How many black kids killed each other this past weekend in Chicago?
Your question will either be ignored, deflected away from, or you will be insulted.

How dare you bring up something that ruins a progtards hysterical fantasy.

That has nothing to do with this thread.
Really so just why is it irrelevant?

People like yourself hope and pray that we screw over a white guy for doing his job,but willfully ignore a much bigger and real problem that is all connected.

You don't care one lick about any black kids,but sure want a pound of flesh from a white cop.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
No, it means you've got nothing to add.

That's the equivalent of talking about unsafe texting and driving compared to how many car accidents happened in New York.
yep texting and driving have nothing to do with care accidents at all.

Who is it that has nothing to add?

It doesn't have to do with all car accidents in general, no.
Yet it's the leading cause of car accidents... which logic dictates it would be a major point of topic.

Are you saying texting is the leading cause of car accidents?
Yes. It is for teens who are unquestionably the vast majority who do it...

Study Texting while driving now leading cause of death for teen drivers - Newsday
Distracted driving is the number one cause and it includes texting among many other things. .

And the right to be stupid.

And to those comparing this to the "black fist" of the U.S. Olympics...don't even go there. This doesn't even BEGIN to compare to that.
One was symbolism of REAL racism - the other is a bunch of idiots thinking they are making a statement.
I just love one of their comments "something needs to be done, no matter what the circumstances were before the shooting, something needs to be done: - now what the f*ck is that supposed to mean??
Does he mean you shouldn't rob a liquor store, then afterwords walk in the middle of the street and challenge a cop to do something about it, then forcibly resist arrest??? - Then I agree.

And the right to be stupid.

And to those comparing this to the "black fist" of the U.S. Olympics...don't even go there. This doesn't even BEGIN to compare to that.
One was symbolism of REAL racism - the other is a bunch of idiots thinking they are making a statement.
I just love one of their comments "something needs to be done, no matter what the circumstances were before the shooting, something needs to be done: - now what the f*ck is that supposed to mean??
Does he mean you shouldn't rob a liquor store, then afterwords walk in the middle of the street and challenge a cop to do something about it, then forcibly resist arrest??? - Then I agree.

The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking.

And this is why there should have been a trial.

And there probably would have been a trial but the prosecutor presented the evidence that you would have expected Wilson's defense attorney to present.
How many black kids killed each other this past weekend in Chicago?
Your question will either be ignored, deflected away from, or you will be insulted.

How dare you bring up something that ruins a progtards hysterical fantasy.

That has nothing to do with this thread.
Really so just why is it irrelevant?

People like yourself hope and pray that we screw over a white guy for doing his job,but willfully ignore a much bigger and real problem that is all connected.

You don't care one lick about any black kids,but sure want a pound of flesh from a white cop.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

And the right to be stupid.

And to those comparing this to the "black fist" of the U.S. Olympics...don't even go there. This doesn't even BEGIN to compare to that.
One was symbolism of REAL racism - the other is a bunch of idiots thinking they are making a statement.
I just love one of their comments "something needs to be done, no matter what the circumstances were before the shooting, something needs to be done: - now what the f*ck is that supposed to mean??
Does he mean you shouldn't rob a liquor store, then afterwords walk in the middle of the street and challenge a cop to do something about it, then forcibly resist arrest??? - Then I agree.

The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking.

And this is why there should have been a trial.

And there probably would have been a trial but the prosecutor presented the evidence that you would have expected Wilson's defense attorney to present.

Does the word story mean anything to you?

You ran with a story as truth,but still choose to ignore the investigations results,you know the not a story part??!!

And the right to be stupid.

And to those comparing this to the "black fist" of the U.S. Olympics...don't even go there. This doesn't even BEGIN to compare to that.
One was symbolism of REAL racism - the other is a bunch of idiots thinking they are making a statement.
I just love one of their comments "something needs to be done, no matter what the circumstances were before the shooting, something needs to be done: - now what the f*ck is that supposed to mean??
Does he mean you shouldn't rob a liquor store, then afterwords walk in the middle of the street and challenge a cop to do something about it, then forcibly resist arrest??? - Then I agree.

The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking.

And this is why there should have been a trial.

