Status Quo Joe Says He Will Calm The COVID-19 Media Circus


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Status Quo Joe Says He Will Calm The COVID-19 Media Circus

Facing facts of recent history, in every aspect of being POTUS, the impeached president trump has been a dismal failure. The impeached president trump’s only skill is that of a championship level liar, and the sad truth is, his tax cuts for the super-rich and advocacy for Nazis are all that is needed to garner total adoration from his devoted fanatics. During his time in the Whitest House the impeached president trump has, truthfully, accomplished nothing that benefits average Americans.

So, the bar has been set extremely low for Status Quo Joe. Unfortunately, SQJ is also a servant of the 0.1% and Big Business. His reliable cooperation helped pass GOP pro-corporate policies and so, assured DNC management he would be the best choice for Obama’s VP. Both Republican and Democratic leaders trusted SQJ to keep the “boy” from getting too uppity by creating programs that would dip into the fat cats’ pockets.

Just like “Monday morning quarterbacks” reflecting on yesterday’s games, Status Quo Joe and his public relations team have come up with plans they claim, will counteract the COVID-19 misinformation coming from the Whitest House.

To that, anyone who has witnessed SQJ’s political career must call Bullsh!t! Like all the politicians obligated to wealthy political donors, Status Quo Joe has always assisted in turning a national crisis into an opportunity for corporate profit-making. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different.

SQJ and his team will carefully sift through related reports and studies. After discrete editing, Status Quo Joe will offer daily “reports” from a remote location, and what little information he does release might be beneficial in protecting the public health. But be warned, his staff’s careful screening will also redact all details they find that would be harmful to the financial well-being of Big Business and the 0.1%.

Status Quo Joe’s supporters, just like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, are convinced positive quarterly reports for Big Business and consistent growth in wealth of the 0.1% are the only factors to be considered when measuring national prosperity. So, they vote for crooks like Status Quo Joe, fearing the wrath-of-the-rich if a candidate who would help average Americans is elected.

It has long been known that 65% to 70% of the American population prefers misinformation that supports their inaccurate beliefs rather than uncomfortable facts. It is a waste of time trying to change their rigid mindsets. These folks spend hours each and every day listening to talking heads and reading material designed to reinforce that rigidity, and trust only what their conservative politicians, clergy, and right wing misinformation mongers tell them,

If anyone truly wants accurate coronavirus information, Internet websites can be found with instructions from medical experts and scientists researching communicable diseases. Also, progressive media like Daily Kos, Common Dreams, etc. regularly publish concise reports and updates containing ALL relative data available from experts in these fields. The political bias of these sites also requires them to report ALL the uncomfortable facts, regardless of who might lose profits, or be made unhappy. Truth very often causes both of these to occur, so prepare for the sour responses to this OP.

How Joe Biden Will Counteract Trump's Virus Media Circus

Joe-Biden-trust me.png

And Then There Is:

trump trust me.jpg

Neither Can Be Trusted

Joe probably thinks its still 1984. Shouldnt listen to that whackadoodle
They are actually thinking of putting Joe out there for fireside chats. Crazy strategy. They should continue to hide him as much as possible.
They are actually thinking of putting Joe out there for fireside chats. Crazy strategy. They should continue to hide him as much as possible.
I’m sure Jill would be standing by to rescue him.
Joe Biden needs to sit back and STFU. While President Trump was already fighting COVID-19 in January and banning flights from China, Joe's party was wasting valuable tax dollars we could use right now on a bogus impeachment. Plus Joe Biden called Trump a "xenophobe" for the flight bans. Biden looks like the real dumb-ass we all know he is now. We would be as bad as Italy if Biden had any real say here.
Can't you just see Biden and Trump together on television.
Trump: we are asking people to stay home, we are creating special response teams. We are talking about creating economic help to those out of work.
Biden: is there a young girl I can hug and sniff? Why is there a camera? Am I still running for governor?

Status Quo Joe Says He Will Calm The COVID-19 Media Circus

Facing facts of recent history, in every aspect of being POTUS, the impeached president trump has been a dismal failure. The impeached president trump’s only skill is that of a championship level liar, and the sad truth is, his tax cuts for the super-rich and advocacy for Nazis are all that is needed to garner total adoration from his devoted fanatics. During his time in the Whitest House the impeached president trump has, truthfully, accomplished nothing that benefits average Americans.

So, the bar has been set extremely low for Status Quo Joe. Unfortunately, SQJ is also a servant of the 0.1% and Big Business. His reliable cooperation helped pass GOP pro-corporate policies and so, assured DNC management he would be the best choice for Obama’s VP. Both Republican and Democratic leaders trusted SQJ to keep the “boy” from getting too uppity by creating programs that would dip into the fat cats’ pockets.

Just like “Monday morning quarterbacks” reflecting on yesterday’s games, Status Quo Joe and his public relations team have come up with plans they claim, will counteract the COVID-19 misinformation coming from the Whitest House.

To that, anyone who has witnessed SQJ’s political career must call Bullsh!t! Like all the politicians obligated to wealthy political donors, Status Quo Joe has always assisted in turning a national crisis into an opportunity for corporate profit-making. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different.

SQJ and his team will carefully sift through related reports and studies. After discrete editing, Status Quo Joe will offer daily “reports” from a remote location, and what little information he does release might be beneficial in protecting the public health. But be warned, his staff’s careful screening will also redact all details they find that would be harmful to the financial well-being of Big Business and the 0.1%.

Status Quo Joe’s supporters, just like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, are convinced positive quarterly reports for Big Business and consistent growth in wealth of the 0.1% are the only factors to be considered when measuring national prosperity. So, they vote for crooks like Status Quo Joe, fearing the wrath-of-the-rich if a candidate who would help average Americans is elected.

