Pretty good. I would add that no one gets within 20 yards of a school building without being processed.

Make it a gated community.
Great idea. You think they might get enough money to buy books too? The last several years of right wingers cutting school funding every chance they get might make it hard to pay a full time armed guard.
just move the already being paid guards and already paid for metal detectors from the SS office, DHS, courthouse, DMV to the schools. The govt workers can carry their own guns, the kids cannot. Give any willing teacher the same gun training, defensive law training and psych tests that your local cops get. If you dont fear the cop having a gun, why fear the teacher having one, eh? If you dont trust the teacher to have a gun, WHY are you letting him teach your kid?
just move the already being paid guards and already paid for metal detectors from the SS office, DHS, courthouse, DMV to the schools. The govt workers can carry their own guns, the kids cannot. Give any willing teacher the same gun training, defensive law training and psych tests that your local cops get. If you dont fear the cop having a gun, why fear the teacher having one, eh? If you dont trust the teacher to have a gun, WHY are you letting him teach your kid?

Teaching Johnny to read takes a completely different skill set than engaging in armed combat. You don't get that?
I get it that you dont gaf what sort of pos is brainwashing your kid. They should be long past learning to read by 3rd grade, so wtf is your pos teacher doing for the next 9 years, eh?
I get it that you dont gaf what sort of pos is brainwashing your kid. They should be long past learning to read by 3rd grade, so wtf is your pos teacher doing for the next 9 years, eh?

There is also a question of whether the teacher is capable of handling the gun and responding to the violence. I know numerous older women who are excellent teachers, but lack the ability to handle a violent encounter. Many of them would refuse.
Comments from a local Gun Range owner:

Finally Doing Something?

Comment welcome
Here’s a comment: The gun nut father of this murderous kid, a “responsible gun owner,” left his guns where they were readily available for his son or any other murderer to get their hands on them. But nothing will happen to him because of the absolute carelessness with which this country views guns.
I never said arm them all. The fact is that most cops are almost completely incapable of handling a gun armed attacker, too, much less one armed with an autorifle, wearing armor, etc. But having several pistol packers known to actually always BE at each school is probably going to have a suppressive effect on the pos glory hunters. They will know that they'll probably be getting shot-at within seconds of their being detected, instead of having several minutes of free roaming, doing all the harm that they can, before the cowardly cops can set up a perimeter and wait for the shooter to run out of ammo.
I never said arm them all. The fact is that most cops are almost completely incapable of handling a gun armed attacker, too, much less one armed with an autorifle, wearing armor, etc. But having several pistol packers known to actually always BE at each school is probably going to have a suppressive effect on the pos glory hunters. They will know that they'll probably be getting shot-at within seconds of their being detected, instead of having several minutes of free roaming, doing all the harm that they can, before the cowardly cops can set up a perimeter and wait for the shooter to run out of ammo.

I don't care if the shooter is wearing fatigues, carrying an AR15 and yelling that he wants to KILL! Most teachers will not fire until after the shooter does. Most are not wired for preemptive action.

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