
  1. Litwin

    Leningradets Died Not from the German Blockade but from Marxist - Stalinist Failure to Send Food, Solonin Says

    Leningradets Died Not from the German Blockade but from Marxist - Stalinist Failure to Send Food, Solonin Says " ā€œthe cause of the famine which carried off hundreds of thousands of human lives was not ā€˜the blockadeā€™ and the absence of transport communications, but the absence of supplies...
  2. Litwin

    Terrible news for commie dogs "Slovakia: Commie Party of Czechoslovakia was a criminal organization" great news to all free Men ! we are getting clos

    Terrible news for commie dogs "Slovakia: Commie Party of Czechoslovakia was a criminal organization" great news to all free Men ! we are getting closer and closer to Nuremberg N2 , this time commie pigs will pay " In Slovakia, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia is recognized as a criminal...
  3. Litwin

    Pictures from the book ā€œDrawings from the GULAGā€ by Danzig Baldaev, a retired Soviet prison guard. Depictions of the Soviet genocide.

    so guys, is it possible to make a Hollywood film about real GULAG? +18 horror classification will be not enough . whats wrong with "russians"? i know they are barbaric mongols but still .... Stalin Is More Popular Than Ever in Russia, Survey Shows ... www.usnews.com ā€ŗ News ā€ŗ Best Countries...
  4. Litwin

    Solzhenitsyn winner of Nobel Prize in Literature. "Stalin was worse than Hitler. Hitler exterminated other peoples. Stalin killed his own" what do you

    A. Solzhenitsyn winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. "Stalin (Koba) was worse than Hitler. Hitler exterminated other peoples. Stalin killed his own" what do you think about these Solzhenitsyn Ā“s words ? Kurapaty - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ Kurapaty Kurapaty (Belarusian...
  5. Litwin

    Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzŠµ Djugashvili pet names: Koba, Soselo, Stalin

    I found an interesting post , so what do you think? "Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzŠµ Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc. Hitler could not: repress - 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army - 120 academicians of the USSR -...
  6. Litwin

    Will Stalin invade India? And what about the West Indies? - WW2

    more of kobaĀ“s madness :
  7. Litwin

    Historian Mark Solonin : Koba (sralin) and his USSA Marxist empire prepared attack on Germany, clear

    Historian Mark Solonin : Koba (sralin) and his USSA Marxist empire prepared attack on Germany, clear evidence "... and out of pity I pay." Well, you remember this joke. So now I am in the same disheveled feelings. My opponent re-takes the position of a ā€œwhipping boyā€. Moreover, the whipping...
  8. Litwin

    Muscovy "The perfume that's meant to smell of terror. Video

    a perfume store in a historic building with a terrible past. Is not OK its OK Muscovy "The perfume that's meant to smell of terror. Video 27 February 2020| How would you like a perfume that smelt of terror? A team in Moscow has created the putrid scent, in a protest against plans for a...
  9. Litwin

    Sralin sent KGB agents to Hollywood to kill J. Wayne because of his anti-communist beliefs

    the story for a huge blockbuster, do you agree? Sralin sent KGB agents to Hollywood to kill J. Wayne because of his anti-communist beliefs The abused son of a poor, alcoholic Georgian cobbler, Josef Vissarionovich Djughashvili (the future Stalin) was one of the historyā€™s most prolific...
  10. Litwin

    Why Americans donĀ“t know from the schools creator of gas chambers NKVD officer Isai Davidovich Berg?

    Why Americans donĀ“t know from the schools creator of gas chambers NKVD officer Isai Davidovich Berg? " Berg is credited with the creation of mobile gas chambers for an NKVD officer. The "gas chambers" traveled around Moscow, hiding a terrible burden - people sentenced to death. Isai...
  11. Litwin

    Nazinsky: Stalinistā€™s Marxist Cannibal Island. did you know about this story before ?

