State of Texas stopping people from Louisiana from entering our State!


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014

For those proclaiming Texas is not doing enough then read the article and starting as of Noon today no one from Louisiana is allowed in unless they are quarantined for fourteen days!

Is that serious enough?
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The governor's actions are unconstitutional

They might be but will anyone stop him?

My bet is no but watch the other side will have fake outrage until a Democrat does this...

Let me add that this will not even slow the spread in Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio because the virus has been here for months and spreading...
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I am willing to predict that many things that various government agencies do during this time will be decided later in the courts.

Very much so...

We proclaim we are better than our parents and grandparents that once put Japanese into prison camps and had Germans arrested for protesting, and now we will quarantine the infected or possible infected with the hope one person will not get infected...

I should start drinking again!

For those proclaiming Texas is not doing enough then read the article and starting as of Noon today no one from Louisiana is allowed in unless they are quarantined for fourteen days!

Is that serious enough?
Sounds like the Governor of Texas, also chairman of the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association is taking the threat to the people of his state seriously. Denial of many on the right has worn thin, in the face of mounting evidence of the danger at hand.
Cool - And how exactly does Idiot Abbott plan to monitor those who are "quarantined" for 14 days?

Worthless - Texas would better use their resources (and limited brain power) for TESTING.
They've set up a border checkpoint on I-95 south at the Florida/Georgia border. They're looking specifically for people traveling from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Unlike those who are arriving by plane, travelers on I-95 only need fill out some forms regarding where they're coming from and where they're staying while they're here in Florida.

Oh, yeah, and the fuckin' thing was backed up for miles yesterday...
The governor's actions are unconstitutional

No they're not.

Freedom of movement has been given to the individual states by the SCOTUS on numerous occasions.

Since the circuit court ruling in Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823), freedom of movement has been judicially recognized as a fundamental Constitutional right. In Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them."[1] However, the Supreme Court did not invest the federal government with the authority to protect freedom of movement. Under the "privileges and immunities" clause, this authority was given to the states, a position the Court held consistently through the years in cases such as Ward v. Maryland, 79 U.S. 418 (1871), the Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873) and United States v. Harris, 106 U.S. 629 (1883).[2][3]

Which means each state has the right to restrict movement as it sees fit.
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For those proclaiming Texas is not doing enough then read the article and starting as of Noon today no one from Louisiana is allowed in unless they are quarantined for fourteen days!

Is that serious enough?
Your link:

"But how aggressively Texas troopers will patrol incoming traffic wasn't immediately clear.

"Hours after Abbott's announcement, traffic both in and out of Texas was freely moving along Interstate 10 near the Sabine River that divides Texas and Louisiana.

"No state troopers were seen patrolling the interstate, although multiple highway electronic signs in both directions warned drivers that 'Personal travel from Louisiana must quarantine.'"

The failure to prepare for and react didn't just start in December when countries around the world failed to respond after COVID-19 left Wuhan

"The failures were actually programmed decades ago as the shared commons of public health were simultaneously neglected and monetized.12

"A country captured by a regimen of individualized, just-in-time epidemiology—an utter contradiction—with barely enough hospital beds and equipment for normal operations, is by definition unable to marshal the resources necessary to pursue a China brand of suppression."

Monthly Review | COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital
Cool - And how exactly does Idiot Abbott plan to monitor those who are "quarantined" for 14 days?

Worthless - Texas would better use their resources (and limited brain power) for TESTING.

You do know Texas is testing people, right?

I am sorry if your government in your State hate you but here is a link for you:

So maybe you should search before commenting...

For those proclaiming Texas is not doing enough then read the article and starting as of Noon today no one from Louisiana is allowed in unless they are quarantined for fourteen days!

Is that serious enough?
Your link:

"But how aggressively Texas troopers will patrol incoming traffic wasn't immediately clear.

"Hours after Abbott's announcement, traffic both in and out of Texas was freely moving along Interstate 10 near the Sabine River that divides Texas and Louisiana.

"No state troopers were seen patrolling the interstate, although multiple highway electronic signs in both directions warned drivers that 'Personal travel from Louisiana must quarantine.'"

The failure to prepare for and react didn't just start in December when countries around the world failed to respond after COVID-19 left Wuhan

"The failures were actually programmed decades ago as the shared commons of public health were simultaneously neglected and monetized.12

"A country captured by a regimen of individualized, just-in-time epidemiology—an utter contradiction—with barely enough hospital beds and equipment for normal operations, is by definition unable to marshal the resources necessary to pursue a China brand of suppression."

Monthly Review | COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

The ban was not implemented until noon our time March 30th 2020.

Need to know this before going " Look, he said it but flow of traffic is the same "...
Cool - And how exactly does Idiot Abbott plan to monitor those who are "quarantined" for 14 days?

Worthless - Texas would better use their resources (and limited brain power) for TESTING.

You do know Texas is testing people, right?

I am sorry if your government in your State hate you but here is a link for you:

So maybe you should search before commenting...

Is this about the "15 minute test" that was claimed earlier? :cool:

And why in God's name would you believe ANYTHING Greg Abbott says?
Cool - And how exactly does Idiot Abbott plan to monitor those who are "quarantined" for 14 days?

Worthless - Texas would better use their resources (and limited brain power) for TESTING.

You do know Texas is testing people, right?

I am sorry if your government in your State hate you but here is a link for you:

So maybe you should search before commenting...

Is this about the "15 minute test" that was claimed earlier? :cool:

And why in God's name would you believe ANYTHING Greg Abbott says?

Well he is more honest than your Chinese Government and people are still be tested here in Texas, so you we caught lying.

Sometimes tests run out and people have to wait.

I know in China and your government no one waited or died...

For those proclaiming Texas is not doing enough then read the article and starting as of Noon today no one from Louisiana is allowed in unless they are quarantined for fourteen days!

Is that serious enough?

From Louisiana? They should be doing that regardless of whether or not there is a pandemic...

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