State Senator, 7 Other Women Accuse Trump-Backed Nebraska Gov. Candidate Charles Herbster Of Groping

Republican candidate Charles Herbster in Nebraska’s gubernatorial race who won an endorsement from Donald Trump has been accused of groping at least eight women at political events and beauty pageants

Gropers and sexual assaulters stick together.
Believing that it could be a orchestrated smear by political opponents, is different than one agreeing that sexual assault is never ok…

So, if it turns out to be true you all will be back on here condemning this guy or will you just pretend it never happened?
Hell, I would settle for that from folks like you. But you cannot even do that. You just truly do not care as long as the person belongs to your party.

Do you have a wife or daughter? If a Repub did this to them would you still look the other way? Is your partisanship strong even than those connections?
We all know the answer to that.
It's their only defense.
They speak entirely to a false narrative, 100 percent of the time.
While they fund and endorse and facilitate human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sexual abuse, murder, you name it.
What a disgusting lie. I thought you were an ardent Christian. Have you ever heard of Lashon Hara?
What in the heck did this guy actually do? According to the article 'groping' can be just touching a woman's clothes. The OP's article is missing important details, IMO.
I agree...But, get back to me when this person is charged with something, and convicted....Until then you have nothing other than the wish that it is true.

I never convicted him. I even replied to another that said he wanted to give it more time to play out that I understood that.

My replies were directed at those who took the position that they didn't care if it was true or not because others do not care when it's a politician they support.
I never convicted him. I even replied to another that said he wanted to give it more time to play out that I understood that.

My replies were directed at those who took the position that they didn't care if it was true or not because others do not care when it's a politician they support.
First, you alone couldn't convict him of anything, unless you are a judge, hearing his case...

Second, I really don't care what your response to others are. What you did was assume some fantasy about me supporting the sexual assault of women, without ever asking me...Poor form...

But, I understand, for people like you it is hard to have an actual debate without resorting to pejorative, and insult, given the amount of wrong stances you take...
What a disgusting lie. I thought you were an ardent Christian. Have you ever heard of Lashon Hara?
You are lying to yourself if you think otherwise. People who refuse to acknowledge evil are facilitators of evil. And those who attack those who expose it will have a lot to answer for.
First, you alone couldn't convict him of anything, unless you are a judge, hearing his case...

Second, I really don't care what your response to others are. What you did was assume some fantasy about me supporting the sexual assault of women, without ever asking me...Poor form...

Where did I do this?
A lot of the GOP establishment hates Trump, too, don't forget, and they are as corrupt and criminally inclined as any Democrat, and they don't want Trump supporters in office either.

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