And there probably would have been a trial but the prosecutor presented the evidence that you would have expected Wilson's defense attorney to present.

Does the word story mean anything to you?

You ran with a story as truth,but still choose to ignore the investigations results,you know the not a story part??!!

How many black kids killed each other this past weekend in Chicago?
Your question will either be ignored, deflected away from, or you will be insulted.

How dare you bring up something that ruins a progtards hysterical fantasy.

That has nothing to do with this thread.
Really so just why is it irrelevant?

People like yourself hope and pray that we screw over a white guy for doing his job,but willfully ignore a much bigger and real problem that is all connected.

You don't care one lick about any black kids,but sure want a pound of flesh from a white cop.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
Since Mike Brown never put his hands up and said Don't Shoot, the Rams have been asked to apologize.

More than 50% of the witnesses said that he did put his hands up.

What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting PBS NewsHour

  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)
That has nothing to do with this thread.
Really so just why is it irrelevant?

People like yourself hope and pray that we screw over a white guy for doing his job,but willfully ignore a much bigger and real problem that is all connected.

You don't care one lick about any black kids,but sure want a pound of flesh from a white cop.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
For you yep,for rational thinking people,that see the big picture,it is very much connected.
And for the real reason you deny the connection,because facing the hypercritical truth about who how and why is impossible for people like yourself.

This was not a gang related death. There is no evidence that Mike Brown belonged to a gang.

Please stop hijacking this thread.
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Really so just why is it irrelevant?

People like yourself hope and pray that we screw over a white guy for doing his job,but willfully ignore a much bigger and real problem that is all connected.

You don't care one lick about any black kids,but sure want a pound of flesh from a white cop.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
For you yep,for rational thinking people,that see the big picture,it is very much connected.
And for the real reason you deny the connection,because facing the hypercritical truth about who how and why is impossible for people like yourself.

This was not a gang related death. There is no evidence that Mike Brown belonged to a gang.

Please stop hijacking this thread.
Where did i say he was in a gang,I said he acted like a banger
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Who's actions that day caused all the problems?

If MB had acted like a responsible member of our country he would still be alive,its all connected.
You make some huge assumptions,yes racism exists,and its not just whites,if you think it is you have much to learn.
The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?

St. Louis Rams Come Out with 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Salute

While taking the field today to play the Oakland Raiders, several St. Louis Rams players decided to mimic the 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' gesture used by many protesters since the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson in nearby Ferguson, Mo. in August.

Despite winning the game, 52-0, the Rams find themselves at the receiving end of fury from many in the fan base as evidenced by some of the comments posted at their Facebook page. This could be the most significant political statement made at a major sporting event since the 'Black Power' salute at the 1968 Sumner Olympics.

St. Louis Rams Come Out with Hands Up Don t Shoot Salute

I'm now a Rams fan! I think this country now needs an honest debate about police brutality, especially against black men and women.

Go Rams!

You don't want honest debate. You've proven that. All you want is for white people to shut up and be told how bad they are.

Notice what the five have in common. Not surprised. Seems those players didn't get the word that thug Michael didn't have his hands up.

There were quite a few witnesses saying Brown did have his hands up. Then there's that video showing the response from others about how he had his hands up and was surrendering.

Quite a few people think the Moon landing was faked. So what? The forensic evidence PROVED his hands were not up. It's time we stopped catering to morons.

Yes, is there any way we can see that forensics report? I had heard somewhere but cant substantiate that brown was struck several times in the arm by bullets which was why he did not go down. Was he struck under the arm as a man raising his hands? or in the top of the arm as your hands are down?

The other thing is , if he wwas shot in the chest with his hands up, it could be proved in forensics. Laying on the autopsy table, they could raise and lower his arms, seeing how the bullets entered through the muscle mass. With a muscular guy like Brown it should be pretty clear the positions of his arms. If he was shot in the rib cage that is. Even th eangle of entry could be telling if Brown had his body in a running position.
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.

Darren Wilson came from a police department that had been gutted due to rampant racism, and it was right next door to Ferguson.

Darren Wilson 8217 s former police force was disbanded for excessive force and corruption -
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Why do you think the tension between cops and black communities exist?.
The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?

The NFL player is clearly voicing concern over excessive force and police brutality.

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