Stephanie Cutter: Whoring It Up


The queen of s**t.

Looks like she's ready to eat her lower lip.
And the GOP once again shows its enormas respect for women,and wondering why the Weird Mormon Robot is trailing Obama by 18 points with women...

Poor's really gotta' chafe your ass that Romney just got back in this race...doesn't it? Y

Meh, not really.

Haven't seen a poll yet where he's really move the RCP average.

Gallup and Rasmussen (usually your best polls) still have him trailing.

So now that I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine?

With guys like Listening calling Cutter a "whore", you have to wonder why women don't trust you anymore.

You might want to check out the latest Rasmussen poll then, Joe...I think Romney picked up as much as four points in some battleground States. It put him ahead of Obama in Florida and Virginia where he was trailing and narrowed the Ohio number to a one point lead for Obama.

I actually didn't call Cutter a whore but I very definitely called her a liar. She's been caught at it so many times at this point that it's not even a debatable subject. It's why I referred to her as the "Propaganda Czar". She would have been right at home working for Pravda at the height of the USSR.
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And the GOP once again shows its enormas respect for women,and wondering why the Weird Mormon Robot is trailing Obama by 18 points with women...

Poor's really gotta' chafe your ass that Romney just got back in this race...doesn't it? Y

Meh, not really.

Haven't seen a poll yet where he's really move the RCP average.

Gallup and Rasmussen (usually your best polls) still have him trailing.

So now that I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine?

With guys like Listening calling Cutter a "whore", you have to wonder why women don't trust you anymore.

You might want to check out the latest Rasmussen poll then, Joe...I think Romney picked up as much as four points in some battleground States. It put him ahead of Obama in Florida and Virginia where he was trailing and narrowed the Ohio number to a one point leaf for Obama.

I actually didn't call Cutter a whore but I very definitely called her a liar. She's been caught at it so many times at this point that it's not even a debatable subject. It's why I referred to her as the "Propaganda Czar". She would have been right at home working for Pravda at the height of the USSR.
She said no such thing. She said that the loopholes and deductions will not equal the $5 trillion tax cut. She only admitted they would partially offset the $5 trillion tax cut, she never said there was not a $5 trillion tax cut.

BURNETT: You can’t prove either side is all I’m saying. One thing that’s not true is the $5 trillion tax cut.

CUTTER: I disagree with you. You can prove it. They’re counting entirely on economic growth to pay for a tax cut, which is an interesting theory. That’s what George Bush did. Let’s look how that turned out.
You might want to check out the latest Rasmussen poll then, Joe...I think Romney picked up as much as four points in some battleground States. It put him ahead of Obama in Florida and Virginia where he was trailing and narrowed the Ohio number to a one point leaf for Obama.

I actually didn't call Cutter a whore but I very definitely called her a liar. She's been caught at it so many times at this point that it's not even a debatable subject. It's why I referred to her as the "Propaganda Czar". She would have been right at home working for Pravda at the height of the USSR.

Spokesmen on both sides lie and spin and spread bullshit, you only get offended when the other side does it...

Seriously, I loved a lot of the spinning Team Romney did about the 47% remarks before he finally admitted he never should have said that and got his numbers wrong.

Rasmussen... meh...

Here's the thing, this race was really over after the 47% comments. Now the media and the Pollsters will try to pretend it's going to be close and there's going to be a race, because that's what happens when you do news commercially.

But again, Romney has to get 65% of the White vote in order to overcome Obama's 70-96% advantage with Hispanics and African Americans.
The "47%" remark is balanced out by Barry's "You didn't build that remark". Both were ill advised statements made to partisan crowds that neither should have made.

So let's get back to what's REALLY important...which of these two men has a plan to fix the economy, the deficit, and to get people working again. The rest is all Bull Shit.

As you clearly saw in this debate, Obama doesn't have a plan and hasn't for well over two years now. Why would we vote for more of what we've gotten so far? It doesn't work. It doesn't work today and it won't work tomorrow and it STILL won't work next year.
The "47%" remark is balanced out by Barry's "You didn't build that remark". Both were ill advised statements made to partisan crowds that neither should have made.

