States would decide on their own abortion laws. Really?

When have you ever posted a fact?
Here's one: It is the Right that will make medical decisions based on politics, not medicine.

Abortion restrictions put women’s health, safety and wellbeing at risk
Abortion in the United States is an extremely safe procedure. Restrictions imposed in some states are not based on medical evidence and will do nothing to improve women’s health and safety. In fact, these requirements put women at risk by standing in the way of safe reproductive care.​
Fucking liar.

You of the CCP never tell the truth.

If you had a brain, you'd check whether something is true or not before you call anyone a liar. But you don't have the sense God gave a goose. I'm not of the CCP, so now you try to lie about me.

Here's one: It is the Right that will make medical decisions based on politics, not medicine.

Abortion restrictions put women’s health, safety and wellbeing at risk
Abortion in the United States is an extremely safe procedure. Restrictions imposed in some states are not based on medical evidence and will do nothing to improve women’s health and safety. In fact, these requirements put women at risk by standing in the way of safe reproductive care.​


So when asked about fact, you post ghoul propaganda.

Tell me ghoul. should abortion be mandatory for all birthing persons? (since you have replaced and eliminated women in your war on them.)
If you had a brain, you'd check whether something is true or not before you call anyone a liar. But you don't have the sense God gave a goose. I'm not of the CCP, so now you try to lie about me.

But you claimed Mitch said it was "the goal."

You're a fucking liar.

McConnell is a fool and swamp creature, I tore him to shreds in a thread on this subject - but you're flat out lying - as is your nature.
Although the number of abortions will go down if Rowe is struct down, I expect the number is going to be a lot less that pro-lifers expect.

I think if the numbers do go down it will be in states that enact tough abortion laws causing women to be more responsible with their sexual activities. Would that be such a bad thing?
We can't go about getting those things by doing it the GOP way. Pollution and Global warming are real. You cons will destroy the planet one of 4 ways.

Then how did we avoid destroying it under Trump?

You guys don't even believe global warming is real right?

Yes and no. We believe in climate change because the climate has been changing since God made the place. However most of us also believe that man has little or nothing to do with it. We believe the climate goes in cycles. It may get a little colder for a couple of hundred of years, then a little warmer for a couple of hundred years, but it all balances out in the end.

Man can no more change the climate than he can the amount of hurricanes or tornadoes that happen on this earth. We also believe the hoax was created for government control. After all, politicians (particularly on the left) have been wanting more and more control over the people as time went on. To some degree, they've been very successful. The only two entities that stop them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once the government has control over those two things, they will have total control over the people since all of our lives revolve around it.

In our system of governance, the government can't march in with the military and takeover these things. They need for people to beg them to take care of these problems for us. Make energy too expensive (as they are doing now) make healthcare unaffordable for many, scare people to death over it, and eventually people will capitulate to the desires of these control freaks.

We on the right are not falling for it because we see the man behind the curtain. We know what their ultimate goals are. A current example: Dementia ordered that all companies make sure their employees (over 150) get the government mandated vaccine. It was fought to the Supreme Court where they ruled that Dementia couldn't do that to private industry, but he is allowed to do it to healthcare companies. Why only healthcare businesses? Because all healthcare facilities exist because of government money.

So now imagine what kind of control they could have over every American if we went to an all government plan.
So when asked about fact, you post ghoul propaganda.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you. Unless something conforms to your ideology it can be dismissed out of hand.

Tell me ghoul. should abortion be mandatory for all birthing persons? (since you have replaced and eliminated women in your war on them.)
A war on women would entail telling them what to do and then forcing them to do it. Why is it that the Right rails against big, intrusive government and for individual freedom until they don't like someone's choice?
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you. Unless something conforms to your ideology it can be dismissed out of hand.

We'll never find out from your posts - which are certified fact free.

A war on women would entail telling them what to do and then forcing them to do it.

A war on women would entail trying to erase and replace them.


