State Owned Media Is Actively Promoting Disinformation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The State Owned Media Is Actively Promoting Disinformation
The state owned media is actively promoting disinformation | Flopping Aces
11 Mar 2021 ~~ By Drjohn

It is no secret that the MFM and the DNC are in total lockstep. Itā€™s been that way for some time and became especially egregious during the Trump administration. Over the last 6 years the MFM has engaged in a chronic disinformation campaign targeting Donald Trump. It began with Russian collusion, went on with Ukraine accusations and culminated in accusations of inciting a riot.
But as I said, it continues.
There is someone named Jonathan Lemire who is an MSNBC commentator and AP White House ā€œcorrespondentā€ who has a problem with the truth. You need listen for no more than about 30 seconds when he says

ā€œin June these were non-violent protestersā€ and ā€œthere was no violence thereā€, during the June George Floyd riots in DC.​
Beg your pardon? During those ā€œnonviolentā€ protests some interesting things transpired.
Another night of violent chaos engulfed the country as historic St. Johnā€™s Episcopal Church was set ablaze Sunday night, one of several fires set near the White House.​
Demonstrations across the country turned violent yet again as activists set cars ablaze in Washington, D.C. and looted businesses across the country in protest of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, according to video of the incident.​
Night of destruction across D.C. after protesters clash with police outside White House​
Thereā€™s no border crisis
Bidenā€™s DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declared there is no crisis at the Southern border so the media repeatedly declares there is no crisis at the border.
Dude, that was, like, last week. Today? HELP!
DHS chief requests volunteers to help at southern border amid ā€˜overwhelmingā€™ migrant surge
This, of course, goes unreported in the state media. BTW, the Biden regime forbids senior officials from speaking freely.
We donā€™t put children in cages
Theyā€™re only cages when Trump put kids in the cages that obama built. Today they are ā€œfacilities.ā€
Today there are more children in Bidenā€™s cages than Trump ever had and they keep inviting even more. The border is wide open and we are being invaded. Every one of them is money out of the pocket of Americans but the state media would have you believe it costs nothing.

He simply cannot function without his hand being held and the corrupt state media is burying Bidenā€™s incapacitation. It is protecting the would be senile dictator and his minions and is suppressing stories unfavorable to the state. The country does not have a intact President and the state media is meting out little more than disinformation. This is a very dangerous time.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communists at the FBI and CIA admitted planting bogus ā€œRussia Russia Russiaā€ stories and informatnts to further their spying on the Trump campaign. And the Quisling MSM has been complicit in those lies.
One false-flag, Antifa/BLM supported ā€œinsurrectionā€ where cops let hapless protesters into the capitol clearly trumps (pun intended) the hundreds of hours of BLM/Antifa Riots where old ladies, cops, and innocents are attacked for their race or political affiliation, businesses and churches burned to the groundā€¦or because they are there.
If you abandon logic, reason, empirical evidence, physical evidence, and just plain common sense, yeahā€¦.the Right is the problem!
Have you seen CNN et alā€™s ratings lately? Such a shame. I guess Party-run propaganda doesnā€™t sell the way it used to.
Bidenā€™s DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declared there is no crisis at the Southern border so the media repeatedly declares there is no crisis at the border.
Dude, that was, like, last week. Today? HELP!
DHS chief requests volunteers to help at southern border amid ā€˜overwhelmingā€™ migrant surge
This, of course, goes unreported in the state media. BTW, the Biden regime forbids senior officials from speaking freely.

This comes from no other than a liberal source:

We donā€™t put children in cages
Theyā€™re only cages when Trump put kids in the cages that obama built. Today they are ā€œfacilities.ā€
Today there are more children in Bidenā€™s cages than Trump ever had and they keep inviting even more. The border is wide open and we are being invaded. Every one of them is money out of the pocket of Americans but the state media would have you believe it costs nothing.