    Nazinsky: Stalinistā€™s Marxist Cannibal Island one more story for Hollywood horror film , did you know about this story before ?
  12. Litwin

    Croatian Catholic Josip Tito to Maskal mountain bandit Lenist Koba Dzhugashvi "Stop sending people t

    "Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle... If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."
  13. Litwin

    Operation Pike strategic bombing plan against the USSR by the Anglo-French alliance, during the firs

    could it stop KobaĀ“s hordes from invading a Europe? Operation Pike strategic bombing plan against the USSR by the Anglo-French alliance, during the first two years of the WW2, when Naziā€“Soviet pact made Moscow the ally of Hitler. plan was designed to destroy the Soviet oil industry, to cause...
  14. Litwin

    "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General Patton

    General Patton was only partly right, both barbarian , totalitarian, cannibals Ā“d be hunted down, but west Ā“d take koba first (as the bigger and more dangerous butcher) . what do you think about PattonĀ“s words? "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General...
  15. Litwin

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people ā€” roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people ā€” roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis. I just wonder what StalinistsĀ“ whitewashers will say about this fact ... "The 20th century was "red" indeed ā€” red with the blood of communism's victims. The death toll of communism, cited in "The...
  16. Litwin

    NKVD prisoner massacres

    When Muscovite commie will pay ? very unknown " The NKVD prisoner massacres were a series of mass executions of political prisoners carried out by the NKVD, the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union, across Eastern Europe, primarily Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states...
  17. Litwin

    The Forsaken Chained ghosts: Americans in Stalin's gulags

    why we dont make films don't write popular books about Americans in Stalin's GULAGs? is it still TABOO in western intellectual circles? The Forsaken Chained ghosts: Americans in Stalin's gulags - Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk ā€ŗ culture ā€ŗ books ā€ŗ non_fictionreviews ā€ŗ The-F... The...
  18. Litwin

    Operation Unthinkable (Western crusade against satanic - Stalinists ) was not executed ?

    Operation Unthinkable (Western crusade against satanic - Sralinist ) was not executed ? " Operation Unthinkable was a code name of two related, unrealised plans by the Western Allies against the Soviet Union. They were ordered by British prime minister Winston Churchill in 1945 and developed...
  19. Litwin

    sralins NKVD sold The Jews to Hitlers Gestapo and cooperated closely even before sovet -nazi Pact

    i Just wonder what the sralinists here will say about it ... "Perhaps the only thing that outrages Russian defenders of sralin more than the obvious parallels between his regime and Hitlerā€™s is any reference to the alliance the two dictators formed in 1939 with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, one...
  20. Litwin

    Who Started World War II, the answer is clear USSR (commies ) - Koba with occupation of BPR, UPR, Ge

    Who Started World War II, the answer is clear USSR and Koba with occupation of BPR, UPR, Georgia , Baltic states , etc. Why is so few people today know these facts ? Ukrainianā€“Soviet War - Wikipedia Red Army invasion of Georgia - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ...
  21. Litwin

    Bulgaria condemns "ruSSian" exhibit lauding WW2 'liberation' of Eastern Europe

    Great move from Bulgarian state, only barbarian Asiatic Maskali or Marxist- stalinists can call stalinist occupation of eastern - central Europe for 'liberation'.... "Bulgaria condemns "russian" exhibit lauding WW2 'liberation' of Eastern Europe" Bulgaria condemns Russian exhibit lauding WW2...
  22. Litwin

    Koba - sralin sold the Jews to GESTAPO (USSR and Nazis were allies )

    Koba - sralin sold the Jews to GESTAPO (USSR and Nazis were allies ) . whats funny here, that 99% Muscovite don't want to know about it , they believe that WW2 stated in 1941 " Stalinā€™s NKVD and Hitlerā€™s Gestapo cooperated closely even before Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 2019/01/13 - 12:42 ā€¢...
  23. Litwin

    Koba (stalin) killed more Ukrainians than Hitler killed Jews, says USA congressman

    Rep. Michael McCaul is right actually, why so is few people in the world know it ? and why Muscovite empire (USSR successor) does not pay computations to Ukrainians? " A Texas congressman compared the Holocaust to a man-made famine that decimated the Soviet Ukraine in the early 1930s...
  24. Litwin

    Conflict scenarios with Muscovy "russia" and Han - China

    which empire we Ā“d take down first ? i vote for " Nigeria in snow "
  25. Litwin

    'Sex With Stalin' BDSM Game Enrages Russian Communists

    "Enrages Russian Communists" WHY ? 'Sex With Stalin' BDSM Game Enrages Russian Communists - The Moscow Times
  26. Litwin

    WW2 poster, story behind? Who and when it was made ?