It has long been known that 65% to 70% of the American population prefers misinformation that supports their inaccurate beliefs rather than uncomfortable facts. It is a waste of time trying to change their rigid mindsets. These folks spend hours each and every day listening to talking heads and reading material designed to reinforce that rigidity, and trust only what their conservative politicians, clergy, and right wing misinformation mongers tell them,

If anyone truly wants accurate coronavirus information, Internet websites can be found with instructions from medical experts and scientists researching communicable diseases. Also, progressive media like Daily Kos, Common Dreams, etc. regularly publish concise reports and updates containing ALL relative data available from experts in these fields. The political bias of these sites also requires them to report ALL the uncomfortable facts, regardless of who might lose profits, or be made unhappy. Truth very often causes both of these to occur, so prepare for the sour responses to this OP.

How Joe Biden Will Counteract Trump's Virus Media Circus
View attachment 313953
And Then There Is:
View attachment 313954
Neither Can Be Trusted

The extra heavy bullshit parade is about to begin! Don't worry, Joe has a handle on everything!


  1. PHASE ONE: Panic the nation into bankruptcy, civil unrest, shortages and hysteria over the flu bug.
  2. PHASE TWO: Step in and use it is propaganda for your election as Rome burns.
Oh, heck. If Hillary were in the White House instead of Trump, the media would have covered the virus far, far more honestly and responsibly from the get-go and would still be doing so, just as they did during the 2009-2010 swine flu outbreak.

Status Quo Joe Says He Will Calm The COVID-19 Media Circus

Facing facts of recent history, in every aspect of being POTUS, the impeached president trump has been a dismal failure. The impeached president trump’s only skill is that of a championship level liar, and the sad truth is, his tax cuts for the super-rich and advocacy for Nazis are all that is needed to garner total adoration from his devoted fanatics. During his time in the Whitest House the impeached president trump has, truthfully, accomplished nothing that benefits average Americans.

So, the bar has been set extremely low for Status Quo Joe. Unfortunately, SQJ is also a servant of the 0.1% and Big Business. His reliable cooperation helped pass GOP pro-corporate policies and so, assured DNC management he would be the best choice for Obama’s VP. Both Republican and Democratic leaders trusted SQJ to keep the “boy” from getting too uppity by creating programs that would dip into the fat cats’ pockets.

Just like “Monday morning quarterbacks” reflecting on yesterday’s games, Status Quo Joe and his public relations team have come up with plans they claim, will counteract the COVID-19 misinformation coming from the Whitest House.

To that, anyone who has witnessed SQJ’s political career must call Bullsh!t! Like all the politicians obligated to wealthy political donors, Status Quo Joe has always assisted in turning a national crisis into an opportunity for corporate profit-making. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different.

SQJ and his team will carefully sift through related reports and studies. After discrete editing, Status Quo Joe will offer daily “reports” from a remote location, and what little information he does release might be beneficial in protecting the public health. But be warned, his staff’s careful screening will also redact all details they find that would be harmful to the financial well-being of Big Business and the 0.1%.

Status Quo Joe’s supporters, just like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, are convinced positive quarterly reports for Big Business and consistent growth in wealth of the 0.1% are the only factors to be considered when measuring national prosperity. So, they vote for crooks like Status Quo Joe, fearing the wrath-of-the-rich if a candidate who would help average Americans is elected.

It has long been known that 65% to 70% of the American population prefers misinformation that supports their inaccurate beliefs rather than uncomfortable facts. It is a waste of time trying to change their rigid mindsets. These folks spend hours each and every day listening to talking heads and reading material designed to reinforce that rigidity, and trust only what their conservative politicians, clergy, and right wing misinformation mongers tell them,

If anyone truly wants accurate coronavirus information, Internet websites can be found with instructions from medical experts and scientists researching communicable diseases. Also, progressive media like Daily Kos, Common Dreams, etc. regularly publish concise reports and updates containing ALL relative data available from experts in these fields. The political bias of these sites also requires them to report ALL the uncomfortable facts, regardless of who might lose profits, or be made unhappy. Truth very often causes both of these to occur, so prepare for the sour responses to this OP.

How Joe Biden Will Counteract Trump's Virus Media Circus
View attachment 313953
And Then There Is:
View attachment 313954
Neither Can Be Trusted

The extra heavy bullshit parade is about to begin! Don't worry, Joe has a handle on everything!

View attachment 313979

  1. PHASE ONE: Panic the nation into bankruptcy, civil unrest, shortages and hysteria over the flu bug.
  2. PHASE TWO: Step in and use it is propaganda for your election as Rome burns.
Joe is only about 2-3 years away from having to wear Maxipads 24/7. When you're in your eighties you don't feel the urge to pee until it starts cooling off when it reaches your ankle. Then you have to carry a mop with you. It's a damn nuisance.
This is a terrible idea. I don't even understand what exactly Joe is planning to do. Is he going to have a live press conference? Why would the media cover Joe giving a press conference on "what he would do? And will Joe take questions from right leaning press and will the DNC/MSM challenge Joe letting him know what he's suggesting is already being done?

Joe would do better if he didn't second guess TRUMP on things right now, but instead did some kind of live feed with everyday people and how they are handling the crisis. Organize some charitable drives dropping off groceries at peoples homes, show up to hand out lunches for kids, there are lots of things Joe could do to stay connect.

If Joe wants to focus on the crisis he should outline what he would do when it's over to get the economy running again and how he would address the issue of the US being depended on China and other countries for things having to do with national security.

Joe trying to address what he would do regarding the coronavirus will end up not only stepping on TRUMP but also Cuomo, Newsom and all the other governors who are following TRUMP's lead and dealing with the needs of their states.

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