Actually, you didn't build that was an accurate statement. No business could exist without government support. Period.

47% was exactly what is wrong with Mitt Romney. He has nothing but contempt for working people, all the time.

Mitt will be an awesome president for rich people. It's the rest of us I worry about.
You figure it out.

The point is that this woman is a chronic liar. Nobody...and I mean nobody is going to swallow the idea that Obama's recovery is stronger than Reagan's.

Unless, you somehow are delusional enough to think Obama will win by a 56 state landslide.

No, YOU figure it out. You are the one making the claim that she's lying.

You wingnuts will try to use any bogus metric you can find to discredit President Obama (praise be unto Him!). The only people you ever convince are your fellow un-American wingnuts.
You figure it out.

The point is that this woman is a chronic liar. Nobody...and I mean nobody is going to swallow the idea that Obama's recovery is stronger than Reagan's.

Unless, you somehow are delusional enough to think Obama will win by a 56 state landslide.

No, YOU figure it out. You are the one making the claim that she's lying.

You wingnuts will try to use any bogus metric you can find to discredit President Obama (praise be unto Him!). The only people you ever convince are your fellow un-American wingnuts.

Kiss my ass.

She is lying and everyone knows it.

It's been shown on several occasions.

The fact that you can't get a refund on your Stephanie Cutter blow up doll isn't my problem.
She said no such thing. She said that the loopholes and deductions will not equal the $5 trillion tax cut. She only admitted they would partially offset the $5 trillion tax cut, she never said there was not a $5 trillion tax cut.

BURNETT: You can’t prove either side is all I’m saying. One thing that’s not true is the $5 trillion tax cut.

CUTTER: I disagree with you. You can prove it. They’re counting entirely on economic growth to pay for a tax cut, which is an interesting theory. That’s what George Bush did. Let’s look how that turned out.

It's what most tax projections are based on. Theory. That b**ch is absolutely a whore.

She can't prove it. She keeps saying she does not have the details. If she does have them then she's lying.....again.

She is pathological.
The "47%" remark is balanced out by Barry's "You didn't build that remark". Both were ill advised statements made to partisan crowds that neither should have made.

Actually, you didn't build that was an accurate statement. No business could exist without government support. Period.

47% was exactly what is wrong with Mitt Romney. He has nothing but contempt for working people, all the time.

Mitt will be an awesome president for rich people. It's the rest of us I worry about.

The 47% was accurate too....if the group is properly identified.

And business did exist in frontiers without government support for a long lie again.

Obama has nothing but contempt for small business and they pretty much feel the same way about his sorry ass.
The 47% was accurate too....if the group is properly identified.

And business did exist in frontiers without government support for a long lie again.

Obama has nothing but contempt for small business and they pretty much feel the same way about his sorry ass.

The problem is, Romney didn't properly identify it.

the 47% is one year (2009) when due to tax breaks, that was the portion that didn't pay an income tax. They still paid other taxes. That he confused that with those who get government benefits (nowhere near 47% of the population) just shows he isn't well informed.

And he's backed off the statement... probably because he knows how horrible it sounds.

As far as businesses on the fronteir. Yeah, they did fine without government. That was after Government went through and killed all the Native Americans for them, then established marshalls to keep law and order in the towns, and then passed laws like the HOmestead Act to encourage people to move out west. Then those businesses were just fine, really.
You figure it out.

The point is that this woman is a chronic liar. Nobody...and I mean nobody is going to swallow the idea that Obama's recovery is stronger than Reagan's.

Unless, you somehow are delusional enough to think Obama will win by a 56 state landslide.

No, YOU figure it out. You are the one making the claim that she's lying.

You wingnuts will try to use any bogus metric you can find to discredit President Obama (praise be unto Him!). The only people you ever convince are your fellow un-American wingnuts.

Kiss my ass.

She is lying and everyone knows it.

It's been shown on several occasions.

