Stakes in US Mid-Term Election: Peace/Jobs/Natural Family, or War/Poverty/Gene Manip+ ?

Nov 7, 2016
Stakes in US Mid-Term Election: Peace/Jobs/Natural Family, or War/Poverty/Gene Manip+ ?
* These US Mid-Term Elections of 6/11/2018 are much More Important than it seems at first sight, from Many points of view, with 3 main Big Issues at Stake :
- First of all, World Peace is at Stake :

Trump's spectacular 1st Success in tackling the dangerous North Korean Nuclear Bombs' scare problem, in fact, canNot be really Implemented in practice, without a Treaty of Guarantees for PyongYang. Only then could Kim procede in a Full and irreversible DeNuclearisation. But that, as well as a definitive Lifting of Economic Sanctions on Northern Korea, needs the Cooperation of an US Congress and Senate well controlled by Republicans faithfull to US President Don Trump.

On the Contrary, if Dems get hold of US Congress and/or Senate, then, their usual War-mongering (present throughout all the History of Dem. Party) would really Risk to Destroy everything, provoking a Dangerous Mess in a very Delicate Issue.

Already, North Korea has just Warned Nowadays, that an even more prolonged period of Economic Sanctions would Jeopardize everyhing which had been agreed...

+ More can be said, also for the US Relations with Russia, China, etc. Dems' Hysteric Anti-Russian mania, going from "Interference" exagerated Phantasms, up to "3rd WW" War-Mongering, has become Both Ridiculous and Dangerous, needing to Stop.
To put it in a nutshell, whatever one might think about new US President Don Trump's various policies, at least one thing is for Sure : He really looks Eager to broker Peaceful Deals at certain key "Hotspots" in the World, which recently Threatened with Growing Tensions and War-like, Dangerous situations, risking to "Explode" sooner or later, provoking a lot of Sufferings, irreversible Damage, and, perhaps, Huge Regional or even Global Catastrophes :

F.ex., he inherited, from former President Barack Hussein Obama at least 3 such Big Problems : (1) The Nuclear Bombs and Rockets' growing attempts from Northern Korea, which already Upseted Japan, the Pacific Ocean and Hawai, up to Alaska, California, and even Texas' areas. (2) ISIS' Islamist Terrorism in Syria and elsewhere, already cowardly Targetting defenseless Civilian People with Deadly Attacks recently spreading both in Europe and inside the USA. (3) The Ukranian Conflict, which brought Tanks and Military Airplanes bombing, Destroying and Killing even Civilian People in the middle of Europe, for the 1st Time since 2nd World War, provoking a Division that still Risks to engulf the whole Continent in Fire, while also affecting its Economy, but also Dangerously reviving a Global East-West Clash, opposing Russia to the USA, as Back in the "Cold War" era.

But, less than 2 Years Later, unexpectedly, the Korean Nuclear Scare Crisis suddenly Calmed down, and seems on its way of being eventually Solved in the foreseable Future. ISIS was notoriously Cornered, forced to Leave from most Occupied Territories, and struggles to survive. The Ukranian conflict stays "Freezed", (despite some recent incidents, apparently from Kiev's side), waiting for a definitive solution, (perhaps from 2019).

However, for the Solution of the Korean Nuclear Arms' problem, these 11/2018 USA "Mi-Term" Elections are of Crucial Importance, (for the Above-mentioned practical and Urgent reasons).
- Second, but obviously Important, point : Trump has managed to Start Ameliorating the situation of USA's Economy :

Indeed, among others, UnEmployment has Fallen Down to what it had been Back in the ...Sixties ! (i.e. on 1969, with Only 3,7% of Demands). Wages started recently to Grow (including the Last 5 Dates) more than what they were 9 or 10 Years Ago, i.e. before the latest Global Crisis. Stock Markets are reportedly Thriving. And US Growth has already reached +4,2%.

That's even Better than EU's Strongest and Biggest National Economy : that of Germany's. And it could and would become Better, if some Remnants of the Past, Barack Hussein Obama's nominees, had not remained in office, Scandalously attempting to Undermine the New US President Don Trump's work, f.ex by imposing Too High Interest Rates, as a Federal Reseve apointee has recently done several times, contrary to Facilities attributed in the Past to Obama, provoking now heavy Criticism)...

