So, Stephen Colbert wants to change an age old fundamental common law right to self-defense?
I think Stephen Spencer would emphatically disagree with nitwit Colbert. See: Black Man Acquitted of Killing White Man After Incident of “Ugly Racism”
Why would Colbert want to deny Stephen Spencer the right to self-defense and protect white racists?
It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generation.
So, Stephen Colbert wants to change an age old fundamental common law right to self-defense?
I think Stephen Spencer would emphatically disagree with nitwit Colbert. See: Black Man Acquitted of Killing White Man After Incident of “Ugly Racism”
Why would Colbert want to deny Stephen Spencer the right to self-defense and protect white racists?
It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generation.