What is it you Nazis are always saying? "The only good woman is a man?"

Why is it that the Right rails against big, intrusive government and for individual freedom until they don't like someone's choice?

I support a womans right to abort herself.

Hell, you Nazis claim men can get pregnant, so go ahead and abort yourself. Rip your arms and legs off, have fun.


But you want to pull the arms and legs off of another person, and have the federal government pay you for it.
Yes and no. We believe in climate change because the climate has been changing since God made the place. However most of us also believe that man has little or nothing to do with it. We believe the climate goes in cycles. It may get a little colder for a couple of hundred of years, then a little warmer for a couple of hundred years, but it all balances out in the end.

Man can no more change the climate than he can the amount of hurricanes or tornadoes that happen on this earth. We also believe the hoax was created for government control. After all, politicians (particularly on the left) have been wanting more and more control over the people as time went on. To some degree, they've been very successful. The only two entities that stop them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once the government has control over those two things, they will have total control over the people since all of our lives revolve around it.

In our system of governance, the government can't march in with the military and takeover these things. They need for people to beg them to take care of these problems for us. Make energy too expensive (as they are doing now) make healthcare unaffordable for many, scare people to death over it, and eventually people will capitulate to the desires of these control freaks.

We on the right are not falling for it because we see the man behind the curtain. We know what their ultimate goals are. A current example: Dementia ordered that all companies make sure their employees (over 150) get the government mandated vaccine. It was fought to the Supreme Court where they ruled that Dementia couldn't do that to private industry, but he is allowed to do it to healthcare companies. Why only healthcare businesses? Because all healthcare facilities exist because of government money.

So now imagine what kind of control they could have over every American if we went to an all government plan.
I didn't even read past your first sentence. Your first sentence proves you don't believe in man made global warming. You're a fucking idiot. Anti abortion, science denying, election stealing mother fucker. Got it. You're a Nazi Ray. Just embrace it.
I didn't even read past your first sentence.

No wonder, it takes 20 minutes for you to figure out what the words on screen say.

Your first sentence proves you don't believe in man made global warming.

Ah, you shun those not of your faith.

You're a fucking idiot. Anti abortion, science denying, election stealing mother fucker. Got it. You're a Nazi Ray. Just embrace it.

It's you who denies science. You have only your Reich.

You don't even know how many genders there are. You think men can get pregnant.
I didn't even read past your first sentence. Your first sentence proves you don't believe in man made global warming. You're a fucking idiot. Anti abortion, science denying, election stealing mother fucker. Got it. You're a Nazi Ray. Just embrace it.
No one has any obligation to believe what you believe they should believe.

But your tantrums are entertaining, so Kerry on.
I didn't even read past your first sentence. Your first sentence proves you don't believe in man made global warming. You're a fucking idiot. Anti abortion, science denying, election stealing mother fucker. Got it. You're a Nazi Ray. Just embrace it.

Oh, you read the entire thing, it's just that truth pisses you off so much. How can I tell? Because you asked how we on the right feel about it and when I answered in and adult way, you responded with personal insults, a dead giveaway it caused you to lose sleep last night.

But I'll reply anyway: Since you are on the climate change side, tell me, what would it take to shut you up forever? I don't mean you personally, but your entire clan? What metrics would we need to meet to make you happy? CO2 levels? One billionth of one particle of something? What? And if you can present me this goal of yours, what would it cost us to reach that goal?

More truth for you to lose sleep over: You can't give me an answer to that question because you have no answer. Don't feel bad, nobody on the MMCC side can. Because deep down inside, you know there is no goal. Just keep pouring more and more money down this bottomless money pit and it makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. Trust me, I've watched the anti-pollution people over 50 years ago, then the man made global warming people, and since global warming was proven to be a hoax, the climate change people. In spite of the trillions it already cost us for this mission of yours, you people are more pissed off today than you were 55 years ago. And if we pour another 10 trillion into it, you'll be more pissed off in 50 years from now than you are today.

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