This is also coming from another liberal source:

The State Owned Media Is Actively Promoting Disinformation
The state owned media is actively promoting disinformation | Flopping Aces
11 Mar 2021 ~~ By Drjohn

It is no secret that the MFM and the DNC are in total lockstep. Itā€™s been that way for some time and became especially egregious during the Trump administration. Over the last 6 years the MFM has engaged in a chronic disinformation campaign targeting Donald Trump. It began with Russian collusion, went on with Ukraine accusations and culminated in accusations of inciting a riot.
But as I said, it continues.
There is someone named Jonathan Lemire who is an MSNBC commentator and AP White House ā€œcorrespondentā€ who has a problem with the truth. You need listen for no more than about 30 seconds when he says

ā€œin June these were non-violent protestersā€ and ā€œthere was no violence thereā€, during the June George Floyd riots in DC.
Beg your pardon? During those ā€œnonviolentā€ protests some interesting things transpired.
Another night of violent chaos engulfed the country as historic St. Johnā€™s Episcopal Church was set ablaze Sunday night, one of several fires set near the White House.​
Demonstrations across the country turned violent yet again as activists set cars ablaze in Washington, D.C. and looted businesses across the country in protest of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, according to video of the incident.​
Night of destruction across D.C. after protesters clash with police outside White House​
Thereā€™s no border crisis
Bidenā€™s DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declared there is no crisis at the Southern border so the media repeatedly declares there is no crisis at the border.
Dude, that was, like, last week. Today? HELP!
DHS chief requests volunteers to help at southern border amid ā€˜overwhelmingā€™ migrant surge
This, of course, goes unreported in the state media. BTW, the Biden regime forbids senior officials from speaking freely.
We donā€™t put children in cages
Theyā€™re only cages when Trump put kids in the cages that obama built. Today they are ā€œfacilities.ā€
Today there are more children in Bidenā€™s cages than Trump ever had and they keep inviting even more. The border is wide open and we are being invaded. Every one of them is money out of the pocket of Americans but the state media would have you believe it costs nothing.

He simply cannot function without his hand being held and the corrupt state media is burying Bidenā€™s incapacitation. It is protecting the would be senile dictator and his minions and is suppressing stories unfavorable to the state. The country does not have a intact President and the state media is meting out little more than disinformation. This is a very dangerous time.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communists at the FBI and CIA admitted planting bogus ā€œRussia Russia Russiaā€ stories and informatnts to further their spying on the Trump campaign. And the Quisling MSM has been complicit in those lies.
One false-flag, Antifa/BLM supported ā€œinsurrectionā€ where cops let hapless protesters into the capitol clearly trumps (pun intended) the hundreds of hours of BLM/Antifa Riots where old ladies, cops, and innocents are attacked for their race or political affiliation, businesses and churches burned to the groundā€¦or because they are there.
If you abandon logic, reason, empirical evidence, physical evidence, and just plain common sense, yeahā€¦.the Right is the problem!
Have you seen CNN et alā€™s ratings lately? Such a shame. I guess Party-run propaganda doesnā€™t sell the way it used to.

A. There is no state run media here like there is in your country.

B. Are you actually posting something from "DrJohn" at "flopping aces" as if we are supposed to take it seriously? I suppose your next link will be from "furry balls plopped menacingly on the table"?
The State Owned Media Is Actively Promoting Disinformation
The state owned media is actively promoting disinformation | Flopping Aces
11 Mar 2021 ~~ By Drjohn

It is no secret that the MFM and the DNC are in total lockstep. Itā€™s been that way for some time and became especially egregious during the Trump administration. Over the last 6 years the MFM has engaged in a chronic disinformation campaign targeting Donald Trump. It began with Russian collusion, went on with Ukraine accusations and culminated in accusations of inciting a riot.
But as I said, it continues.
There is someone named Jonathan Lemire who is an MSNBC commentator and AP White House ā€œcorrespondentā€ who has a problem with the truth. You need listen for no more than about 30 seconds when he says

ā€œin June these were non-violent protestersā€ and ā€œthere was no violence thereā€, during the June George Floyd riots in DC.
Beg your pardon? During those ā€œnonviolentā€ protests some interesting things transpired.
Another night of violent chaos engulfed the country as historic St. Johnā€™s Episcopal Church was set ablaze Sunday night, one of several fires set near the White House.​
Demonstrations across the country turned violent yet again as activists set cars ablaze in Washington, D.C. and looted businesses across the country in protest of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, according to video of the incident.​
Night of destruction across D.C. after protesters clash with police outside White House​
Thereā€™s no border crisis
Bidenā€™s DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declared there is no crisis at the Southern border so the media repeatedly declares there is no crisis at the border.
Dude, that was, like, last week. Today? HELP!
DHS chief requests volunteers to help at southern border amid ā€˜overwhelmingā€™ migrant surge
This, of course, goes unreported in the state media. BTW, the Biden regime forbids senior officials from speaking freely.
We donā€™t put children in cages
Theyā€™re only cages when Trump put kids in the cages that obama built. Today they are ā€œfacilities.ā€
Today there are more children in Bidenā€™s cages than Trump ever had and they keep inviting even more. The border is wide open and we are being invaded. Every one of them is money out of the pocket of Americans but the state media would have you believe it costs nothing.

