sralins NKVD sold The Jews to Hitlers Gestapo and cooperated closely even before sovet -nazi Pact


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
i Just wonder what the sralinists here will say about it ...

"Perhaps the only thing that outrages Russian defenders of sralin more than the obvious parallels between his regime and Hitler’s is any reference to the alliance the two dictators formed in 1939 with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, one that opened the way to war in Europe and lasted until Hitler turned on his former ally in June 1941.

But now there may be something even more offensive to such defenders of Stalin and his system: the discovery of documents which confirm that Stalin’s NKVD cooperated closely with the Gestapo well before the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed and that may have paved the way to its signature.

Dmitry Volchek of Radio Svoboda reports that documents recently released from the archives of the KGB offices in Ukraine show that “the NKVD handed over to the Gestapo refugees from Germany who had hoped to find in the USSR salvation from Hitler.”

Beginning well before 1939 and continuing right up to the German invasion, the Soviet secret police sent “hundreds” of refugees to their imprisonment, torture and in many cases death at the hands of the Gestapo. At first, it involved mostly German citizens; but later, this “cooperation” expanded to include others as well."

Stalin’s NKVD and Hitler’s Gestapo cooperated closely even before Molotov-Ribbentrop PactEuromaidan Press |


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