The fact that you can't get a refund on your Stephanie Cutter blow up doll isn't my problem.

She isn't lying, only fringe un-Americans believe she lied, and you haven't shown shit, except your ass. Again.
Cutter: Obama's Recovery Has Been Stronger Than Reagan's, You Know - Guy Benson

I often find Team Obama's lies frustrating and galling. Not this one. The latest gem from Deputy Obama Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter -- whose very loose relationship with the truth has been well documented -- is so preposterous on its face that it doesn't even pass the laugh test:


As the author says...there are just some things that go beyond stupid.

Cutter is really a whore.

Only an idiot copy/pastes Townhall and expects to be taken seriously.

You are an idiot. Congrats!!:clap2:
So you lack the intelligence for a rebuttal.

Fair enough............
No, YOU figure it out. You are the one making the claim that she's lying.

You wingnuts will try to use any bogus metric you can find to discredit President Obama (praise be unto Him!). The only people you ever convince are your fellow un-American wingnuts.

Kiss my ass.

She is lying and everyone knows it.

It's been shown on several occasions.

The fact that you can't get a refund on your Stephanie Cutter blow up doll isn't my problem.

She isn't lying, only fringe un-Americans believe she lied, and you haven't shown shit, except your ass. Again.

Blah blah blah....

Once again, you bunge jump in, show us you are still stupid, and let the cord pull you back out.

Good to know your life (and stupidity) are consistent.
No, YOU figure it out. You are the one making the claim that she's lying.

You wingnuts will try to use any bogus metric you can find to discredit President Obama (praise be unto Him!). The only people you ever convince are your fellow un-American wingnuts.

Kiss my ass.

She is lying and everyone knows it.

It's been shown on several occasions.

The fact that you can't get a refund on your Stephanie Cutter blow up doll isn't my problem.

She isn't lying, only fringe un-Americans believe she lied, and you haven't shown shit, except your ass. Again.

You're really going to waste your time defending the veracity of Stephanie Cutter? I hate to break this to you, Synth...but Cutter is about as faithful to the truth as Bill Clinton was to his wife.
Kiss my ass.

She is lying and everyone knows it.

It's been shown on several occasions.

The fact that you can't get a refund on your Stephanie Cutter blow up doll isn't my problem.

She isn't lying, only fringe un-Americans believe she lied, and you haven't shown shit, except your ass. Again.

You're really going to waste your time defending the veracity of Stephanie Cutter? I hate to break this to you, Synth...but Cutter is about as faithful to the truth as Bill Clinton was to his wife.
You wingnuts label everyone who you cannot argue the facts with as liars.

It's just what you do.
Here is from Cutter's push back when they were getting after her on Joe Soptic's wife and her participation on a conference call....and then said she didn't know anything.

Then she holds the party like on GST.

That bull was debunked a long time ago (like when the ad first came out). I live here. I know people who worked on the whole deal. Her crap about Romney pushing it into bankruptcy is nothing but bull. The plant was going down the tubes and Bain gave it a fighting chance (and I am not going to argue about what they did....the fact is that it stayed open about 10 years longer than anyone was a POS and everyone in the area was shocked anyone would spend any money at all on the dump).

Soptic would have been unemployed and his pension screwed 10 years earlier. As it was, his union and soft prices for their product didn't work out for them.

But Cutter keeps whoring off at the mouth...she's a liar.

Every picture you see of her, she has those lips pursed together....another tell. I'd love the chance to staple them together.

Stephanie Cutter: I Didn’t Know ‘Facts’ of Joe Soptic’s Wife’s Sickness, Even Though He’d Told Story on Obama Campaign Conference Call - ABC News

“I didn’t know the facts of when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick, and I only recently learned that through all of the hysteria over that ad,” Cutter said “But, Jake, what I do know is what Mr. Soptic’s experience was with GST Steel, after Mitt Romney bought it, loaded it up with debt, overleveraged it, paid himself excess profits and fees, but then forced that company into bankruptcy, leaving Mr. Soptic without a job, without health care, and without his pension.”

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