Standing Up To The Little People


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Once again the left shows who they really are. Good for thee but not for me.

There once was a man from Nantucket,
A wealthy Marxist muckety-mucket.
He said. “I love the poor,”
So they moved in next door,
And he angrily told them to suck it.

Nantucket—Joe Biden’s rest home away from rest home—is playground to some of the wealthiest leftist elites in the nation.

Who love the poor.

From a distance.

Nantuckers have sued to block a proposed “low income housing” project on the island that would create “affordable” houses and condos. And if you’re wondering about the scare quotes, it’s because those “hovels” will go for $261,000–$373,000.

Low income indeed. Somebody call the Joads!

Islanders claim that these homes will bring in the rabble. Which suggests that a lifetime on Nantucket warps one’s perception of “rabble buying power.”

Yet believe it or not, that wasn’t last week’s top “out-of-touch leftists” story. Paul Krugman, NY Times columnist, is often called an “economic forecaster.” Except his forecasts always call for Rain Man. Krugman is the kind of tard who not only falls for Indian “Microsoft security” scams, but brags about it online.

Last week Krugman tweeted that, contrary to what right-wingers tell you, inflation is down. Way down.

With one caveat (and this is a real quote): “excluding food energy shelter and used cars.”

Yes, as long as “food, energy, and shelter” aren’t a concern, the economy’s great! So why the long faces, poor people? Vuitton handbag prices have totally stabilized!

When Krugman was asked if any actual necessities have become more affordable, he replied, “Well, the placards I post around my house that remind me to breathe have really come down in price. Without those, Kamala and I would be dead.”

I think we are all aware that the wealthy elite has no interest in the poor except for how they can exploit them for more wealth and power.

That said, Republicans (GWB's base of "The Haves") still have nothing to crow about in this regard either.
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