He simply cannot function without his hand being held and the corrupt state media is burying Bidenā€™s incapacitation. It is protecting the would be senile dictator and his minions and is suppressing stories unfavorable to the state. The country does not have a intact President and the state media is meting out little more than disinformation. This is a very dangerous time.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communists at the FBI and CIA admitted planting bogus ā€œRussia Russia Russiaā€ stories and informatnts to further their spying on the Trump campaign. And the Quisling MSM has been complicit in those lies.
One false-flag, Antifa/BLM supported ā€œinsurrectionā€ where cops let hapless protesters into the capitol clearly trumps (pun intended) the hundreds of hours of BLM/Antifa Riots where old ladies, cops, and innocents are attacked for their race or political affiliation, businesses and churches burned to the groundā€¦or because they are there.
If you abandon logic, reason, empirical evidence, physical evidence, and just plain common sense, yeahā€¦.the Right is the problem!
Have you seen CNN et alā€™s ratings lately? Such a shame. I guess Party-run propaganda doesnā€™t sell the way it used to.

You believe the election was stolen and you're posting about misinformation?


Good thing the grown-ups are in charge again.
That's certainly the conclusion after watching FoxNews/Newsmax/OAN/Brietbart/OtherCrazyRWNewsSources
Countering the Pravda style leftist Government Approved media becomes a necessity in a time of
mass disinformation. If you don't like Newsmax blame MSNBC or CNN.

You don't survive in a street fight constraining yourself under Marqusss De Queensbury rules.
da derp state

derp derp derp derp
Yes. Deep State. The government within a government. The administrative state.
It goes by many names and under many faces.

The people who sat on Hunter (Captain Crack Pipe) Biden's laptop during the entire presidential
campaign. Lois Learner. James Comey. James Clapper, John Brennan etc.

You try to ridicule what you cannot possibly deny. You're a very obedient useful idiot who lets everyone
know we are right on target when you go into your little act.
Countering the Pravda style leftist Government Approved media becomes a necessity in a time of
mass disinformation. If you don't like Newsmax blame MSNBC or CNN.

You don't survive in a street fight constraining yourself under Marqusss De Queensbury rules.

Yes, that's what you Trump cultists have become - moral relativists who blame others for your own actions. So much for personal responsibility. Absolutely no different than the liberals you deride.

FTR it was you cultists who stormed the capitol on Jan 6 in an attempt to overthrow the government in a third-world tin-pot dictatorship coup that deeply embarrassed the America to other Americans and the rest of the world.
da derp state

derp derp derp derp
Yes. Deep State. The government within a government. The administrative state.
It goes by many names and under many faces.

The people who sat on Hunter Biden's laptop during the entire presidential
campaign. Lois Learner. James Comey. James Clapper, John Brennan etc.

You try to ridicule what you cannot possibly deny. You're a very obedient useful idiot who lets everyone
know we are right on target when you go into your little act.

Thank you for that batshit crazy post.

That's what you moronic Trump cultists are - a cult dedicated to the weird worship of one man at the expense of truth and American ideals.
Yes, that's what you Trump cultists have become - moral relativists who blame others for your own actions. So much for personal responsibility. Absolutely no different than the liberals you deride.
Did you miss the part about being in a knife fight?
Or is the concept way over your flat head?

FTR it was you cultists who stormed the capitol on Jan 6 in an attempt to overthrow the government in a third-world tin-pot dictatorship coup that deeply embarrassed the America to other Americans and the rest of the world.
I guess some people, a minority to be sure, got carried away when the presidency was stolen
away. That's your over riding theme, isn't it.
You push someone's face in a mud hole and then cry when you get punched back hard.
Typical bully mentality like all you neo Marxist pigs. Don't cry when we keep punching back.
Thank you for that batshit crazy post.

That's what you moronic Trump cultists are - a cult dedicated to the weird worship of one man at the expense of truth and American ideals.
You can take corrupt Joe Robinette Biden's "American ideals" and cram them up your ass!

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