Stephen A. Smith: Blacks should vote GOP


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.
Given the comments we see about blacks by conservatives on this very message board one doesn't have to wonder too hard why they don't.
You are focused on the handful of straight up Racists that litter this board and ignore Conservatives like me who are not and have never been Racists. Liberals seem to have an obsessive need to put all Conservatives into the same neatly labeled box and it just ain't that way.
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years
Now, how high is Black unemployment under Obama and actually even increased in Feb?
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years
Now, how high is Black unemployment under Obama and actually even increased in Feb?
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years

Looks like Republicans could capture the black vote by bringing employment to black neighborhoods

What is stopping them?
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

---- Link?

Just want to find out who the fuck "Stephen A. Smith" is....
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years

Your education can start here, it won't but could:

Republicans Walk the Walk For Black Americans National Black Republican Association

Starting with Nixon:

  • raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent;
  • doubled the budget for black colleges;
  • appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ
  • adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities;
  • invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;
  • raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”
  • Affirmative Action.

But the reality is, the 1980s, with a conservative, free-market Republican in the White House, were a boom time for black America.

Indeed, Andrew Brimmer, the Harvard-trained black economist, the former Federal Reserve Board member, estimated that total black business receipts increased from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987, translating into an annual average growth rate of 7.9 percent (compared to 5 percent for all U.S. businesses.

The success of the black entrepreneurial class during the Reagan era was rivaled only by the gains of the black middle class.

In fact, black social scientist Bart Landry estimated that that upwardly mobile cohort grew by a third under Reagan's watch, from 3.6 million in 1980 to 4.8 million in 1988. His definition was based on employment in white-collar jobs as well as on income levels.

All told, the middle class constituted more than 40 percent of black households by the end of Reagan's presidency, which was larger than the size of black working class, or the black poor.

The impressive growth of the black middle class during the 1980s was attributable in no small part to the explosive growth of jobs under Reagan, which benefited blacks disproportionately.

Indeed, between 1982 and 1988, total black employment increased by 2 million, a staggering sum. That meant that blacks gained 15 percent of the new jobs created during that span, while accounting for only 11 percent of the working-age population.

Meanwhile, the black jobless rate was cut by almost half between 1982 and 1988. Over the same span, the black employment rate – the percentage of working-age persons holding jobs – increased to record levels, from 49 percent to 56 percent.

The black executive ranks especially prospered under Reagan. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that the number of black managers and officers in corporations with 100 or more employees increased by 30 percent between 1980 and 1985.

During the same period, the number of black professionals increased by an astounding 63 percent.

The burgeoning of the black professional, managerial and executive ranks during the 1980s coincided with a steady growth of the black student population at the nation's colleges and universities in the 1980s.

Even though the number of college-aged blacks decreased during much of the decade, black college enrollment increased by 100,000 between 1980 and 1987, according to the Census Bureau.

Meanwhile, the 1980s saw an improvement in the black high school graduation rate, as the proportion of blacks 18 to 24 years old earning high school diplomas increased from 69.7 percent in 1980 to 76 percent by 1987.

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

The good that Reagan did for black America The San Diego Union-Tribune

Bush II

— The good Bush begins with the oft-derided No Child Left Behind Act that passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities near the beginning of Bush's presidency. The bill pumped more federal money into K-12 schools while sensibly requiring them to do more to measure student learning. A particularly crucial aspect of NCLB that's often driven backlash is that it requires demographic breakouts. Since socioeconomic factors are a major driver of educational outcomes, crude estimates of school performance tend to be dominated by compositional affects. In Texas, for example, poor kids do better than the national average for poor kids (and Latinos do better than the average for Latinos, African-Americans do better than the average for African-Americans) but the relatively small share of middle-class white kids in Texas public schools pushes their NAEP scores well below the national average. Education policy and the appropriate use of standardized tests remains controversial, but I'm confident we won't go back to the pre-Bush standard.

— The Bush administration's Housing First approach to homelessness seems to have been a big success and is now broadly supported.

George W. Bush legacy It s not all bad.

Popular in Africa: Bush has given more aid than any other US president

That was easy, what ain't so easy is thinking of something that the party of slavery has done to help blacks. Unless of course we count lip service.
Now, how high is Black unemployment under Obama and actually even increased in Feb?
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years

Looks like Republicans could capture the black vote by bringing employment to black neighborhoods

What is stopping them?

Maybe the same thing that stopped Obama and the lying democrats for the last 8 disastrous years?

The jobs that the democrats say that the poor blacks, and whites need the democrats are more then happy to have illegal immigration come in and take. Then the democrats will call the poor, black and white, but mostly black too lazy to do the work. Wow, why anyone let alone blacks stay in the democrat party is really beyond understanding.
These ignorant right wingers keep saying blacks should "work". These right wingers are terrified of immigrants because the GOP base isn't qualified for anything of importance. Imagine, people who say they are such hard workers to fucking lazy to go to school and too stupid to graduate if they bothered. No wonder they want to slash education. They want everyone at their low level.
These ignorant right wingers keep saying blacks should "work". These right wingers are terrified of immigrants because the GOP base isn't qualified for anything of importance. Imagine, people who say they are such hard workers to fucking lazy to go to school and too stupid to graduate if they bothered. No wonder they want to slash education. They want everyone at their low level.

Let me get you straight, last week you were talking about Republicans being fat cat rich guys. Now Republicans are uneducated.

I am not scared of immigration but one would think that the party of slavery would care for the poor that the illegals displace them for jobs. As you post clearly shows, you don't give a damn.
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

Other than build more prisons, name a single thing Teapublicans have done for blacks in the last fifty years

You have completely missed the point that Stephen A Smith is making. It is irrelevant what the GOP has or hasn't done for Blacks in the last 50 years. The point is that Blacks need to demand results for their vote and by mindlessly voting for Democrats they have rendered themselves unimportant because Democrats know they have their vote and therefore don't do jack shit for them.
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

---- Link?

Just want to find out who the fuck "Stephen A. Smith" is....

He is a sports commentator who has made some other interesting statements recently. You can read them here.

Stephen A. Smith What I dream is that for one election ... every black person in America vote Republican - Yahoo News
This is a great idea, because Blacks have been the pawns of the Democrats for 50 years providing votes like clockwork and getting nothing in return. In one election if Blacks were to vote GOP, then Democrats would no longer take them for granted and might actually get off their asses and do something positive for Blacks instead of just calling the GOP Racists. That doesn't improve Black unemployment, that doesn't help keep Black families together. That doesn't provide training for Black youth to learn work skills and get them off the street. When Blacks just mindlessly vote Democrat +90% they DEVALUE themselves.

---- Link?

Just want to find out who the fuck "Stephen A. Smith" is....

My bad Stephen A Smith is a prominent sports commentator and happens to be Black. Just google his name and Blacks vote GOP.

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