The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?
What "something needs to be done" means is an improvement in the relationship between the black community and the police force that serves them.

I think they should all wear body cams and have cameras in every police car.
What "something needs to be done" means is an improvement in the relationship between the black community and the police force that serves them.

Oh I seriously doubt they meant that at all.
And if they did - great! But it goes both ways.
The best advice - A L W A Y S - when getting pulled over, questioned by the police etc. is to be respectful and not run, or shove them against a car, or take a swing at them etc. etc. etc...that is NEVER the answer.
But we are not hearing anything about that are we?
No. We are not.
AGAIN, gang violence is irrelevant to this thread.

And why is that?
Why care about "police brutality"?
Because you think people die? So the death of these young blacks is your primary focus? If so then why on earth would you not care that literally 1000 times as many blacks die from the hands of each other than cops. ANNNND overwhelmingly the cop shootings are legitimate while N O N E of the black on black murders are.
You realize how asinine this is?
Your question is asinine. No one is ignoring inner city violence, which is drug and gang related. People do care, and have been trying to solve the problem for decades. But it is a completely different matter from police brutality.

What happens because of gangs is that whites then stereotype all blacks into this idea of gangs and drugs and welfare. They stereotype them and assume all blacks are like that. The posters on this board have claimed both Travon Martin and Micheal Brown were nothing but thugs who deserved to die, not so much for what they were or had done but that the whites believed they would become criminals and it was better to just get rid of them before that happened.

The facts are that it is a minority of blacks who are involved in gangs and drugs, and they are mostly young people. There is a strong black middle class in the country, but certain whites paint them with the same brush, believing all blacks are criminals, doing or selling drugs, lowly , second class people. That's the problem. It is a myth. It is a sterotype. And it causes a negative atmosphere to occur between a city and it's police force.

That is the bottom line problem here. If there was mutual trust, respect, and liking between the police force and the citizens of Ferguson, the tragedy would not have happened.
Since Mike Brown never put his hands up and said Don't Shoot, the Rams have been asked to apologize.


  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)
What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting PBS NewsHour

But somehow, those 50% did not make it into the Grand Jury's deliberations. Instead, the one single witness who claimed the opposite, the one who has an unbelievably racist blog and even reminded herself that she would have to get used to not saying the word "******" - this blogger was more trusted by the Grand Jury.

Go figure.
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.

Darren Wilson came from a police department that had been gutted due to rampant racism, and it was right next door to Ferguson.

Darren Wilson 8217 s former police force was disbanded for excessive force and corruption -
But that's not what happened,you do understand his actions were justified.
No, his actions were not justified. From the very beginning, his actions were incorrect and inappropriate; had they been correct, no one would have died.
The GJ disagrees ,you don't get to make those calls,you do understand that right?
So MB had nothing to do with what went down?
AGAIN, gang violence is irrelevant to this thread.

And why is that?
Why care about "police brutality"?
Because you think people die? So the death of these young blacks is your primary focus? If so then why on earth would you not care that literally 1000 times as many blacks die from the hands of each other than cops. ANNNND overwhelmingly the cop shootings are legitimate while N O N E of the black on black murders are.
You realize how asinine this is?
Your question is asinine. No one is ignoring inner city violence which is drug and gang related. People do care, and have been trying to solve the problem for decades. But it is a completely different matter from police brutality. What happens because of gangs is that whites then stereotype all blacks into this idea of gangs and drugs and welfare. They stereotype them and assume all blacks are like that. The posters on this thread have claimed both Travon Martin and Micheal Brown were nothing but thugs who deserved to die, not so much for what they were or had done but that the whites believed they would become criminals and it was better to just get rid of them before that happened. The facts are that it is a minority of blacks who are involved in gangs and drugs, and they are mostly young people. There is a strong black middle class in the country, but certain whites tar them with the same brush, believing all blacks are criminals, doing or selling drugs, lowly , second class people. That's the problem. It is a myth. It is a sterotype. And it causes a negative atmosphere to occur between a city and it's police force. That is the bottom line problem here. If there was mutual trust and liking between the police force and the citizens of Ferguson, the tragedy would not have happened.

It is not a myth.
There are incredible and widespread problems in the urban black culture. And I am not talking about gangs and drugs.
Black on black death is waaaay beyond just gang related.
Way beyond.
70% born without a father living with them.
In urban areas as high as 60% high school drop out rates. 6 out of 10!!!!
An amoral culture that glorifies and reveres bad behavior.
It is a tremendous problem.
Since Mike Brown never put his hands up and said Don't Shoot, the Rams have been asked to apologize.


  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)
What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting PBS NewsHour

But somehow, those 50% did not make it into the Grand Jury's deliberations. Instead, the one single witness who claimed the opposite, the one who has an unbelievably racist blog and even reminded herself that she would have to get used to not saying the word "******" - this blogger was more trusted by the Grand Jury.

Go figure.

The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?
What "something needs to be done" means is an improvement in the relationship between the black community and the police force that serves them.
Do you think the balck communities have their own work to do ? Do you deny that the lopsided crime rates in black communities have anything to do with the cop/communities relationship?
Yet it's the leading cause of car accidents... which logic dictates it would be a major point of topic.