    WW2 poster, story behind? Who and when it was made ? the city under bombs is London (Cyrillic letters )
  27. Litwin

    Lenin's Jewish roots confirmed. why Muscovite commies hided this information?

    why Muscovite commies propagandacondoms hided this information? " Lenin's eldest sister, Anna Ulyanova, saying that their maternal grandfather was a Ukrainian Jew who converted to Christianity to escape the Pale of Settlement and gain access to higher education. "He came from a poor Jewish...
  28. Litwin

    Ukrainian Insurgent Army was only only one institute which fought both despots Hitler and Koba (stal

    Ukrainian Insurgent Army was only only one institute which fought both despots Hitler and Koba (stalin) Dzhugashvili
  29. Litwin

    Stalin (Koba) More Popular Than Putin, "Russians " Say

    Whats wrong with Muscovites? Stalin More Popular Than Putin, "Russians " Say Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin has been voted the most ā€œoutstandingā€ figure in Russiaā€™s history, beating the countryā€™s most beloved poet, Alexander Pushkin, and current Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The poll, by...
  30. Litwin

    Testament of dictator Joseph Dzhugashvili (nicknames : koba, butcher, stalin) why Dzhugasvili hated

    Testament of dictator Joseph Dzhugashvili (nicknames : koba, butcher, stalin) why Dzhugasvili hated the Jews so much? is this Testament real, or a fake? why Muscovite promote it so much nowadays? " Testament of Stalin (draft fragments) ... After my death, a lot of garbage will be applied to...
  31. Litwin

    Stalin'sĀ“s attacks on the Soviet Jews why Koba prosecuted and killed so many Jews in 50Ā“s ?

    Stalin'sĀ“s attacks on the Soviet Jews why Koba prosecuted and killed so many Jews in 50Ā“s ? In this series "Executioners in epaulets in the USSR" will go on a story about the ruthless repression and the Zionist conspiracy against Stalin, written by Abakumov himself ... In the early 50's...
  32. Litwin

    Muscovy ("russia") : a Picture or Video , Whats going on ?

    Muscovy ("russia") : a Picture or Video , Whats going on ? lets start with this picture, any ideas? look like a group of schizophrenics or ?
  33. Litwin

    A new film about reporter Gareth Jones who exposed StalinĀ“s and "ruSSian" lies about Holodomor

    A new film about reporter Gareth Jones who exposed StalinĀ“s and "ruSSian" lies about Holodomor "Mr Jones, set in 1933, is the story of a Welsh journalist who exposed the Holodomor, a famine caused by Stalinā€™s agricultural policies in which up to 10 million people died. Jones was accused of...
  34. Litwin

    PutlerĀ“s empire, is it product of commie USSR or VlasovĀ“s "russia" ?

    PutlerĀ“s empire, is it product of commie USSR or VlasovĀ“s "russia" ? my answer and all real experts answer is PutlerĀ“s "russian" empire, is product of VlasovĀ“s "russia" my links : " The committee's stated goals were "The overthrow of Stalin's tyranny, the liberation of the peoples of Russia...
  35. Litwin

    Repatriation (to GULAG & Death) of Cossacks and ethnic "Russians" and Ukrainians after World War II

    not much like Cossacks and ethnic "Russians" but was it a war crime? " The Repatriation of Cossacks happened when Cossacks and ethnic Russians and Ukrainians who were against the Soviet Union were handed over by the British forces to the USSR after the Second World War. The repatriations...
  36. Litwin

    USSR ("ruSSian") antisemitic propaganda posters 1917-1991

    USSR ("ruSSian") antisemitic propaganda posters
  37. Litwin

    The Most Evil Men in History Ivan the Terrible, Muscovite great khan (czar)

    The Most Evil Men in History Ivan the Terrible, Muscovite great khan (czar) coward sodomite and kobaĀ“s role model Ivashka the terrible has had multiply mental diseases, clinical paranoia is just one of many, which else did he have ? any specialist is here?
  38. Litwin

    The Nakam group intended to kill 6 million Germans ā€“ as many as the Jews who were murdered in the

    "The Nokmim (Hebrew: הנוקמיםā€Ž), also referred to as The Avengers or the Jewish Avengers, were a Jewish partisan militia, formed by Abba Kovner and his lieutenants Vitka Kempner and Rozka Korczak from the surviving remnants of the United Partisan Organization (Fareynikte Partizaner Organizatsye)...
  39. Litwin

    Can 'voluntary colonialism' stop migration from Africa to Europe? (USA/EU, build and run cities in

    hell yes, what do you think, will dirty, bloody commies allow this breathtaking project ? " The European Union, or a body like the World Bank, should build and run cities in Africa in order to boost job creation and development on the continent, Germany's Minister for Africa, Gunter Nooke...
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