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President.

The Capitol is a huge jurisdictional mess...but, apparently the DC Mayor did make a request which was initially denied:

Trump was very slow to approve activating the fact, Pence was the primary driver:

Reports show that Trump was initially hesitant to involve the National Guard. NBC said Trump "had to be convinced" and that Pence was in contact with the Pentagon and "encouraged a much more rapid deployment."

According to CNN, Trump was less eager to deploy federal forces on Capitol Hill on Wednesday than he had been for other protests, but "Pence played a key role in coordinating with the Pentagon about deploying them, and urged them to move faster than they were."
She was the one with that power on Jan 6th, even though it's being denied. There were 150,000 in the area ready, and the FBI not only knew but helped orchestrate.
No. She wasn't. And for the record she and McConnel share equal power.

The area is a jurisdictional mess, but in the end only Trump, through the Army secretary, has the ability to activate the DC National Guard and I believe the DC Mayor is the one who requests it.
That ain't nationalism bud no matter how you change the definition. That's still just plain old stupid ass leftist shit comin out your ass for brains.
They are not indicting leftists for sedition. They are indicting right wing whackos. The only ones to believe Trump's lies. A bunch of stupid dumbasses.
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B.S. with sour grapes on top.Merrick Garland was pressured to do something
since No Insurrection charges have been leveled for a year was all the buzz.
So Being the Punked little New Dictator in America seems to tickle his fancy,
like making up all kinds of wild and reckless claims about Domestic Terrorism
must be fought.Going so far as to claim Parents are the new possible class of
Domestic Terrorists.So the pathetic little New Dictator jumped the shark and
decided to charge 11 { some never entered the Capitol Bldg.} with Sedition.
A quite difficult to prove offense.I think more an effort to quell the Radicals
who pull his strings.No wonder all the hubub over his not getting a Supreme Court
Nomination.The left knew he was a total sell out.A shill.A front man for the
All the worst of the criminals were saved till the end to get as much on them as possible. Your comment since it was never charged before that it doesn't exist is stupid and typical of you hate Nazi's/ Q anon. From now on the last 450 will be charged as they should be , the first 10 are easy and a automatic for the courts. Both sedition , sedition conspiracy
Even in the FBI report they list several "unnamed" people who played key roles in INCITING folks to storm the Capitol. Even once INSIDE. There's a video showing "Viking man" urging people to "BE PEACEFUL" and then being escorted to the Senate chambers by a Cap Hill security guard. JUST THE 2 of them. And on the floor in front of the speaker's desk is a guy wired to the hilt with comm equipment and one of ONLY THREE "protestors" that were already there in the Chambers. He's NOT been indicted or arrested or charged.
If they find him he will be brought to justice as the pig that he is. The sedition charges
B.S. with sour grapes on top.Merrick Garland was pressured to do something
since No Insurrection charges have been leveled for a year was all the buzz.
So Being the Punked little New Dictator in America seems to tickle his fancy,
like making up all kinds of wild and reckless claims about Domestic Terrorism
must be fought.Going so far as to claim Parents are the new possible class of
Domestic Terrorists.So the pathetic little New Dictator jumped the shark and
decided to charge 11 { some never entered the Capitol Bldg.} with Sedition.
A quite difficult to prove offense.I think more an effort to quell the Radicals
who pull his strings.No wonder all the hubub over his not getting a Supreme Court
Nomination.The left knew he was a total sell out.A shill.A front man for the

Q anon crapola
All the worst of the criminals were saved till the end to get as much on them as possible. Your comment since it was never charged before that it doesn't exist is stupid and typical of you hate Nazi's/ Q anon. From now on the last 450 will be charged as they should be , the first 10 are easy and a automatic for the courts. Both sedition , sedition conspiracy

If they find him he will be brought to justice as the pig that he is. The sedition charges

Q anon crapola
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Everything they try to do to Trump backfires. The only thing that held was when they defrauded him. Bring it on.
It took time to get Al Capone, too, but they eventually got him and they will eventually get Trump. Trump's brilliance is how he has evaded jail for crimes others go to jail for. Just like Capone, people around Trump, who carry out his wishes, are going to jail. Maybe you will be one of them.
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