Are you saying texting is the leading cause of car accidents?
Yes. It is for teens who are unquestionably the vast majority who do it...

Study Texting while driving now leading cause of death for teen drivers - Newsday
Distracted driving is the number one cause and it includes texting among many other things. .
Reported. You are off topic and trying to derail the thread.

Thank you. I don't know why they are having such a hard time staying on topic.
We are its you that doesn't want to look at more than just what you think,that's how a discussion is carried out,its not a one sided thing,but for you it is.

Crime rates in places like firgeson and Chicago are a symptoms of a much bigger problem simply put it has a very negative affect on how police look at those places.
Gang violence and drug related violence are a completely different subject. A red herring in this discussion and completely off topic.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
For you yep,for rational thinking people,that see the big picture,it is very much connected.
And for the real reason you deny the connection,because facing the hypercritical truth about who how and why is impossible for people like yourself.

This was not a gang related death. There is no evidence that Mike Brown belonged to a gang.

Please stop hijacking this thread.
Where did i say he was in a gang,I said he acted like a banger
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Who's actions that day caused all the problems?

If MB had acted like a responsible member of our country he would still be alive,its all connected.
You make some huge assumptions,yes racism exists,and its not just whites,if you think it is you have much to learn.

acting like something means absolutely nothing.
So just how is off topic,if MB hadn't acted like a banger he would still be walking this earth.
What you people chose to ignore is the base of the problem.

Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
For you yep,for rational thinking people,that see the big picture,it is very much connected.
And for the real reason you deny the connection,because facing the hypercritical truth about who how and why is impossible for people like yourself.

This was not a gang related death. There is no evidence that Mike Brown belonged to a gang.

Please stop hijacking this thread.
Where did i say he was in a gang,I said he acted like a banger
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Who's actions that day caused all the problems?

If MB had acted like a responsible member of our country he would still be alive,its all connected.
You make some huge assumptions,yes racism exists,and its not just whites,if you think it is you have much to learn.

acting like something means absolutely nothing.
?? what? you mean like violence in other communities are not connected to an overall problem,you mean like that?
The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?
What "something needs to be done" means is an improvement in the relationship between the black community and the police force that serves them.

I think they should all wear body cams and have cameras in every police car.

It would definitely be to the advantage of good cops and would rule out a lot of ambiguity.
The original story was that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery. Wilson stopped the two for jaywalking

My point being the NFL player said "no matter what led up to the shooting, something needs to be done".
The point is the same, what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Is he advocating cops do not carry guns?
Or is his statement about the REAL problem...urban black culture of high crime/violence?
What "something needs to be done" means is an improvement in the relationship between the black community and the police force that serves them.

I think they should all wear body cams and have cameras in every police car.

It would definitely be to the advantage of good cops and would rule out a lot of ambiguity.

Exactly! And if they can afford military tanks, they can afford cheap body cams.




Gang crime in Chicago has nothing to do with this case.
For you yep,for rational thinking people,that see the big picture,it is very much connected.
And for the real reason you deny the connection,because facing the hypercritical truth about who how and why is impossible for people like yourself.

This was not a gang related death. There is no evidence that Mike Brown belonged to a gang.

Please stop hijacking this thread.
Where did i say he was in a gang,I said he acted like a banger
The issue here is relations between black communities and law enforcement. It is not about violence among gang members and not about drug violence.

It is the lack of a good working relationship between the community they serve and the police. Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. If it were the other way around, a 60 % white community with a 94% black police force, and if a black cop shot a white kid, you folks would be singing a different tune.

What you refuse to accept is that racism still exists and it is a serious problem. You aren't black, so you don't know.
Who's actions that day caused all the problems?

If MB had acted like a responsible member of our country he would still be alive,its all connected.
You make some huge assumptions,yes racism exists,and its not just whites,if you think it is you have much to learn.

acting like something means absolutely nothing.
?? what? you mean like violence in other communities are not connected to an overall problem,you mean like that?

You missed the point entirely. You wrote:

"I said he acted like a banger".

Which is your opinion, not fact, and also not relevant to the case at all.
People on this thread who are claiming that there is a bigger problem out there, imo, are right, very right.

The extreme militarization of our law enforcement agencies and very obvious racial frictions are making it hard for some cops to even come close to doing their job right, even if they wanted to. I am assuming, for the purpose of argument, that all cops want to do their jobs correctly and well. But the recent spate of incidents in the last 4-5 years kind of shoots a big hole in that assumption.
I'm going to ask one more time that you try to focus and stay on topic.

Thank you.

You mean the topic as you define it. I define it differently.

The topic is what's in the title and the OP.

Thank you.

I agree, and I am 100% on topic.
You cannot just choose one side of the issue and say "that is all we talk about".
It would be a complete waste of time to talk about the issue while dismissing Brown's actions that led up to it, as well as Wilson.
Holding up their hands is the call sign for those who CHOOSE to ignore all of Browns actions, IGNORE all of the facts and PRETEND that this is "police brutality".
That is absurd.

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