Squad Congresswoman opposes US sending weapons to Ukraine

would interpret God's words

Those are not "God's" words, everything in the BiBULL was written by

JEW HUMANS - who do not believe any of it, since it was written to con unchosen idiots into serving JEWS....

Until you figure that out, you are LOST....
the stars are the size of figs

Then explain to us how stars, plural, would all fall to Earth....

Hint - smallest known star = 10 times the size of Jupiter

See the source image
Those are not "God's" words, everything in the BiBULL was written by

JEW HUMANS - who do not believe any of it, since it was written to con unchosen idiots into serving JEWS....

Until you figure that out, you are LOST....
You are the lost one. You have sold your soul to Hell. The only way to get it back is to believe in the one and true living God who loves you, left His heavenly power and throne to become human, suffer, toil, live, be falsely accused and crucified as an innocent sacrifice for you. He did it willingly.

No other god, all of them false by the way, has ever chosen to die for mankind, all other gods ask you to die for them.

Christ suffered and died, descended in to Hell to defeat Death and Hell, and then was resurrected triumphantly because Death could not hold Him, and because He was Blameless and being both God and Man in that instant was able to pay the price for all mankind who would accept that payment for salvation and reconciliation back to The Father.

So you either choose the gift and be accepted back in to the loving arms of The Father through Jesus Christ, or you reject God, and go where all the other God haters have to be placed.
You have sold your soul to Hell.


What was the price?


Christ suffered and died,

... because he was a TOTAL FRAUD who bilked 5000 morons out of "everything," took their money down to the brothel, treated his "followers" like slaves, and then RAN OUT OF MONEY AND FOOD and got ratted out....

This guy had a FAIR and OPEN TRIAL.

Those who wanted him crucified were HIS FOLLOWERS who were BILKED OUT OF EVERYTHING for being JUST AS DUMB AS YOU ARE....
Then explain to us how stars, plural, would all fall to Earth....

Hint - smallest known star = 10 times the size of Jupiter

See the source image
Because you are either an idiot and do not understand what John was trying to describe in his vision, or you are intentionally being dense and intentionally trying to misinterpret God's Word.

Or have you never seen a "shooting star" before?

Like I said, God haters, do not want to be accountable to God. They know God's Word is true, but they think in their twisted minds that if they just close their eyes and pretend God is not real, and his Word is not real, that God will just go away.

Sorry, He won't, and you will have to face Him one way or another.

Which line you are standing in when you do that is your choice.

What was the price?


... because he was a TOTAL FRAUD who bilked 5000 morons out of "everything," took their money down to the brothel, treated his "followers" like slaves, and then RAN OUT OF MONEY AND FOOD and got ratted out....

This guy had a FAIR and OPEN TRIAL.

Those who wanted him crucified were HIS FOLLOWERS who were BILKED OUT OF EVERYTHING for being JUST AS DUMB AS YOU ARE....
Sure, Satan, whatever helps you sleep at night with your sins.

You are like a drowning man who refuses a life line thrown to him because your pride will not allow you to be rescued by someone else.

Only a fool would live like that, and die like that.
Sure, Satan, whatever helps you sleep at night with your sins.

You are like a drowning man who refuses a life line thrown to him because your pride will not allow you to be rescued by someone else.

Only a fool would live like that, and die like that.

There are two versions of Jesus. The New T and what Jews say.

All Jews say the same thing - what I just posted above....

Who voted for Barabbas?

Who hated this guy and why?

The BiBULL does not answer those questions. The BiBULL is full of shit and everyone with an IQ over 5 knows it...
I see, an IQ under 5 you have....

When will Jesus float down from the clouds??

Is this a 757 flying in at 600mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground??

Are you always this stupid or were you recently the victim of a blood clot on the brain?
There are two versions of Jesus. The New T and what Jews say.

All Jews say the same thing - what I just posted above....

Who voted for Barabbas?

Who hated this guy and why?

The BiBULL does not answer those questions. The BiBULL is full of shit and everyone with an IQ over 5 knows it...
Jesus is all through The Old Testament. The entire Bible is about Jesus from cover to cover.

Old Testament Prophecy said that The Jews would reject Jesus and that this must occur for Him to become Messiah Ben Joseph (the suffering messiah). That is completely scriptural and can be found all through The Old Testament.

Jesus comes first as Messiah Ben Joseph (the suffering messiah)
He returns as Messiah Ben David (the victorious messiah)

During The Tribulation The Earth's Population is reduced by 70%. The AntiChrist who The Jews are deceived in to believing he is The Messiah, turns on The Jews and kills 2/3rds of all Jews on Earth.

Near The End of The Tribulation while Armageddon is raging, The AntiChrist corners the last 1/3rd of Jews on Earth, and as it looks as though they are finally about to be annihilated once and for all, they cry out to Messiah.

They come to believe in Jesus and that He was The Messiah and take a gamble. It's their last hope as they feel God has forsaken them. As The AntiChrist and his armies move in for the kill, Jesus appears and wins Armageddon, and saves the remaining Jews.

It is only during The Tribulation that The Jews finally realize that They Crucified their Messiah.

They look upon Him whom they pierced and mourn for Him like one mourns for an only Son.
Zechariah 12:10, John 19:37

Then they ask Him what are these wounds in thy hands, and Jesus replies, "They were given me in the house of my friends."
Zechariah 13:6

Then all of Israel that remains falls to their knees and worships The Returning Triumphant Messiah. The Resurrected Christ. God The Son.

Jesus then restores The Earth like The Garden of Eden, and His followers enjoy his reign for 1,000 years before the final judgment and one last rebellion and the beginning of eternity.
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My reaction is: well if that bitch says we shouldn’t do it, it’s a sure sign that it would be the right thing TO do.

They are not spreading Russian propaganda like Tucker Carlson and other members of the far right. Nor are they cheering Putin.
They are not spreading Russian propaganda like Tucker Carlson and other members of the far right. Nor are they cheering Putin.
I’ve seen plenty of Russian propaganda right here at USMB. I see almost nobody supporting Putin other than SunniBoi.

But hey: what you cheer in private is your business, I guess, no matter how disgusting you may be. Personally, I hope Putin dies a painful death as soon as possible.

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