State Commission sues St Louis to stop election...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Suit filed to avoid public vote on new stadium Sports

ST. LOUIS • The public body that owns and operates the Edward Jones Dome filed suit Friday against the city of St. Louis, seeking to avoid a civic vote on the use of taxpayer money for a new downtown football stadium.

The suit, filed in state court, says a 2002 city ordinance requiring a public vote is “overly broad, vague and ambiguous,” and asks the judge to rule that it either doesn’t apply in this case, conflicts with state statute or is unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, you aren't going to be able to read the article without answering a survey question, so here is the gist of the story...

The St Louis Authority is a public body, full name the St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority. It is a commission created by Missouri Statute "to raise funds for land acquisition and construction of the Dome through the issue of Municipal Bonds."

The city of St. Louis and St. Louis County, have since 1991 paid $6,000,000 (6 million dollars) each to the St Louis Authority, and will continue with those payment through 2021.

In 2002 and 2004 respectively, the city and the county passed laws that required a public vote on any new stadium projects.

St. Louis residents passed the ordinance in 2002 by nearly 10 percentage points — 55 percent to 45 percent. St. Louis County voters approved a similar measure two years later, 72 percent to 28 percent.

The laws — a municipal ordinance in the city and a charter amendment in the county — prohibit any “financial assistance” from the city and county to a professional sports facility without voter approval. They define “financial assistance” broadly, to include tax reduction, tax-increment financing, land preparation, loans, donations, payment of obligations, and the issuance, authorization, or guarantee of bonds.

<see link at top of post>

The Rams contract with the city expired in March 2015...and they want a brand new stadium (whoever negotiated a contract that expired before the stadium was paid of needs a swift kick in the ass, but that's fodder for another post).

Now the government authorized St Louis Authority is suing the city of St Louis to have the public vote ruled non-applicable, in conflicts with state statute or unconstitutional.

Basically, one arm of the government is suing another arm to negate the law, thwart democratic elections, and silence the will of the people.

The St. Louis Authority has five political members appointed by the governor (by law there may be only 3 maximum from one party)...currently, there are three Democrats, one independent and one Republican.

Governor Jay Nixon (D) is on the record against a public vote.

What are your thoughts?
no stadium has ever recovered it's cost, people know this so they will vote against it, thus the bought pols need to sue each other :rofl: to keep a team in the city

honestly, teams should pony out money to build stadiums and pay taxes like the rest of us.

either ticket prices go up and they lose business or paychecks go down to keep jobs.


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