- Last, but not least, even without taking yet any really Spectacular Measure, Trump seems to have now Made the necessary Preparations, allowing him to eventually Start, from Now on, some Interesting Moves on Topical BioEthical Issues, "Burning", until recently, Both in the US and in several EU Countries, often Imposed by Barack Hussein Obama against most People's will, (as, fex., the Controversial and UnPopular "Same Sex Marriage", the "Adoption" of Children by Homosexual couples, or Genetic Manipulations of Human Embros, etc).

First of all, Obama's scandalous Pressure, even on many Foreign Countries, in Europe and accross the World, (including Poor ones, f.ex. in Africa, etc), in order to Impose his "Same Sex Marriage", etc., has Nowadays Stopped.

On the Contrary, some Initial Measures destinated to Protect Christian a.o. People's Religious Beliefs, (most often Critical versus such Deviations), have started to emerge, here or there.

Thus, f.ex., Organisations working with Children, are No more Obliged to Place them in Homosexual Couples against their own Beliefs. SImilarly, mutatis-mutandis, Craftsmen (including, f.ex., Bakers furnishing Original Cakes, etc) are No more Obliged to serve Homosexuals, against their Beliefs, (etc).

>>> But the Most Important, seems to be the Fact that President Trump has recently Succeeded to appoint at least 2 New Judges inside the Supreme Court, after a Long InFight : Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, (as well as a Great Number of Other New Federal Judges) :

=> This can help Shape a Better Case-Law, at least on certain Crucial and Topical BioEthical Issues, Curbing or even Reversing a series of Excessive, Controversial and UnPopular, Rulings previously Imposed during Barack Hussein Obama's era, (as well as to, eventually, take some New, Interesting Decisions)...

F.ex., this might, perhaps, include also the notorious 2015 Ruling which Imposed the recognition of "Same Sex Marriage", between Homosexuals, with Only 1 Vote Difference (sic !), in the Case of "Obergefell v. Hodges", against which strongly fought the late Judge Antonin Scalia, who Curiously was found Dead soon afterwards.

Indeed, in Addition to Scalia's own Legal Criticism, it's also a Fact that, then, around 31 Federated States were in the process of Adopting Popular Referenda, or Laws, Constitutional Reforms, etc, in order to Safeguard Explicily the Traditional Marriage, and the Natural Family, between a Man and a Woman, (which is the Only Able to give way to Natural Births, Contrary to "Same Sex Marriage", which incites Homosexuals to Seek various Artificial Births of Human Beings via several Technologies, that can be Controlled and/or Manipulated by some Shady Technocratic Lobbies, with obvious Dangers for all Humanity). Therefore, a crystal-clear Absolute Majority of American People had Already Expressed, Democraticaly, their Opposition to that Controversial and UnPopular Measure, Imposed by Obama's Cronies, so that it could and should be Easily Changed, with a brand New Judgement by USA's Supreme Court, in the foreseable Future.

+ Moreover, shortly Afterwards (from 2016), it was clearly Revealed that with the New Technology of Gene Editing,"CRISP"+, it has Become Possible, for the 1st Time in History, to Easily Modify, Change and Manipulate, more or less, almost all Human Genome, on Embryos, Before they are born : Given the Obvious Risks for Humanity in case of Abuse of such Gene-Editing Technique, this is an Important "New Fact", which has made that Controversial USA Supreme Court's 2015 Ruling seriously and Dangerously OutDated... So that, Nowadays, an adequate UpDate has become Necessary.

+A fortiori, when, More Recently (2017-2018), even serious Health Risks were reportedly Discovered in the use of that "CRISP" Technology...

For those Pragmatic purposes, aiming to Protect Freedoms, Children and Humanity, there is ab Utapped Potential of many American People Motivated to Vote in order to Protect Natural Family and, therefore, Natural Births, and thus all Humankind, from Risks of Shady Technocratic Lobbies, with shelfish Interests, to eventually Manipulate and Exploit Homosexuals in order to get Control over Massive Artificial Births of Human Beings in the forseable Future, provoking obvious Dangers against Humanity, (given, particularly, the Recent "Boom" of various "Gene-Editing" Techniques, too easy to Abuse in order to Manipulate the Genome of Human Embryos produced Artificially)...


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